If h to a high temperature, water will change to vapor. 查看更多



Section B

Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

distribute  B. stresses   C. unloading  D. contents  E. undoubtedly

F. strain     G. purchases  H. vitally    I. frequent   J. adventurous

  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that over 50,000 people every year sustain some sort of winter-related back injury, and 5,800 of those are holiday decorating-related. These aches and pains can __41__ bring trouble to people’s life. It is said that people’s back could sustain all sorts of strain from carrying heavy __42__ , and from the increased stress of lugging suitcases, decorations and gifts. Dr. Alanna Levine spoke to Debbye Turner Bell on “The Early Show” about how to protect the back for the holiday season.

  The first tip Dr. Levine gave was about carrying heavy shopping bags. Smaller bags, she said, are better. “You don’t want to load everything up into one bag and lug it around,” Dr. Levine explained. “You want to __43__ the weight on your body.” She also recommended putting heavier items towards the bottom in those bags and lighter items on top. Also, if you can, make    __44__ trips to the car to drop off purchases.

  Travel can be another pain in the back — from carrying heavy luggage. Again, Dr. Levine    __45__ not to pack everything into one bag. Even though it may cost more, she said that packing two smaller bags is safer than packing one heavy one. Also, choose a light-weight bag, so that the only weight you’re carrying is the __46__ inside the suitcase.

  When __47__ bags from an airport carousel, Dr. Levine suggests standing close to the carousel and bending your knees to lift it up. “You want to avoid that reach-and-lift. It puts a lot of    __48__ on your lower back,” she said.

  When it comes to holiday decorating, people can get __49__. Dr. Levine suggests decorating in pairs, so one person can hand the lights and ornaments to the other person to hang, as to avoid reaching or twisting to get what you need.




  Tom Dyson tried to find out what his new machine could do. One day he fixed the small box to a flowering plant that was growing in a pot. He didn't say anything at all, but he began to think some cruel thoughts.

  “I'm going to cut off these flowers. They're getting old and ugly. So I'll cut them off…”

  The needle on the machine climbed quickly from  zero to 8, then 10, 12, 15. It stopped at 17. The plant was in trouble! Something was worrying it. Was it fear or sadness? The thought of being cut? The flowers bent their heads. They suddenly looked old and tired, and Tom felt sorry for them.

  “No, no!” he cried.“I won't cut you. You're my friends. I just want you to grow and be lovely. I'll take you outside, into the sunshine. You'll like that, won't you?”

  The flowers lifted their heads slowly and seemed to smile at him. The needle returned to zero. Tom put away the machine, picked up the plant and walked outside. It was very nice in the garden that morning.

  All plants enjoy their owner's love and care and kindness. They know the sound of their voice. They also seem to understand people's thoughts. So if you have flowers of your own, think about them with love. They will return your kindness in the only way they can: they will grow strong and beautiful.

1.Choose the right order of the events given in the passage.

[  ]

a.The needle pointed to 17.

b.Tom felt sorry for the flowers.

c.Tom thought of cutting off the flowers.

d.The flowers looked old and tired.

e.Tom fixed the machine to a plant.

f.Tom took the plant outside.

g.The needle returned to zero.

h.Tom cried, “I won't cut you.”

[  ]

A.e; a; g; h; d; b; c; f

B.c; e; d; a; b; h; g; f

C.e; c; a; d; h; b; f; g

D.e; c; a; d; b; h; g; f

2.The only way in which plants can show their love is ________.

[  ]

A.enjoying their owner's love

B.bringing up nicely

C.holding up their heads

D.smiling at their owners

3.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Tom wanted to cut off the flowers.

B.Tom said nothing, but the flowers could understand him.

C.The machine didn't work properly.

D.The flowers were getting bad - looking



  Tom Dyson tried to find out what his new machine could do. One day he fixed the small box to a flowering plant that was growing in a pot. He didn't say anything at all, but he began to think some cruel thoughts.

