triumph n. 胜利,成功 查看更多



Have you ever had problems in your life and don’t know how to be happy? If 36, you will find “Being a Happy Teenager” by Australian writer Andrew Matthews 37.
In his book, Matthews  38  us how to have a happy life and answer the  39  of teenagers.
There are many  40  such as parents and friends, and the book  41  we should stop being angry and forgive. The book tells us of useful skills 42  how to put what you have learned into pictures of your mind to  43 your memory better.
Many teenagers think  44  happiness comes from a good exam result  45  praise (赞扬) from other people. But you can  46  be happy when there are no such “good” things.
Success comes from a(n) 47  attitude(态度). If you 48 from problems, you will have success in the future.
Some school students have  49 such as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that  50 comes from thinking about things in a positive(积极的)51 . If you are  52 , people notice you and you can get a  53  view(视线) at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes  54 less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews’ most important 55 : you choose to be happy!
36. A. so         B. not         C. it            D. do
37. A. wise       B. smart       C. useful        D. simple
38. A. orders      B. tells       C. asks          D. argues
39. A. problems   B. questions   C. ideas         D. comments
40. A. roles       B. classes     C. courses       D. subjects
41. A. says       B. writes      C. reads         D. thinks
42. A. for example     B. such as    C. so as      D. so that
43. A. make      B. turn         C. let           D. change
44. A. what      B. how          C. that          D. whether
45. A. and       B. but          C. so            D. or
46. A. yet       B. already      C. still         D. forever
47. A. bad       B. good         C. independent   D. normal
48. A. learn     B. rescue       C. struggle      D. separate
49. A. experiences    B. difficulties    C. fears      D. problems
50. A. success    B. happiness    C. failure       D. height
51. A. way       B. means        C. manners       D. spirit
52. A. short     B. small        C. tall          D. fat
53. A. lower     B. higher       C. worse         D. better
54. A. take      B. spend        C. cover         D. cost
55. A. work      B. lesson       C. teaching      D. study


Free energy is everywhere around us. There are many ways to make and collect energy from various sources like sun, wind and water. People also realize that everyday stuff can be a source of energy too. For example, riding a bike, running or just walking, etc. We simply have to change our way of thinking if we want to change the world.
So comes the idea of solar roadways. Are they the road of future? Why use roads just for driving and collecting tolls (过路费)? Why don’t we use them for collecting energy?
The US Department of Transportation recently awarded $100,000 to Solar Roadways to build the first ever Solar Road Panel. So how do these future roads work?
The Solar Road Panels will contain embedded (嵌入的) LEDs which “paint” the road lines from beneath to provide safer nighttime driving as well as to give drivers instant instructions such as detour (绕行) ahead. The road will be able to sense wildlife on the road and can warn drivers to “slow down”. There will also be embedded heating elements in the surface to prevent snow and ice buildup, providing safer winter driving.
Replacing asphalt (沥青) roads and parking lots with Solar Roadway Panels will be a major step toward stopping climate change. Fully electric vehicles will be able to recharge along the roadway and in parking lots, finally making electric cars practical for long trips.
We just can’t wait to see more of these roads all over the world in the near future.
【小题1】The first paragraph serves as a(n)______.

【小题2】Which of the following is NOT true of LEDs?
A.They color the road lines.
B.They are embedded in the Solar Road Panels.
C.They are beneficial for nighttime driving.
D.They can provide instant instructions.
【小题3】 When some animals are on the solar road, what will the road do?
A.Guide them to a safer place.B.Remind drivers to drive slowly.
C.Frighten them away from the road.D.Advise drivers to choose another way.
【小题4】 From the text, we can know that the Solar Road Panels can______.
A.provide heat for drivers in winter drivers who get lost on the highway
C.melt snow and ice soon in winter drivers see the road clearly in the sun


第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Everyone has experienced trying but failing to master a difficult book, which was begun with the hope of increasing one's understanding. When that happens, it is    16  to think that it was a mistake to try to read it, but that was not the mistake. The mistake was in    17   too much from the first reading of a(n)   18   book. If you read it in the right way, no book written for the    19    reader, no matter how difficult, need be a cause for despair (绝望).
What is the right method? The    20   is an important and helpful rule of reading that is either not known or often forgotten. That rule is simply this: when reading a difficult book for the first time, read it through without ever    21   to think about the things that you do not understand immediately.
Do not be stopped by what you can't understand. Read through the difficult    22   , and you’ll soon come to things that you do understand. Read these    23   . You will have a much better chance of understanding all of the book when you read it again, but that    24   you to have read the book through once    25   .
What you understand by reading the book through to the   26   will help you when you try later to read the places that you did not    27    in your first reading. Or if you never re-read the book, understanding half of it is much better than understanding nothing of it, which will happen if you allow yourself to be stopped by the first difficult part of the book.
Most of us were taught to    28   the things that we do not understand. We were told to find the  29  of unfamiliar words, and to try to find an explanation in another    30   for anything that we did not understand in the book that we were reading. But when these things are done before the proper time, they only harm our reading, instead of helping it.
16. A. necessary              B. useful                    C. natural                  D. effective   
17. A. learning                  B. hoping                   C. accepting       D. expecting              
18. A. easy                 B. difficult                   C. important      D. correct                
19. A. ordinary           B. young                   C. serious                  D. sincere                
20. A. method           B. question       C. answer                 D. problem               
21. A. starting            B. hesitating       C. stopping       D . repeating 
22. A. words             B. articles        C. parts         D. points                 
23. A. quickly              B. immediately     C. clearly         D. carefully              
24.A. requires     B. causes                     C. advises                     D. allows             
25.A. later       B. after                      C. before                    D. again              
26.A. top        B. end                       C. bottom                    D. cover 
27.A. see        B. turn                      C. notice                      D. understand         
28.A. put away     B. put down                  C. think aloud                 D. think about         
29.A. uses        B. meanings                 C. spellings                    D. troubles           
30.A. thinking     B. reading                    C. book                D. way             


