I don"t like what you are saying.我不喜欢你说的话. 查看更多



I don"t remember when and where I _____ this umbrella.

  A.buy  B.have bought   C.will buy   D.bought


 I don"t remember when and where I _____ this umbrella.

  A.buy  B.have bought   C.will buy   D.bought


"Tom? Are you in bed yet?" called Mrs White. There was no answer. Mrs White put down her book and went to her 14-year-old son's room. Tom was sitting in front of a bright computer screen on which a colourful dragon jumped and shouted.

     "Oh, Tom! You're still playing on that computer. You must stop now. It's half past eleven. If you don't go to bed soon, you'll be very tired tomorrow," said Mrs White.

     "But I've nearly beaten the dragon," said Tom. Mrs White could see the excitement on her son's face. She sat down beside him.

     "You are always playing on that computer. You spend more time with this machine than with your family," she said with a smile. "What's special about it? Show me what it can do!"

     "I think this is a great computer, Mum!" he said happily. "The hardware (硬件) is good. There's so much memory and it has some wonderful software programs. This game, 'Dragon Player', is my favourite, but I sometimes borrow games from Daniel and other friends. I don't have to worry about any infected(感染) disks because I have a virus(病毒) detector (探测器) which can go over any disk and check it for viruses. Let me show you!" Tom began tapping. The screen changed in answer to his orders.

    "Oh, Tom," laughed Mrs White. "I'm sure it's a wonderful computer, but I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about."

1.When Mrs White was calling Tom, he was ______.

    A. playing computer games in' his bedroom      B. playing with a dragon in his bedroom

    C. playing "Dragon Player" in the study         D. lying in bed reading a book

2. Tom was excited because ______.

    A. the computer has a good memory            B. the hardware is good

    C. he had nearly won the game                 D. his mother came to see him

3. What do we know about Mrs White?

    A. She loves her son too much.

    B. She loves computer games too.

    C. She is very hard on his son.

    D. She is as wonderful as the computer game.



Two students started quarreling at school. One student shouted dirty words at the other, and a fight began.

What can be done to stop fights like this at school? In some schools, disputants(争执者) sit down with peer mediators (同龄调解者). Peer mediators are usually students with special training in this kind of problems.

Peer mediators help disputants to talk in a friendly way. Here are some of the ways they use.

1. Express what you think clearly but don't say anything to hurt the other. Begin with "I feel" instead of "You always".

2. Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Don't stop the other person's words.

3. Keep looking at the other person's eyes when he or she speaks.

4. Try to see the problems on the other person's side.

5. Never put anyone down. Saying things like "You are foolish (愚蠢的)" makes the talk difficult.

6. Try to find a result that makes both people happy.

Peer mediators never decide on the winner. They don't decide who is right or who is wrong. Instead they help disputants to find their own "win-win" result. A "win-win" result can make everyone feel good.

Peer mediators' work is often successful just because it gets disputants to talk to each other. And getting disputants to talk to each other is the first step in finding a "win-win" result.

1. Peer mediators' work is _.

A. to teach lessons to disputants

B. to help find a way to make both disputants happy

C. to find out who starts the quarrel

D. to give students some special training

2.What does the underlined phrase "put anyone down" mean in Chinese?

A. 贬低任何人  b. 落后于任何人     

C. 奉承任何人  d. 向任何人低头

3. What's the first step in finding a "win-win" result?

A. Letting disputants be afraid of peer mediators.

B. Letting disputants feel peer mediators are kind.

C. Getting disputants to talk to each other.

D. Making disputants feel good by telling funny stories.

4. During the talk, if peer mediators say "You are a fool."

A. disputants will realize they are wrong

B. disputants will understand peer mediators better

C. it is easy for peer mediators to decide who is right

D. it is hard for peer mediators to get a "win-win" result

5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. All schools have peer mediators.

B. Peer mediators are usually students.

C. When disputants are speaking, peer mediators can stop their words at any time.

D. Peer mediators can make disputants get a "win-win" result every time.



A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, he was very worried. He telephoned the vet. “What’s the problem?” The vet asked him when he arrived.

  “My cow's ill,” the farmer said. “I don’t know what's the matter with her. She’s lying down and won’t eat. She's making a strange noise.”

  The vet looked over the cow. "She's certainly ill," he said, "and she needs to take some very strong medicine."

 He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, "Give her these. The pills should make her better."

  “How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked.

  The vet gave him a tube (管子)and said, "Put this tube in her mouth, then put the pills in the tube and blow. That'll make it."

  The next day the vet came to the farm again. The farmer was sitting outside his house and looked more worried.

  “How's your cow?” the vet asked.

  “No change,” the farmer said, “and I’m feeling very strange myself.”

  “Oh?” the vet said, "Why?"

  “I did what you said,” the farmer answered. “I put the tube in the cow's mouth and then put two pills down it.”

  “And?” the vet asked.

  “The cow blew first,” the farmer said.

1.In the story, the vet must be _________.

A. the farmer's friend          B. a milk factory

C. a hospital for cows         D. a doctor for animals

2.The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow _______

A. couldn't lie down         B. didn't eat the pills

C. couldn't make any noise    D. was ill

3.What medicine did the vet give the farmer?

A. Bottle of pills.           B. A long tube.

C. Two pills.               D. A small box.

4.The vet taught the farmer how _________.

A. to blow the tube          B. to make the cow take the pills

C. to take the medicine       D. to put the tube in his mouth

5.Which of the following is true?

A. The farmer ate the pills himself.

B. The cow got better after taking the medicine.

C. The vet came to help farmer change the cow the next day.

D. The farmer waited for the vet outside his house the next day.


