A. top B. end C. back D. side 查看更多



Poor Martin lost his work and was trying to find a job. One day he read in the newspaper that a man was   1    to work in a zoo. He was very    2    and went to the boss who told him that their monkey had just died and it would be two months    3    they could get another one, so they wanted him to take the monkey’s place.?

As soon as he heard this, Martin got angry and shouted “You want me to take the place of a monkey! Take this place yourself. You look more like a monkey than I do.”  “Don’t expect it like that,”  said the boss, “I know you don’t like a monkey, but we’ll   4     you up.”  Martin thought about it for a while. Though he didn’t like the idea, he had to make a living after all. So he    5    the job in the end.?

The next day Martin started to work. It wasn’t so   6    .The only thing he didn’t like was the tiger in the cage next to him. But , as there were strong bars(铁栏杆)   7     them, he soon got used to (习惯)his neighbor.?

One afternoon he climbed up to the top of the bars. Suddenly he missed his footing and fell not on his own side of the bars, but into the tiger’s cage. That great animal was asleep at the time, but the noise of Martin’s fall woke him up. Martin had to   8     the bars again quickly to get back into his own cage. He tried to get up, but he had hurt his feet so badly that he couldn’t move. He hid()his face in his hands so as not to see the tiger coming. The next few seconds seemed like hours. Then he    9     the tiger whispering(低语)in his ear. “ Don’t be    10    , old man. I’m in the same boat as you.”  ?

1. A. told        B. paid       C. wanted        D. chosen?

2. A. sad        B. worried     C. surprised       D. glad?

3. A. before      B. since       C .after        D. ago?

4. A. pick       B. dress        C. bring        D. give?

5. A. took       B. gave        C. loved       D. lost?

6. A. good       B. clean        C. bad         D. nine?

7. A. behind      B. among      C. before        D. between?

8. A. climb       B. lift       C. move       D. jump?

9. A. saw        B. heard        C. made        D. thought?

10. A. angry      B. sad       C. unhappy      D. afraid




  Poor Martin lost his work and was trying to find a job.One day he read in the newspaper that a man was   1   to work in a zoo.He was very   2   and went to the boss of the zoo to ask for the job.The boss told him that their monkey had just died and it would be two months   3   they could get another one, so they wanted him to take the monkey’s place.

  As soon as he heard this, Martin got angry and shouted, “You want me to take the place of a monkey!Take this place yourself.You look more like a monkey than I do.” “Don’t expect it like that,” said the boss, “I know you don’t look like a monkey, but we’ll   4   you up.” Martin thought about it for a while.Though he didn’t like the idea, he had to make a living after all.So he   5   the job in the end.

  The next day Martin started to work.It wasn’t   6  .The only thing he didn’t like was the tiger in the cage next to him.But, as there were strong bars(铁栏杆)  7   them, he soon got used to his neighbour.

  One afternoon he climbed up to the top of the bars.Suddenly he missed his footing and fell not on his own side of the bars, but into the tiger’s cage.That great animal was asleep at the time, but the noise of Martin’s fall woke his up.Martin had to   8   the bars again quickly to get back into his won cage.He tried to get up, but he had hurt his feet so badly that he couldn’t move.He hid his face in his hands so as not to see the tiger coming.The next few seconds seemed like hours.Then he   9   the tiger whispered in his ear, “Don’t be   10  , old man, I’m in the same boat as you.”


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     There was a woman in Detroit, who has two sons. She was worried about them, especially the
younger one, Ben, __1__ he was not doing well in school. Boys in his class made jokes about him
because he seemed so __2___.
     The mother decided that she would, herself, have to get her sons to do better in school. She told
them to go to the Detroit Public Library to read a __3___ a week and do a report about it for her.
One day, in Ben's __4___, the teacher held up a rock and asked if anyone knew it. Ben put up
his hand and the teacher let him ___5__. "Why did Ben raise his hand?" they wondered. He __6__
said anything; what could he possibly want to say?
     Well, Ben not only _7___ the rock; he said a lot about it. He named other rocks in its group
and even knew __8___ the teacher had found it. The teacher and the students were __9__.
Ben had learned all this from doing one of his book __10___.
     Ben later went on to the __11__ of his class. When he finished high school, he went to Yale
University and at last became one of the best doctors in the United States.
     After Ben had grown up, he _12__ something about his mother that he did not know as a
     She, herself, had never learned how to __14__.
(      )1.  A. because
(      )2.  A. clever
(      )3.  A. notice
(      )4.  A. class
(      )5.  A. think
(      )6.  A. always
(      )7.  A. found
(      )8.  A. whether
(      )9.  A. afraid
(      )10. A. pictures
(      )11. A. top
(      )12. A. learnt
(      )13. A. doctor
(      )14. A. read   

