resistant a. (to)抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的 查看更多



Winter in the north is usually very cold and it is important to avoid colder-related injuries such as frostbite(冻伤) and hypothermia(体温降低).Frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long.It mainly happens on the hands,feet,nose,and ears and some will bring permanent damage.Hypothermia is a serious medical condition caused by serious cold.It happens when the body cannot produce as much heat as it loses.If not treated,it can be deadly.

The best way to avoid cold-related injuries is to be prepared for the outdoors.Here is a simple way to remember four basic steps to staying warm.Think of COLD.

The C stands for cover.Wear a hat and scarf to keep heat from escaping through the head,neck,and ears.And wear mittens instead of gloves.Mittens are a type of glove that does not have separate parts for each finger.Gloves may not keep hands as warm because they separate the fingers.

The O stands for overexertion(过分用力).Avoid activities that will make you sweaty.Wet clothes and cold weather are a bad mix.

L is for layers.Wearing loose,lightweight clothes,one layer on top of another, is better than single heavy layer clothing.Also,make sure outerwear is made of water resistant and tightly knit material.

The last letter D stands for dry.In other words,stay as dry as possible.Pay attention to the places where snow can enter, like the tops of boots.the necks of coats and the wrist areas of mittens.

And there are a couple of other things to keep in mind,one for children and the other for adults.Eating snow might be fun but it lowers the body's temperature.And drinking alcohol might make a person feel warm,but what it really does is weaken the body's ability to hold heat.

67.Both frostbite and hypothermia        

A.are injuries caused by extreme cold

B.may happen on the hands,feet,nose and ears

C.may cause uncontrollable shaking and slow breathing

D.may be deadly injuries

68.Mittens can keep your hands warmer than gloves because           .

A.they are thicker                     B.they are made of better materials

C.they don't separate your fingers        D.they separate your fingers

69.      can help you avoid cold-related injuries.

A.Trying your best to exercise until you get sweat

B.Wearing layers of loose,lightweight clothes

C.Drinking alcohol to make you feel warm

D.Wearing a single heavy layer of clothing

70.Overexertion should be avoided because  may exhaust you may make you hungry may make you sweat may lower your body temperature



The scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters ________ to her own research.

A.relevant          B.instant            C.resistant          D.important



Agricultural experts met in Ethiopia last week to discuss ways to help sub-Saharan Africa become a major producer of wheat. The area traditionally produced little wheat, while North Africa was the grain basket.

Wheat production fell sharply in sub-Saharan countries during the 1980s. In the 1960s, attempts were made to grow wheat in sub-Saharan Africa, including South Africa and Zimbabwe. But those countries found it was less costly to import wheat from Europe and the United States. Another problem is that Africa's wheat farms were often far from population centers. There also were transportation issues. And some lowlands were not a good place to grow wheat.

Hans Joachim Braun ,one of the experts, says now is a good time to increase wheat production. In the last four years we have seen three major price hikes, where the wheat price and other staple process (主食加工)exploded. And that puts a big, big bill on countries which are depending on wheat imports, and Africa is the biggest wheat importer.

He also says demand for wheat in sub-Saharan Africa is growing faster than for any other crop. With higher income people would like to have more diversified(多样化)food. But that is possible not the most important one. The most important one is that there is a tremendous migration(移民)of in particular male labor to the cities. And wheat products are convenient food because you can easily buy it. It's easy to process and you also can store it for a few days, which is different from some of the maize and rice products.

There are three possible challenges for growing more wheat in Africa: climate change, disease and pests, like insects. Mr. Braun says rising temperatures should not have a major effect on wheat. In fact, he says, it could help wheat grow in areas with high rainfall totals. As for fighting disease and pests, experts suggest growing more resistant crops. In addition, railroads and roads would have to be improved so large amounts of wheat could be moved to large markets.

1.What does the word "hikes" in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?

A. big changes B. large increases C. long trips D. big bills

2.Wheat price exploding indicates_____.

