The thief was s to five years in prison. 查看更多




  Cross was what people call a mystery(神秘和)man. We had known him for over five years, even since he became a member of our club. But he had a way of keeping his personal life to himself in all but unimportant facts. We knew his address, though he did not ever invite us to his home, and his age too, but only small matters of this kind.

  It appeared that he did not have to work for a living as we did. He had once mentioned a piece of property left by someone on which he managed to live comfortably. He was not, however, a man of luxurious(奢侈的)habits: he was not especially well-dressed and he did not even have a car. At the age of forty-five he was still single, since marriage was not a subject(话题)he ever discussed. We had no means of finding out whether he regretted the lack of a wife.

  Cross disappeared suddenly from our circle shortly after we came to learn the first really meaningful facts about our mystery man. From reports that appeared in the newspapers, together with photographs of a man who was, without any doubt, our Mr Cross, it was discovered that he was a most skilled house -breaker, operating mainly in the London area; and that he had practised this for many years, until he was caught and sent to prison.

1.Cross’s prersonal life ________.

[  ]

A.didn’t exist
B.wasn’t important
C.was kept secret
D.wasn’t easy

2.It seemed that Cross ________.

[  ]

A.had different jobs

B.had lost his job

C.lived only for his work

D.had enough money without working

3.Cross went out of sight ________.

[  ] low spirit
B.after a quarrel
C.quite unexpectedly

4.Cross was ________.

[  ]

A.a thief escaped prisoner
C.a newsman
D.a photographer

5.Cross worked ________.

[  ]

A.only in London
B.mostly in London
C.near London
D.away from London


SAN FRANCISCO — Sales for Apple’s third generation iPad has hit record in the first days after it was on the market, Apple and carrier (电信公司) AT&T said on Monday.

The new iPad went on sale on March 16 in the United States along with nine additional countries and areas.

“We had a record weekend, and we are thrilled with it,” Apple’s CEO Tim Cook said Monday at a conference.

Shortly after the conference call, AT&T said the launch of the new iPad set a new single-day record for its sales.

“On Friday, March 16 AT&T set a new single-day record for its iPad sales, showing strong demand for the new iPad on the nation’s largest 4G network,” said the mobile carrier in a brief announcement.

The new iPad is Apple’s first 4G-capable product, featuring retina (视网膜) display, HD camera and faster processor. Before hitting stores, the new iPad pre-sales were sold out worldwide in two days.

BEIJING — A Chinese farmer was sentenced to 13 years in prison Monday for stealing art pieces from the Forbidden City last year, court authorities said.

Shi Baikui, 27, was fined 13,000 yuan ($2,059) and was deprived (剥夺) of his political rights for 3 years, according to the ruling announced by the Second Intermediate People’s Court in Beijing Monday morning.

Shi, from East China’s Shandong Province, broke into the heavily guarded former home of Chinese emperors in the heart of Beijing, and stole nine art pieces made of gold and jewels, on May 8, 2011, the court said in a statement.

While hurriedly escaping, Shi left behind five of the pieces in the Forbidden City’s compound(场地). Failing to immediately sell the treasures, he threw the other four pieces away the next day, the document said.

Six pieces were recovered and the three missing were worth about 150,000 yuan ($23,760) in total.

Shi was arrested by police at an Internet café in Beijing’s Fengtai district 58 hours after the theft.

56. We can infer from the news that the new iPad ______.

A. was sold out on Mar. 16                 B. is more advanced than the last version

C. is cheaper than other cell phones          D. is sold only in the United States.

57. The new iPad is so popular because _______.

A. it’s better equipped                   B. it’s made in the United States

C. it is Apple’s first product               D. it depends on the nation’s largest 4G network

58. What can we learn about the stolen art pieces?

A. They were all recovered.                

B. They were all sold off.

C. Some were left behind and some were thrown away.

D. Some were missing and some were sold off.

59. Which of the following is true?

A. No one guarded the Forbidden City.

B. The thief was sentenced to three years in prison.

C. The nine art pieces were worth about 150,000 yuan.

D. The thief was caught two days later.