Few countries will admit officially that they employ spies. _36_, from time to time a spy is caught and the public sometimes gets a glimpse (一瞥) of what is going on behind _37_ scenes. Spies are rarely _38_ these days. They are frequently tried and imprisoned. If a(n) _39_ is important enough, he is sometimes _40_ to an enemy country in exchange for an equally important spy whom the enemy had caught. Few people have the _41_ to witness such exchanges, for they are carried out in _42_
One cold _43_ morning last year, a small blue car stopped on a _44_ in a provincial town in northern Germany. _45_ men dressed in heavy black coats got out and stood on the bridge. 46_ they waited there, they kept on looking over the side. Fifteen minutes later, a motor-boat sailed past and _47_ the river-bank. Three men got_48_ the boat and looked up at the bridge. The men on the bridge _49_ walked down the stone steps leading to the _50_. No words were spoken when they _51_ the men from the boat. After a while, the _52_ moved off and three men _53_ the bridge. Now only two of them were _54_ black coats. The third was dressed in a light grey jacket. Anyone who had been watching the_55_ might not realized that two master spies had been exchanged on that cold winter morning.
36. A.As a result        B. Moreover     C. Therefore     D. However
37. A.political            B. war             C. personal      D. civil
38. A.caught            B. shot           C. praised       D. broadcast
39. A.leader             B. official       C. spy           D. judge
40. A.handed back          B. given out        C. held on        D. turn down
41. A.opportunity            B. pace          C. increase      D. performance
42. A.order               B. public          C. advance       D. secret
43. A.spring                 B. summer      C. autumn          D. winter
44. A.road                B. boat           C. railway          D. bridge
45. A.Kind                  B. Tall          C. Three          D. Old
46. A.While               B. In case         C. Before             D. Because
47. A.destroyed               B. drew up         C. sent away       D. set up
48. A.onto            B. over to        C. out of       D. opposite
49. A.silently           B. loudly            C. surprisedly     D. curiously
50.            B. road           C. tree          D. river-bank
51. A.killed              B. met             C. saved         D. punished
52.                B. bus              C. train             D. boat
53. A.left from            B. returned to      C. jumped off       D. died on
54. A.making             B. mending        C. wearing       D. tearing
55.                 B. novel          C. river         D. scene


On the Iraq­Syria border,a pack of wild dogs circled American soldiers for food.The leader of the pack was a gray­and­white dog.The soldiers called him Nubs.Nubs was shaking and __36__ able to stand.Marine major Brian Dennis looked closer and saw that there was a knife wound __37__ his chest.
Dennis couldn’t stand seeing the dog __38__.He and his men immediately treated the wound,and gave Nubs medicine.Nubs__39__but was still in pain.The next day,the team had to__40__.Ten days later,Dennis’s unit was back,and so was Nubs.He was still___41__,but the men fed him and played with him.
Before long the unit once again__42__an outpost (前哨) 70 miles away.Nubs,slowly but determinedly,__43__them far into the trackless wasteland until the men lost__44__of him.Two days later,beyond Dennis’s__45__,he saw Nubs just outside the outpost.The dog had tracked him across 70 miles of frozen desert to__46__with the friend who had saved his life.From then on Nubs and the men slept in the same place,and ran around in the same ruins.
Until an order came down from above that they were not__47__to have pets. Dennis__48__to make sure the dog would continue to live the__49__life.So he quickly raised $4,000 from his family and friends to fly Nubs to__50__.
A month later,when Dennis and the dog were__51__in California,at first Nubs didn’t recognize the guy.__52__within minutes,the dog jumped into Dennis’s arms,jumping up again and again to__53__ his friend’s face.
A little__54__and concern in the middle of war will not save a violent world.But small stories,like the story of a soldier and a dog,hold a promise of a(n) __55__world.

A.pulled throughB.fell asleepC.woke upD.fell down
A.took upB.took overC.left forD.returned from

