Susan be here now because she has just gone to New York. A.mustn’t B.can’t C.needn’t D.may not 查看更多



–Look at that girl! Is it Susan?

      --No, it _______ be her. She went to her hometown just now.

    A. mustn’t         B. can’t        C. needn’t         D. wouldn’t



-- Is that girl Susan?

-- It ______ be her. She left for Beijing yesterday.

A. needn't                            B. can't                        C. mustn't



-- Look at that girl. Is it Susan?

--No, it _______ be her. She has gone back to her home town .




D.may not.



–Look at that girl! Is it Susan?

     --No, it _______ be her. She has gone back to her hometown.

   A. mustn’t         B. can’t        C. needn’t         D. wouldn’t




be absent ; try one’s best ; excite ; provide … with ;   deal with ;

rob …of ;  pay attention to ; from time to time ; get off ; polite

1.The audience clapped and shouted with ___________________ when the performer appeared.

2.You’d not __________________ before the bus stops. Otherwise you may be hurt.

3.These days we _____________________________________ to get good marks in the exams.

4.My friends and I go to museums ________________________ to learn what we can’t get from textbooks.

5.I helped Susan with her lessons, for she ___________________ from school for a week.

6.UNICEF ______________________ poor kids in developing countries ___________ better education.

7.It’s __________________ for the young to argue with the elderly.

8.If you want to improve your spoken English, you should _________________________ your pronunciation.

9.The lady ________________by a young man ________ her handbag while she was walking alone.

10.Don’t do everything for teenagers. They are wise enough ________________________ their own problems.