  “I'm going to cut off these flowers. They're getting old and ugly. So I'll cut them off…”

  The needle on the machine climbed quickly from  zero to 8, then 10, 12, 15. It stopped at 17. The plant was in trouble! Something was worrying it. Was it fear or sadness? The thought of being cut? The flowers bent their heads. They suddenly looked old and tired, and Tom felt sorry for them.

  “No, no!” he cried.“I won't cut you. You're my friends. I just want you to grow and be lovely. I'll take you outside, into the sunshine. You'll like that, won't you?”

  The flowers lifted their heads slowly and seemed to smile at him. The needle returned to zero. Tom put away the machine, picked up the plant and walked outside. It was very nice in the garden that morning.

  All plants enjoy their owner's love and care and kindness. They know the sound of their voice. They also seem to understand people's thoughts. So if you have flowers of your own, think about them with love. They will return your kindness in the only way they can: they will grow strong and beautiful.

1.Choose the right order of the events given in the passage.

[  ]

a.The needle pointed to 17.

b.Tom felt sorry for the flowers.

c.Tom thought of cutting off the flowers.

d.The flowers looked old and tired.

e.Tom fixed the machine to a plant.

f.Tom took the plant outside.

g.The needle returned to zero.

h.Tom cried, “I won't cut you.”

[  ]

A.e; a; g; h; d; b; c; f

B.c; e; d; a; b; h; g; f

C.e; c; a; d; h; b; f; g

D.e; c; a; d; b; h; g; f

2.The only way in which plants can show their love is ________.

[  ]

A.enjoying their owner's love

B.bringing up nicely

C.holding up their heads

D.smiling at their owners

3.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Tom wanted to cut off the flowers.

B.Tom said nothing, but the flowers could understand him.

C.The machine didn't work properly.

D.The flowers were getting bad - looking


In such a fierce competition, a person h as to make every effort if he _____.


A. has succeeded  B. is to succeed  C. should succeed  D. will succeed




  Attention deficit(不足)hyperactivity(活动过度)disorder is known by the letters A.D.H D.Children with A.D.H.D.might have trouble paying attention.They might not seem to listen and might forget things.They might not be able to stay seated or play quietly.They might talk too much and act and speak without thinking about the results of their behavior.These are among the signs named on the web site of America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Doctors usually identify the disorder in children.But experts say the behaviors often last into adulthood.Researchers have been looking for the cause or causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.Now, a brain-imaging study offers more evidence that could lead to new ways to treat it.Researchers say they observed shortages in the brain's reward system in patients with A.D.H.D.The study found that levels of some proteins were lower than normal.Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, says the lack of attention and self –control that mark A.B.H.D. could be caused by problem in the flow of dopamine(多巴胺). She says people might have difficulty completing an activity if they cannot expect some kind of reward in return. Researchers studied the pathways on which dopamine travels and A.D.H.D. Doctor Volkow says the researchers then compared the pathways to those of 44 adults without the disorder. “There was a lower concentration of dopamine markers in the brain of individuals with A.D.H.D., specifically in the areas of the brain that are involved with reward and motivation. And the dopamine levels were directly linked to the severity, of the patient’s inattention she says.”

The study used brain images taken at Brookhaven National Laboratory in new York State. Gene-Jack Wang is chairman of the Brookdhaven medical department. He says the finding might also help explain why people with A.D.H.D.


are more likely to abuse drugs or overeat. He says they might be attempting to increase their dopamine levels to make up for the deficits in their reward system.


●The finding of (1)  

The (2)   of Children with A.D.H.D.

●They are lacking in (3)   .

●Perhaps they don’t seem to listen.

●Perhaps they are(4)  .

●Perhaps they can’t sit for (5)   or play quietly.

●They might talk too much and act and speak without(6)    the results of their behavior

The (7)    of A.D.H.D.

●patients with A.D.H.D are (8)  of the brain’s reward.

●Levels of some proteins are lower than normal.

●Levels of dopamine are(9)   as well.

Reasons of abusing Drugs

●They are trying to (10)   their dopamine.


