3.A.因为他是一个百万富翁. 查看更多



1. 树袋熊非常的可爱.
    The koalas are very _____ .
2. 你骗不了他,因为他是一个聪明的男孩.
    You can not cheat him, because he is a _____  boy.
3. 人们喜欢见到那些聪明的猴子.
    People like to see _____   monkeys.
4. 海豚有点有趣.
    The dolphins are _____  interesting.
5. 大象是一种动物.
    An elephant is _____  animal.
6. 书店卖各种各样的书.
    The bookstore sells _____  books.
7. 他想要一台新电脑.
    He _____  a new computer.
8. 他明天想去划船.
    He _____  _____  go boating tomorrow.
9. 我想让你去购物.
    I _____  you _____  go shopping.


1. 尽管困难重重,登山运动员们还是成功地到达了山顶。
   _________________ all the difficulties, the climbers reached
   the top of the mountains successfully.
2. 这本书法语书一定是张杰的,因为他是我们班上唯一一位正在学习法语的人。
    This French book _________________ Zhang Jie because he is the only
    student _________________ is studying French.
3. 我梦见我在花海中畅游。 
    In my dream I was ________________ in _________________ flowers.
4. 你不能把一个假装睡觉的人叫醒。
    You can't _______________ a person who is _________________ to be __________________.
5. 王楠是世界上最优秀的运动员之一。
    Wang Nan is ________________ the best _________________ in the world.




He is a ________ ________.


完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。
I provided them                                                       it.
Although he is a millionaire,                                     the disabled.
I                                                       our everyday life.
My cousin asked                                                   or not.
The snow was                                          going to the concert.
               novels, online games                            us students.


A: Excuse me, Susan.( 1)Is this your backpack?
B: No, it isn’t. It’s Jack’s. (2)My backpack is green.
A: Is your computer game in the lost and found case?
B: No, it’s Jack’s. And that white eraser is Jack’s, too.
A: Do you know Jack?
B: Yes, I do. (3)他是一个英国男孩。He’s in Class One, Grade Seven.
A: Oh, What’s his telephone number?
B: 100-2116.
A: Is Miss Miller his English teacher?
B: Yes, she is.
【小题2】将划线部分(2)改为一般疑问句. ____________________________
【小题4】 What’s the English teacher’s last name?(回答问题)
【小题5】 What color is Jack’s eraser? (回答问题)

