I think that it is impossible to... 我觉得--是不可能的. I think that it is impossible to be there before eight. 我觉得在8点之前赶到那里是不可能的. 查看更多





With the invention of the Internet several decades ago, do you feel that since then it has made us human beings feel more connected to the world and one another, or has it isolated(使孤立)us and made us feel more alone than ever before?

What about you as an individual?

 2.The Internet enables us to know what’s happening in the world. We couldn't imagine talking to people everywhere in the world twenty years ago.

●3. It unites us because we talk to others from all around our country and tha world, but the Internet can be addicting, and keep us away from people for a while, There is an inherent (内在的) human need for direct human contact (e.g. touching, talking face to face, etc.) that the Internet has all taken away.

 4. It has given me freedom beyond my imagination. I’m home-bound with many duties to attend to. My life is a bit too crowded. Duties duties duties. I get lost many times not knowing who I really am!This medium is my best friend. It just lets me BE!I can speak here without fear or favour.

 5. Chatting online is completely different from hanging out with friends outside or hearing their voice over the phone.I find that it’s not just the Internet that has increased this sense of isolation,even iPods,MP3s,such devices kind of separate us,make us lose focus on the everyday happenings of life.

A.I think that the Internet isolates as well as unites us.

B.I believe it unites us more than it isolates us.

C.Do you feel that the Internet unites us or isolates us?

D.What is happening in the world today?

E. The Internet is playing a more and more important role.

F. I think it has isolated us more.

G. I am truly grateful for this new technology.





    With the invention of the Internet several decades ago, do you feel that since then it has made us human beings feel more connected to the world and one another, or has it isolated(使孤立)us and made us feel more alone than ever before?

    What about you as an individual?

   ●  The Internet enables us to know what’s happening in the world. We couldn't imagine talking to people everywhere in the world twenty years ago.

   ● It unites us because we talk to others from all around our country and tha world, but the Internet can be addicting, and keep us away from people for a while, There is an inherent (内在的) human need for direct human contact (e.g. touching, talking face to face, etc.) that the Internet has all taken away.

   ●    It has given me freedom beyond my imagination. I’m home-bound with many duties to attend to. My life is a bit too crowded. Duties duties duties. I get lost many times not knowing who I really am!This medium is my best friend. It just lets me BE!I can speak here without fear or favour.

   ●   Chatting online is completely different from hanging out with friends outside or hearing their voice over the phone.I find that it’s not just the Internet that has increased this sense of isolation,even iPods,MP3s,such devices kind of separate us,make us lose focus on the everyday happenings of life.

    A. I think that the Internet isolates as well as unites us.

    B. I believe it unites us more than it isolates us.

    C. Do you feel that the Internet unites us or isolates us?

    D. What is happening in the world today?

    E. The Internet is playing a more and more important role.

    F. I think it has isolated us more.

    G. I am truly grateful for this new technology.


       You are near the front line of a battle .Around you shells are exploding ;people are shooting from a house behind you .What are you doing there? You aren’t a soldier .You aren’t  36   carrying a gun .You’re standing in front of a    37  and you’re telling the TV   38  what is happening.

       It’s all in a day’s work for a war reporter ,and it can be very    39  .In the first two years of the   40   in former Yugoslavia(前南斯拉夫),28 reporters and photographers were killed .Hundreds more were    41  .What kind of people put themselves in danger to   42   pictures to our TV screens and   43   to our newspapers? Why do they do it ?

       “I think it’s every young journalist’s   44   to be a foreign reporter,” says Michael Nicholson, “that’s   45   you find the excitement .So when the first opportunity comes ,you take it    46  it is a war.”

       But there are moments of   47   . Jeremy Bowen says, “Yes ,when you’re lying on the ground and bullets (子弹)are flying  48   your ears ,you think: ‘What am I doing here? I’m not going to do this again.’ But that feeling   49   after a while and when the next war starts , you’ll be

  50   .”

       “None of us believes that we’re going to   51   ,” adds Michael .But he always  52   a lucky charm(护身符)with him .It was given to him by his wife for his first war .It’s a card which says “Take care of yourself.” Does he ever think about dying? “Oh,   53  ,and every time it happens you look to the sky and say to God, ‘If you get me out of this ,I   54   I’ll never do it again.’ You can almost hear God   55   ,because you know he doesn’t believe you .”









































46.A.even so

B.ever since

C.as if

D.even if


























B.many times

C.some time












One of my fondest memories as a child is going by the river and sitting idly(闲散地)on the bank. There I would enjoy the peace and___1___, watch the water ___2__downstream, and listen to the chirps(喳喳声)of the birds and the rustling (沙沙声)of the leaves in the trees. I would  also___3___the bamboo trees___4___under pressure from the wind and watch them ___5____gracefully to their upright or ___6___ position after the wind had___7____. When I think about the bamboo tree’s ___8____to bounce back or return to it’s original position, the word resilience(弹性)__ 9___to mind. When used in ___10_____ a person , this word means the ability to readily _11__from shock, depression or any other situation___12____stetches the limits of a person’s emotions. Have you ever felt like you are about to shout? Have you ever felt like you are at your __13__point?__14__, you have survived the experience to live to talk about it. During the experience you probably felt a mix of __15____that threatened your health. You felt emotionally tired,___16_____ exhausted and you most likely endured unpleasant physical symptoms.

