around 2. amusement 3. were 4. of 5. probably 6. different 7. other 8. but 9. eating choose, across , never, thirst, need, time, play, on, exercises, photo, through difference Do you want to be healthier? Then go 1 the passage, and you may find it’s easy to keep fit. 1) Eat all kinds of foods, especially fruits and vegetables. You may have a favourite kind of food, but the best 2 is to eat as many kinds as possible. If you eat 3 foods, you’re more likely to get the nutrients your body needs . Taste new foods that you 4 tried before. Some foods, such as green vegetables, are very important. Have five servings(份) of fruits and three vegetables. 2) Drink water and milk often. When you are really 5 , cold water is the No. 1 choice. Kids need calcium(钙) to grow strong, and milk is a great source of this mineral . How much do children 6 ? About three glasses of milk every day. 3) Limit screen time. What’s screen time? It’s the 7 for watching TV, DVDs, and videos, 8 computer games, and using the computer. If you spend much time 9 these activities, you may have less time left to take 10 , such as playing basketball, bicycling, and swimming. 查看更多






  There are many ways to save the environment if you would like.In this passage, you can find some ways.

  Plant more trees.Choose a right   1   near your house or workplace.  2   there's any rule stopping you growing trees in that area, go ahead and grow trees.Plant a tree every month and   3   your friends and classmates to join you.Have more and more trees   4   and there will come a day when you have green land thanks to your hard work.

  Walk more and drive less.Choose to walk   5   drive your car.Walk or ride a bicycle to work if it's not very far.Not only cycling but walking is good exercise.And each time you avoid using your car, you’re doing something   6   to cut down air pollution.You are saving fuel, saving money and keeping fit as well.

  Save water.Water is very important for living things.It's   7   who use and pollute it.The simplest way to save water is turning   8   water taps after use.When you visit a beach, make sure that you don't throw waste around.Do not pollute rivers   9   dropping garbage or other waste.Water is so precious, so we   10   waste or pollute it.



  When you were young, who rode you around on the back of his bike?Who played football with you in the park?Who helped you   1   your first difficult math problem?Who   2   you the difference between right and wrong?

  You dad.Now it is your turn to do something for him.This Sunday, June 18, is Father's Day.So why not do something   3   to thank your dad?

  The idea of Father's Day came from an American lady   4   Sonora Smart Dodd in 1909.She wanted a day to honor her father.He   5   six children by himself after his wife died during the birth of their   6   child.Dodd thought there needed to be a day to honor great and loving dads.Her father was born on June 19, so she chose to   7   the first Father's Day celebration on his birthday in 1910.In 1924, US president Calvin Coolidge liked the idea of a   8   Father's Day.  9  , in 1966, the third Sunday in June was made Father's Day.

  A small present, such as a photo of your family will make him feel like a king and it's also a good idea to   10   him flowers.

  If he has a computer, cover his desktop with the words like“I love you, dad!”

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


Betty is not a traditional American beauty. She is unfashionable, has thick red glasses, untidy hair and large metal braces (牙套) on her teeth. But this hasn’t stopped her from becoming one of American’s favorite TV characters. So how did she manage to do it?

The answer is that charm can be more attractive than beauty. Betty is the main character in a TV show Ugly Betty. The show is about her life as an office worker at a fashion magazine in New York.

  The TV show has just started. Betty has many exciting experiences and romantic stories. Betty is often looked down on and laughed at by the people around. But she manages to do better than others with her hard work, charm and wisdom. The show tells us about how a girl goes from an ugly young duck into a beautiful swan.

  Though you may know the ending of the show from the beginning and the story is familiar to many of us, it has still been a big success in the USA. It has attracted a large number of viewers and won two Golden Globes awards, one of the highest honors for a television program in the USA.“ I think you can see a bit of Betty in all of us, and I mean men as well, because it’s about the underdog (弱者)”,says Ashley Jensen, who plays one of the characters on the show.

  The program is so successful because of the good performance of the 23-year-old actress America Ferrera who plays the role of Betty. She brings the character alive on the screen.

1.Betty is popular because of ____.

A. her clothes      B. her charm       C. her metal braces     D. her appearance

2.In Paragraph 4, the underlined word “it” refers to (指的是) ____.

A. the beginning     B. the ending      C. the story            D. the show

3.Which is the reason for the success of the show?

A. A large number of viewers.       B. Her life as an office worker.

C. The wonderful performance.       D. Two Golden Globes awards.

4.Which of the following is NOT true according of the show?

A. Betty is a girl of wisdom.

B. Betty acts as a beautiful swan on the show.

C. Betty is an American favorite TV character.

D. Betty is often looked down on by the people around.

5. What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Beauty from within.        B. A romantic story.

C. An ugly girl.           D. An exciting experience.





  Regent's Park is the largest grass area for sports in London.It's also the second largest park in the city.It opens at 5∶00 a.m.all the year around, but the closing time   1  , depending on the season.Regent's Park has a lake, several public gardens, some sports grounds and three   1   playgrounds.Queen Mary's Garden inside it is famous for   3   of beautiful roses.In the north of Regent's Park is the London Zoo.It's   4   than any other zoo in the world.People can play many sports in Regent's Park, including tennis and   5  .People can go boating on the main lake and enjoy a picnic in the park, too.There will be sports events of the London Olympic Games in Regent's Park in 2012.


  Both the British and Americans speak English.However, there are several differences between American English and British English.For example, the words they use in daily life are not the same.The British call the first floor of a building the ground floor.The floor above the ground floor is the first floor, which Americans call the second floor.Once you go to Britain and America, you may notice other differences.The British usually hide their feelings.They don't often start a talk with strangers.On the train the British often spend their time reading newspapers or books.But Americans are more active and easier to talk with.


1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________


6.a________ at or to a higher point

7.h________ to stop somebody or something from being seen.


However, there are several differences between American English and British English.

However, American English is 8.________ 9.________ British English in several ways.


What do the British often spend their time reading on the train?





A:Dale, what time do you usually get up?

B:  1  

A:What do you do then?

B:  2   At around 7∶10 a.m., I eat my break-fast.

A:  3  

B:Some bread, an egg and some milk.

A:  4  

B:It starts at 8∶00 a.m.

A:Do you like English?

B:  5  

A.What do you usually eat for breakfast?

B.I usually get up at 6∶15.

C.I do it at 5∶30.

D.I brush my teeth and take a shower.

E.What time does your school start (开始)?

F.Yes, I also like Chinese and P.E.

G.My English teacher is nice.






