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Take exercise every day, ________ you will become strong and healthy.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


Take a class at Dulangkou School, and you’ll see lots of things different from other schools, You can see the desks are not in rows(排)and students sit in groups. They put their desks together so they’re facing each other. How can they see the blackboard? There are three blackboards on the three walls of the classroom!
The school calls the new way of learning “Tuantuanzuo”, meaning sitting in groups. Wei Liying, a Junior 3 teacher, said it was to give students more chances to communicate.
Each group has five or six students, according to Wei, and they play different roles(角色).There is a team leader who takes care of the whole group. There is a “study leader”who makes sure that everyone finishes their homework. And there is a discipline(纪律)leader who makes sure that nobody chats in class.
Wang Lin is a team leader. The 15-year-old said that having to deal with so many things was tiring.
“I just looked after my own business before,”said Wang. “But now I have to think about my five group members.”
But Wang has got used to it and can see the benefits(好处)now.
“I used to speak too little. But being a team leader means you have to talk a lot. You could even call me an excellent speaker today.”
Zhang Qi, 16, was weak in English. She used to get about 70 in English tests. But in a recent test, Zhang got a grade of more than 80.
“I rarely(很少) asked others when I had problems with my English tests. But now I can ask the team leader or study leader. They are really helpful.”
【小题1】What makes Dulangkou School different from others?          
A. The students desks are in rows.  
B. Students sit and study in groups.
C. There are three blackboards in the classroom. 
D. Both B and C.
【小题2】A discipline leader is supposed to          .
A.take care of the whole group
B.make sure that everybody finishes homework
C.make sure that nobody chats in class
D.collect all the homework and hand it in to teachers
【小题3】The new way of learning is said to give students more chances to          .
A.chat with each otherB.listen to the teacher
C.make friendsD.communicate
【小题4】We can see from the story that some students       this new way of learning.
A.get benefits fromB.are tired of
C.cannot get used toD.hate
【小题5】How many leaders are there in one group?
A.Three.B.Four.C.Two.D.Five or six.


Take a look at the following ads! You may find some useful information you need here!

【小题1】If you want to have a piano lesson, you may       .
A. call Susan at 7328059                               
B. surf the website: www.music.com.au                      
C. telephone Mr. White at 5132683
【小题2】 Who is the owner of the lost cat?
A. Mr. White.           B. David.                   C. Susan.
【小题3】If you want the job as a guide, you should       .
A. know the city very well  B. be an experienced driver C. be a beautiful girl
【小题4】Which information about the apartment is not mentioned in the table?
A. It has a beautiful view.                        
B. It has three floors.                           
C. It has three bedrooms.
【小题5】 How can you get in touch with the owner of the apartment for more information?
A. By sending an e-mail.                           
B. By going to visit it.                           
C. By making a phone call.


take off ,    on time ,    take place ,    turn off ,    thanks to ,    rather than
【小题1】             my teacher's help, I worked out the problem at last.
【小题2】We should think about others first,            ourselves.
【小题3】Can you            the radio? I'm writing my homework.
【小题4】Great changes have           since I left my hometown 10 years ago.
【小题5】I hope you can come to the meeting            tomorrow.


Take the exam carefully, _____ you won’t get full marks.