B. so     
B. hard   
B. message
B. room
B. leave
B. even
B. played
B. when
B. surprised
B. exercises
B. end   
B. remembered
B. child
B. work

C. but   
C. slow
C. book
C. office
C. stand
C. quickly
C. knew
C. where
C. worried
C. shops
C. back
C. understood
C. student
C. teach

D. though      
D. quick        
D. question    
D. lab          
D. speak        
D. never        
D. threw        
D. why          
D. unhappy      
D. reports      
D. side        
D. guessed      
D. teacher      
D. show         


There was a woman in Nanjing , who had two sons. She was worried about them, especially(尤其) the younger one, Ben,       he was not doing well in school. Boys in his class made jokes about him because he seemed(看似) so      .

    The mother       that she herself would have to get her sons to do better in school. She told them to go to the library to read a     a week and do a report about it for her.

One day, in Ben’s      , the teacher held up a rock(石头) and asked if anyone knew it. Ben put up his hand and the teacher let him      . Why did Ben raise his hand? They wondered(想知道). He    said anything, what could he possibly want to say?

    Well, Ben not only       the rock; he said a lot about it. He named other rocks in its group and even knew       the teacher had found it. The teacher and the students were   . Ben had learned all this from doing one of his book      .

Ben later went to the       of his class. When he finished high school, he went to University (大学)and at last became one of the best doctors in the United States.

After Ben grew up, he       something about his mother that he did not know as a    .

She, herself, had never learned how to      .

1.A. because       B. so                  C. but            D. though

2.A. clever         B. had                C. slow           D. quick

3.A. asked         B. decided             C. forgot          D. heard

4.A. notice         B. message            C. book           D. question

5.A. class         B. room               C. office          D. lab

6.A. think          B. leave               C. speak          D. answer

7.A. always        B. even               C. quickly        D. never

8.A. found        B. played              C. knew          D. threw

9.A. whether      B. when               C. where          D. why

10.A. afraid        B. surprised            C. worried        D. unhappy

11.A. pictures      B. exercises            C. shops           D. reports

12.A. top          B. end                C. back           D. side

13.A. learned       B. remembered         C. understood      D. guessed

14.A. doctor        B. child                C. student         D. teacher

15.A. read         B. work               C. teach           D. show



Poor Martin lost his work and was trying to find a job. One day he read in the newspaper that a man was  _21_  to work in a zoo. He was very  _22_  and went to the boss of the zoo to ask for the job. The boss told him that their monkey had just died and it would be two months  _23_  they could get another one, so they wanted him to take the monkey’s place.

As soon as he heard this, Martin got angry and shouted, “You want me to take the place of a monkey! Take this place yourself. You look more like a monkey than I do.” “Don’t expect it like that,” said the boss, “I know you don’t look like a monkey, but we’ll  _24_  you up.” Martin thought about it for a while. Though he didn’t like the idea, he had to make a living after all. So he __25_  the job in the end.

The next day Martin started to work. It wasn’t  _26_ . The only thing he didn’t like was the tiger in the cage next to him. But, as there were strong bars(铁栏杆)  _27  them, he soon got used to his neighbour.

One afternoon he climbed up to the top of the bars. Suddenly he missed his footing and fell not on his own side of the bars, but into the tiger’s cage. That great animal was asleep at the time, but the noise of Martin’s fall woke him up. Martin had to _ 28_  the bars again quickly to get back into his own cage. He tried to get up, but he had hurt his feet so badly that he couldn’t move. He hid his face in his hands so as not to see the tiger coming. The next few seconds seemed like hours. Then he  _29  the tiger whispered in his ear, “Don’t be  __30_ , old man, I’m in the same boat as you.”

21. A. told              B. paid          C. wanted              D. chosen

22. A. sad             B. worried       C. surprised                 D. happy

23. A. before           B. since         C. after              D. ago

24. A. pick             B. dress         C. bring             D. give

25. A. took             B. gave           C. loved              D. lost

26. A. good            B. clean         C. bad              D. nice

27. A. behind           B. among        C. before            D. between

28. A. climb            B. lift             C. move                    D. jump

29. A. saw            B. heard         C. made             D. thought

30. A. angry            B. sad            C. unhappy          D. afraid


