deaf a. 聋的,不愿听的 查看更多




阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A 、B、C 、和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

The child in the hospital bed was just waking up after having a throat(喉咙)operation. His throat 1, and he was afraid. However, the young nurse 2by his bed smiled 3that the little boy smiled back . He 4to be afraid. The young nurse was May Paxton 5she was deaf(聋的). May Paxton graduated 6the Missouri School for the Deaf near the year 1909. Three years 7, she went to see Dr. Richardson about 8a nurse. Dr. Richardson was one of the founders of Mercy Hospital of Kansas City. 9had never heard of a deaf nurse. She told May that her 10would be very low and that the work would be 11. However, May said that hard work did not frighten her. Dr. Richardson was 12her, and accepted May as a student nurse.

Dr. Richardson never 13her decision. 14, she was so pleased with May’s work that she later accepted two other deaf women as students nurses. The 15was Miss Marian Finch, who was hard of 16. The second was Miss Lillie Bessie. These three were 17“the silent angles(天使)of Mercy Hospital” during the 18they worked there.

Dr. Richardson often 19her faith in the girl’s ability to learn nursing. She wrote to May ,“For three years, you have been with us… It is wonderful to me that no man, 20or child ever, to my knowledge , made a complain(投诉)against you …”

1.A. damaged            B. cut          C. hurt         D. wounded

2.A. lying              B. standing     C. crying           D. jumping

3.A. cheerfully         B. sadly            C. shyly            D. weakly

4.A. began          B. forgot           C. continued        D. stopped

5.A. but                B. so           C. for          D. and

6.A. as                 B. in               C. with         D. from

7.A. ago                B. later            C. then         D. before

8.A. becoming           B. hiring           C. seeking      D. changing

9.A. You                B. We           C. She          D. He

10.A. money         B. check            C. pay          D. price

11.A. easy              B. difficult        C. joyful           D. disappointing

12.A. satisfied with        B. ashamed of       C. sorry for        D. angry with

13.A. liked             B. thought of       C. regretted        D. believed

14.A. In public         B. In a hurry       C. In surprise      D. In fact

15.A. first             B. one          C. other            D. others

16.A. reading           B. listening        C. hearing      D. writing

17.A. told              B. called           C. chosen           D. offered

18.A. year              B. month            C. term         D. time

19.A. spoke of          B. said         C. heard of     D. noticed

20.A. boy               B. person           C. woman        D. girl



Henry found work in a bookstore after he finished middle school. He wouldn’t do anything but wanted to get rich. Mr King thought he was too lazy and was going to send him away. Henry was afraid and had to work hard.

    It was a cold morning. It was snowing and there was thin ice on the streets. Few people went to buy the books and the young man had nothing to do. He hated to read, so he watched the traffic. Suddenly he saw a bag fall off a truck and it landed by the other side of the street.

    “It must be full of expensive things, ”Henry said to himself. “I have to get it, or others will take it away. ”

    He went out of the shop and ran across the street. A driver saw him and began to whistle(鸣笛), but he didn’t hear it and went on running. The man drove aside, hit a big tree and was hurt in the accident. Two weeks later Henry was taken to court(法庭). A judge asked if he heard the whistle when he was running across the street. He said that something was wrong with his ears and he could hear nothing.

    “But you’ve heard me this time.”said the judge.

    “Oh, I’m sorry. Now I can hear with one ear.”

    “Cover the ear with your hand and listen to me with your deaf(聋的)one. Well, can you hear me? ”

    “No, I can’t. sir. ”

What was Mr. King?

    A. a driver                    B. a doctor          C. a policeman                D. a shopkeeper

Why did Mr. King want to send Henry away?

    A. Because Henry was too lazy.

    B. Because Henry hoped to be rich.

    C. Because Henry finished middle school.

    D. Because Henry sold few books.

The driver was afraid to _______, so he drove aside.

    A. hit Henry                 B. hurt himself        C. fall behind               D. lose the bag

What does the underlined word“judge”mean in Chinese?

    A. 裁判                    B. 律师             C. 法官                    D. 原告

Why did Henry say that he was deaf?

    A. He wanted to have a joke with the judge.

    B. He wanted to get the judge’s help

    C. He wanted to find another piece of work

D. He didn’t want to pay for the accident.                                   


The child in the hospital bed was just waking up after having a throat(喉咙)operation. His throat  21   ,and he was afraid .However ,the young nurse  22   by his bed smiled so  23   that the little boy smiled back .He  24   to be afraid .The young nurse was May Paxton  25   she was deaf(聋的).May Paxton graduated  26   the Missouri School for the Deaf near the year 1909 .Three years  27   she went to see Dr. Richardson about   28   a nurse . Dr. Richardson was one of the founders of Mercy Hospital of Kansas City.  29   had never heard of a deaf nurse .She told May that her   30   would be very low and that the work would be   31   .However ,May said that hard work did not frighten her .Dr. Richardson was   32   her ,and accepted May as a student nurse.

       Dr. Richardson never   33   her decision .  34   ,she was so pleased with May’s work that she later accepted two other deaf women as student nurses .The   35   was Miss Marian Finch ,who was hard of   36   .The second was Miss Lillie Bessie .These three were   37    “the silent angles(天使)of Mercy Hospital” during the   38   they worked there.