A.sub-Saharan countries need to increase wheat production badly

B.sub-Saharan countries have to issue more money

C.sub-Saharan countries should grow more Corn

D.importing much wheat is urgent

3.Why is there a higher demand for wheat in sub-Saharan Africa?

A.Because the number of hungry people there is increasing.

B.Because higher income people have the diversified need of food.

C.Because male labor are crowding into the cities.

D.Because the wheat price is lower.

4.According to Mr. Braun the main challenges for growing more wheat in Africa are_____.

A.climate change and disease

B.resistant crops and climate change

C.rising temperatures and disease and pests

D.disease and pests and inconvenient transportation



Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Who buy the presents? How much should we spend? Questions about money like these ___50___ during the holidays, and they can turn this wonderful season into the most ___51___ time of the year.
The ___52___ cause of holiday stress is money issues, according to a recent poll by the American Psychological Association (APA). The survey found that 61 percent of Americans ___53___ lack of money as the top cause of family tensions, holiday blues and depression.
“People believe that they can go out and buy gifts because it’s the holidays, ___54___they can’t afford to do so,” says Dorothy Cantor, a noted psychologist and former APA president. “Not only is it stressful to feel that you have to buy everyone an expensive gift, but you will also be stressed for the rest of the year trying to pay your ___55___. You can show love and caring by giving something that you know is meaningful and ___56___ that doesn’t have to cost a lot.”
While managing money issues during the holiday season can be a ___57___, financial experts agree that you can ___58___ pressure by planning ahead, exhibiting patience and managing expectations to make the holiday season enjoyable and worry-free.
For starters, make an agreement with family members to discuss holiday spending and finances before you make any ___59___. The goal here is to learn one another’s thoughts and feelings about priorities and wishes. Be realistic, decide together on a budget and only use cash, rather than using credit cards. Avoid getting ___60___ unreasonable expectations. It makes no ___61___ to buy gifts you can not afford and put additional financial and emotional stress on yourself and your family that will cause problems long after the holidays are over.
Other ways to ___62___ the burden of money-related holiday blues include an understanding that everyone faces money problems at one time or another. It’s important to keep your ___63___ situation in perspective, to learn from experience and then to proceed with your life.
And lastly, make focusing on financial solutions a part of your New Year’s resolution. It’s the perfect time to take a __64___ approach by doing some soul-searching, forgiving yourself, letting go of the past and dealing with your financial problems in a businesslike manner each day.

A.break upB.pop upC.put outD.wipe out
【小题5】 ifB.even long asD.if only
【小题7】A. resistant       B. random           C. personal     D profitable
A.caught up inB.ended up withC.put up inD.made up for


It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they are possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with problems; that they talk too much about certain problems—and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent—child relationships. I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young.

Young people often make their parents angry at their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainers and music. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles make their parents angry, this gives them extra enjoyment. They feel they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style and taste.    

Sometimes you are resistant, and proud because you do not want your parents to agree what you do. If they agree, it looks as if you are betraying your own age group. But in that case, you are supposing that you are the underdog; you cannot win but at least you keep your honor. This is a passive way of looking at things. It is natural enough after long years of childhood, when you were completely under your parents' contro1. But it ignores the fact that you are now beginning to be responsible for yourself. If you plan to control your life, cooperation can be part of that plan. You can attract others, especially your parents, into doing things the way you want. You can impress others with your sense of responsibility, so that they will let you choose what you want to do.  

1.The first paragraph is mainly about_________.

A. the teenagers' criticism of their parents

B. misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents

C. the control of the parents over their children

D. the teenagers' ability to deal will problems

2.Teenagers tend to have strange clothes and hairstyles mainly because they________.

A. want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own

B. have a strong desire to be leaders in style and taste

C. have no other way to enjoy themselves better

D. want to make their Parents angry

3.Teenagers do not want their parents to agree whatever they do because they_______.

A. have already been accepted into the adult world

B. feel that they are superior to the adults

C. are not likely to win over the adults

D. have a desire to be independent

4.To improve parent—child relationships,teenagers are advised to be_________.

 A. attractive         B. positive        C. cooperative       D. productive


