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Dear Volunteers,
The service you will provide to elderly individuals in Abilene as a Meals on Wheels volunteer is deeply appreciated. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the many miles you will travel and all of the hours you will contribute to help make this one of the best programs in the entire state.
We have our staff members make a home visit before adding each person to the program and try to visit everyone at least once every year. That is hardly enough, and we depend on your contact a great deal! It is important that you report back when you do not get an answer to your knock on the door. The person inside may be hurt or ill. They may be in hospital or out of town and fail to inform us. If they are frequently absent, we may need to determine if they still need meals.
If you find someone with a medical emergency, please call 911 to request medical assistance, and then call the Meals on Wheels office. If you find someone who needs assistance other than for a medical emergency, please call the Meals on Wheels office at 6725050, and we will try to find the appropriate agency or individual to call.
Let us know when a certain person needs extra food. We have a food preparation room of shelf stable items to share with them. Please feel free to take a few magazines when you deliver meals. Many of those we serve cannot afford magazines and enjoy reading. If someone is interested in getting books from the Abilene Public Library, let us know. We can sign them up for the Books on Wheels program. Call if you smell gas strongly when you deliver meals, or if someone needs a space heater, a blanket, or an electric fan. Please convey all needs to us, and we will try to see that they are met. Some of the elderly people who we offer our service may have cancers, liver diseases, AIDS, etc. If you do not want to deliver meals to the people with certain types of health problems, such as these, please let us know.
Betty L. Bradley, LBSW,
Executive Director
【小题1】Why does the author write this letter?

A.To express great thanks to volunteers.
B.To explain how the old people get help.
C.To tell volunteers what they are tasked with.
D.To describe the life situation of the old people.
【小题2】What can we learn about the volunteers from the passage?
A.They order books for needy people.
B.They design programs to help people.
C.They offer medical help to sick people.
D.They deliver food to the elderly people.
【小题3】How does the author learn about the needs of the people served?
A.The volunteers report back the information to him.
B.His staff members call them to get the information.
C.He visits them now and then to get the information.
D.The family members send the information to his office.



We’ve organized the following information to help you prepare for your arrival at Boston College. Please feel free to contact our Admissions Office at any time over the coming months with any questions.

Your First Steps…

Please return the Acknowledgment Form sent with your acceptance letter to Dean Robert Howe, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, McGuinn Hall 221,140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467.

■For Ph. D. Acceptances and Master’s Acceptances with funding, we ask you to reply by April 25, 2008.

■For Master’s Acceptances without funding and Non-degree Acceptances, we ask you to reply by May 31, 2008.

■You should also contact your department to receive any department information.

Over the Coming Months…

Get informed about services around campus. We have provided links for you to the following offices.

■Student Services

After you return your Acknowledgment Form, you should receive a letter containing your BC Username and Eagle ID number. With this information you can reach email and Agora. In Agora, BC’s online community, you can update your student information, check your student account, and register (登记) for classes.

The Office of Student Services issues (发行) your BC Eagle One Card. This ID card acts as your campus library card and meal card.

Student Services’ website offers a complete listing of courses for the school year, as well as student forms and other important student information. The Office of Student Services also handles billing.


…CLICK HERE for more information.

If we can be of any more help to you, just contact us. Congratulations again! We look forward to you joining our University!

1.The above page can most probably be read ________.

A.on the Boston College website the Boston College newspaper

C.on BC Eagle One Card Student Services

2.The information above is particularly useful for those ________.

A.who want to apply for Boston College

B.who want to know about Boston College

C.who’ve been admitted to Boston College

D.who’ve decided to pay a visit to Boston College

3. If you want to study for your master’s degree with funding, you will have to ________.

A.return your Acknowledgment Form by May 31, 2008

B.send back your Acknowledgment Form by April 25, 2008 your Acknowledgment Form to Admissions Office by May 31, 2008

D.return your Acknowledgment Form to Student Services by April 25, 2008

4. If you want to decide what courses for the school year you’d better ________. up the Office of Student Services

B.get in touch with the Admissions Office your acceptance letter

D.visit Student Services’ website



What’s that smell? Do you hear that noise? Taste this! Look at me! Feel this, isn’t it soft? When you hear, or even use these phrases, you probably don’t stop to think about why we use them. Well, it’s because of our senses. Without us even knowing, our sense organs (nose, eyes, ears, tongue, and skin) are taking in information and sending it to the brain for processing. If we didn’t have them, we would not be able to smell, see, hear, taste, or touch anything!

Senses are the physical means by which all living things see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. Each sense collects information about the world and detects changes within the body. Both people and animals get all of their knowledge from their senses, and that is why senses are so important.

All senses depend on the working nerve system. Our sense organs start to work when something stimulates(刺激) special nerve cells, called receptors, in a sense organ. Once stimulated, the receptors send nerve impulses along sensory nerves to the brain. Your brain then tells you what to do. For example, your sound receptors are often attacked by billions of sound waves. When these signals reach the part of the brain called the cerebral cortex(大脑皮层), we become conscious of the sounds.