       Dr. Richardson often   39   her faith in the girls’ ability to learn nursing .She wrote to May. “For three years ,you have been with us… It is wonderful to me that no man,  40   or child ever ,to my knowledge ,made a complaint(投诉)against you…”

21.A.cut                     B.hurt                    C.wounded             D.damaged

22.A.standing              B.jumping               C.lying                   D.crying

23.A.shyly                  B.sadly                   C.cheerfully            D.weakly

24.A.continued            B.began                  C.stopped               D.forgot

25.A.for                                   C.and                     D.but                       B.from                   C.with          

27.A.later                    B.before                 C.ago                     D.then

28.A.seeking               B.changing             C.hiring                  D.becoming

29.A.You                    B.She                     C.We                     D.He                B.check                             D.price

31.A.easy                    B.disappointing        C.joyful                  D.difficult

32.A.angry with           B.satisfied with       C.sorry for             D.ashamed of

33.A.regretted             B.thought of           C.liked                   D.believed

34.A.In fact                B.In a hurry            C.In surprise           D.In public                     B.others                 C.first                    D.other

36.A.reading                B.hearing                C.listening              D.writing

37.A.offered                B.chosen                C.told                     D.called

38.A.year                    B.month                 C.time                    D.term

39.A.spoke of              B.said                     C.heard of              D.noticed

40.A.person                B.woman                C.boy                     D.girl



The child in the hospital bed was just waking up after having a throat(喉咙) operation.His throat  21  ,and he was afraid.However.the young nurse  22  By his bed  smiled so  23  hat the little boy smiled back.He  24  to be afraid.The young  nurse  was  May Paxton  25   e was deaf (聋的).May Paxton graduated  26   the Missouri School for the Deaf near the year 1909.Three years   27  she went to see Dr.Richard son about   28  nurse.Dr Richardson was one of the founders of  Mercy Hospital of Kansas City.  29  had never heard of a deaf nurse.She told May that her  30  would be very low and that the work would be   31   . However,May said that hard work did  not frighten her.Dr. Richardson was  32  her,and accepted May as a student nurse.

Dr.Richardson never  33  her decision  34  ,she was so pleased with May’s work that she later accepted two other deaf women as student nurses.The  35  was Miss Marian Finch,who was hard of  36  .The second was Miss Lillie Bessie.These three were   37  “the silent angles(天使) of Mercy Hospital”during the  38  they worked there.

Dr.Richardson often  39  her faith in the girls’ ability to learn nursing.She wrore to May,“For three years,you have been with us… It is wonderful to me that no man.  40   or child ever,to my knowledge,made a complaint(投诉) against you…”

21.A.cut                       B.burt                   C.wounded                   D.darnaged

22.A.standing                B.jurnping              C.lying                         D.crying

23.A.shyly                    B sadly                  C.cheerfully                  D.weakly

24.A.continued              B.began                 C.stopped                     D.forgot

25.A.for                                   C.and                           D.but                        B.from                  C.with                

27.A.later                            B.before                C.ago                           D.then

28.A.seeking                 B.changing            C.hiring                        D.becoming

29.A.You                      B.She                    C.We                           D.He                  B.check                 C .pay                          D.price

31.A.easy                            B.disappointing   C.joyful                         D.difficult

32.A.angry with            B.sagtisfied with     C.sorry for                   D.ashamed of

33.A.regretted               B.thought of          C.liked                         D.believed

34.A.In fact                  B.In a hurry           C.In surprise                 D.In public                      B.others                C.first                          D.other

36.A.reading                 B.hearing               C.listening                    D.writing

37.A.offered                 B.chosen               C.told                           D.called

38.A.year                            B.month                C.time                          D.term

39.A.spoke of               B.said                    C.heard of                    D.noticed

40.A.person                  B.wornan                     C.boy                           D.girl



The child in the hospital bed was just waking up after having a throat(喉咙) operation.His throat  1  ,and he was afraid.However.the young nurse  2  By his bed  smiled so  3  hat the little boy smiled back.He  4  to be afraid.The young  nurse  was  May Paxton  5   e was deaf (聋的).May Paxton graduated  6   the Missouri School for the Deaf near the year 1909.Three years   7  she went to see Dr.Richard son about   8  nurse.Dr Richardson was one of the founders of  Mercy Hospital of Kansas City.  9  had never heard of a deaf nurse.She told May that her  10  would be very low and that the work would be   11   . However,May said that hard work did  not frighten her.Dr. Richardson was  12  her,and accepted May as a student nurse.

Dr.Richardson never  13  her decision  14  ,she was so pleased with May’s work that she later accepted two other deaf women as student nurses.The  15  was Miss Marian Finch,who was hard of  16  .The second was Miss Lillie Bessie.These three were   17  “the silent angles(天使) of Mercy Hospital”during the  1  they worked there.

Dr.Richardson often  19  her faith in the girls’ ability to learn nursing.She wrore to May,“For three years,you have been with us… It is wonderful to me that no man.  20   or child ever,to my knowledge,made a complaint(投诉) against you…”

1.A.cut          B.burt             C.wounded         D.darnaged

2.A.standing      B.jurnping         C.lying            D.crying

3.A.shyly        B sadly            C.cheerfully        D.weakly

4.A.continued     B.began           C.stopped          D.forgot

5.A.for               C.and             D.but            B.from           C.with  

7.A.later          B.before          C.ago             D.then

8.A.seeking        B.changing       C.hiring           D.becoming

9.A.You           B.She           C.We             D.He         B.check        C .pay             D.price

11.A.easy           B.disappointing   C.joyful           D.difficult

12.A.angry with      B.sagtisfied with  C.sorry for        D.ashamed of

13.A.regretted       B.thought of      C.liked           D.believed

14.A.In fact         B.In a hurry      C.In surprise       D.In public            B.others         C.first          D.other

16.A.reading         B.hearing        C.listening      D.writing

17.A.offered         B.chosen         C.told          D.called

18.A.year            B.month         C.time         D.term

19.A.spoke of         B.said          C.heard of      D.noticed

20.A.person          B.wornan        C.boy         D.girl