   Life is a __17__ of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The next time you are __18___one of those bad times or unhappy moments that take you __19____to your breaking point, bend but don’t break. Try your best not to let the situation get the best of you. A measure of hope will__20__ you through the unpleasant test.

1.A. quiet  B. beautiful     C. noisy     D. happy

2.A. flow    B. rush     C. go     D. come

3. A. see     B. notice    C. watch   D. look at

4.A. bend    B. swing    C. break   D. tremble

5.A. return   B. recover  C. give   D. fly

6.A. straight  B. original  C. quick  D. necessary

7.A. died from  B. died out C. died down  D. died off

8.A. ability   B. power C. energy  D. strength

9.A. strikes  B. goes   C. appears  D. comes

10.A. preference to  B. conference to C. reference to D. appearance to

11.A. recover  B. calm  C. comfort  D. sink

12.A. where   B. that   C. when  D. in which

13.A. high   B. low   C. breaking   D. returning

14.A.Thankfully B. Hopefully  C. Happily  D. Surprisingly

15.A. senses  B. emotions  C. thoughts  D. minds

16.A. physically  B. mentally  C. patiently  D. fully

17.A. way     B. mixture   C. condition    D. feeling

18.A. experiencing  B. making   C. living  D. meeting

19.A. away  B. far  C. close   D. fast

20.A. bring  B. take  C. make  D. set


A Chilean(智利) soap-opera star, a beauty from Ancient Pompeii and a freckled (雀斑的)boyish girl hardly make an average beauty show line-up.

The first world-wide digital beauty contest to the surprise of many online fans was won by a woman who is virtually(虚拟) real flesh and bones. “Virtual models are not the anti-real, they are a different representation of reality,” said Franz Cerami, the organiser of Miss Digital World (数字世界小姐).

Each of the contestants had to provide the charming photo of high degrees, with date of birth and body measurements.

Chilean Rodolfo Perez Ayala decided that no figure of his imagination could beat the beauty of his wife, Katty Kowaleczko, so he hired artist Flavio Parra to recreate her. Kowaleczko, who plays Paula Sandoval in the popular Latin American soap opera Tentacion, was transformed into Katty-ko and won the digital contest with more than 17,000 online votes.

“I’m so happy Katty-ko won. I think her strength is her similarity to a real woman-not too luxurious or exposed”, Kowaleczko, 40, told reporters. “Her beauty is in her simplicity.” Kowaleczko was not afraid of being replaced by her 3D clone in movies or theatres, but hoped she would become “a sort of ambassador(使者) of Chilean beauty”.

Cerami said Latin American interest in Miss Digital World had greatly increased since Katty-ko joined the contest, which attracted about 3600 entries from countries from Iran to Australia and even from the ancient Roman empire.

“Pompea” was the digital reconstruction of a young woman killed by the outbreak of Vesuvius in 79 AD. “She was a slave, but also a rich man’s lover. When her body was discovered, many jewels and a bangle(手镯) with the writing ‘from the master to his servant girl’ were found” said Genny Tortora, a professor at the University of Salerno who led Pompea’s creative team.

Other contestants included Kaya, the most realistic model with digital freckles, pouty (噘起的) lips and upturned nose.

Now, Cerami’s dream is to manage a form of virtual beauties, introducing them for calendars, games, ads, and movies. One is even reported to be heading for Playboy’s front page.

8.The winner in the first Miss Digital World contest was ________.

A. a star who performed in some soap operas

B. a beauty who came from Chilean

C. a beauty who was from the ancient Roman empire

D. a made-up beauty based on a real woman.

9. Which group of the following are the names for the digital beauties mentioned in the passage?

A. Katty-ko, Pompea, Kaya.   B. Katty Kowaleczko, Pompea, Playboy.

C. Flavio Parra, Genny Tortora, Franz Cerami.

D. Rodolfo Perez Ayala, Pompea, Franz Cerami

10. The digital beauty “Pompea” was created by ________.

A. Genny Tortora   B. a group of people  C. by a young woman    D. a rich man

11. What the organiser of Miss Digital World wants to do next is ________.

A. sell pictures of beauties for calendars     B. hold another contest

C. put the digital beauties into practical use.  D. start an ads company