Our group really learned a lot about the senses while creating this website. We hope that you are able to get just as much out of it. Please feel free to comment about anything on the site by e-mailing us. Also, don’t forget to sign the guest book! Thanks for visiting our site. Come back soon!

60. This article is most probably taken from a _____.

A. newspaper             B. magazine                 C. website                 D. novel

61. Senses are very important because _____.

A. both people and animals get all of their knowledge from them

B. they are used to communicate with others

C. they can prevent the organs from being attacked

D. they can tell you what the stimulus is

62. Which of the following tells you what stimulate you?

A. The nerve cell.      B. The receptor.          C. The nerve impulse.   D. The brain.

63. According to this article, the following are all functions of the senses, EXCEPT _____.

A. collecting information about the world  

B. detecting changes within the body

C. sending nerve impulses to the brain 

D. serving the brain when needed



Dear Laura,
Hi! I am Veronica, your new pen friend from Singapore. I got your name and address from the Making Pen Pals' Column in Buddies magazine and thought I'd write to you. Well, let me start by telling you something about myself. I am 13 years old and I am studying in secondary one at Westdove School. I have just finished my exams. I live with my parents and younger sister in a five room apartment. I like swimming, playing tennis and reading novels. I love the outdoors, especially the sea and I have been on several trekking (long and hard) tours abroad. I enjoy listening to both pop and classical music. My favorite food is pizza and I love making it myself because I like to make it with lots of cheese and pepper. To sum it up, I am a talkative, caring and patient person.
I guess life in London must be wonderful with all the interesting places and good food to enjoy. I'd love to see the famous Big Ben. I hope to visit London during one of my school holidays. Laura, I would really like to learn more about your culture and lifestyle. I hope you will write back. I have enclosed(附有) my address and telephone number. Please feel free to call me if you make a trip to Singapore. I think you should because it is a wonderful place to shop. Till then, good-bye!
Yours faithfully
Veronica ?
60. Veronica writes the letter to Laura because she wants to ______.
A. tell her something about herself                     B. know something about her
C. invite her to her country                        D. make friends with her
61. Veronica says she loves making pizza because ______.
A. pizza bought in Singapore is not good     B. people can not buy fresh pizza in Singapore
C. she can make pizza to her own taste        D. she thinks it is cheap to make pizza
62. From the letter we know that ______.
A. Veronica is not interested in traveling     
B. Veronica has traveled a lot
C. Veronica has been to London before       
D. Veronica thinks Singapore is the best place for travelers
63. Veronica thinks that Laura should come to Singapore some day because ______.
A. she can do a lot of shopping in Singapore B. Singapore is a city of flowers
C. Singapore is a good place to visit?         D. Singapore is her native country


Dear Volunteers,

The service you will provide to elderly individuals in Abilene as a Meals on Wheels volunteer is deeply appreciated. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the many miles you will travel and all of the hours you will contribute to help make this one of the best programs in the entire state.

We have our staff members make a home visit before adding each person to the program and try to visit everyone at least once every year. That is hardly enough, and we depend on your contact a great deal! It is important that you report back when you do not get an answer to your knock on the door. The person inside may be hurt or ill. They may be in hospital or out of town and fail to inform us. If they are frequently absent, we may need to determine if they still need meals.

If you find someone with a medical emergency, please call 911 to request medical assistance, and then call the Meals on Wheels office. If you find someone who needs assistance other than for a medical emergency, please call the Meals on Wheels office at 6725050, and we will try to find the appropriate agency or individual to call.

Let us know when a certain person needs extra food. We have a food preparation room of shelf stable items to share with them. Please feel free to take a few magazines when you deliver meals. Many of those we serve cannot afford magazines and enjoy reading. If someone is interested in getting books from the Abilene Public Library, let us know. We can sign them up for the Books on Wheels program. Call if you smell gas strongly when you deliver meals, or if someone needs a space heater, a blanket, or an electric fan. Please convey all needs to us, and we will try to see that they are met. Some of the elderly people who we offer our service may have cancers, liver diseases, AIDS, etc. If you do not want to deliver meals to the people with certain types of health problems, such as these, please let us know.


Betty L. Bradley, LBSW,

Executive Director

1.Why does the author write this letter?

A.To express great thanks to volunteers.

B.To explain how the old people get help.

C.To tell volunteers what they are tasked with.

D.To describe the life situation of the old people.

2.What can we learn about the volunteers from the passage?

A.They order books for needy people.

B.They design programs to help people.

C.They offer medical help to sick people.

D.They deliver food to the elderly people.

3.How does the author learn about the needs of the people served?

A.The volunteers report back the information to him.

B.His staff members call them to get the information.

C.He visits them now and then to get the information.

D.The family members send the information to his office.


