She usually comes back fro her work . A. at noon B. in noon C. on noon D. with noon 查看更多



As the father of a student, I have experienced first hand what a great teacher is. My son was in the 4th grade last year, and he had a teacher called Miss Green. I believe that when he is an adult he will surely look back on her as the best teacher he has ever had.
My son has attention deficit disorder(注意力缺损症) that makes it a little more difficult for him to learn. She was able to change her teaching methods for him so that he could keep up with the rest of the class. As a result, he got straight As on many subjects. She regarded her class as a family and they even had their own class song. She would often have them sing it to encourage them and develop a team spirit for them. When she saw that they were no longer listening carefully to what she was teaching, she would have them close their textbooks, stand up all around the room and throw around a small football. This helped them clear their minds and then focus on the lesson again. Besides, she was quick to reply to any phone calls or emails from us and got rid of our worries about children quickly.
When my son went to the 5th grade this year, we happened to pass her classroom. When she saw my son, her face lit up(露出喜色) and she came out and hugged him. She generally loves all of the children in her classroom and that love really shows. I can only pray(祈祷) that my son will continue to get teachers just like her for the rest of his school years.
【小题1】With the teacher’s help, the writer’s son ______.

A.became the best student in his class
B.was interested in singing songs
C.quickly finished his 4th grade lessons
D.improved his grades greatly
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT true about Miss Green?
A.She regarded the students as members of a family.
B.She had special ways to help students study.
C.She was good at teaching football and music.
D.She usually made a quick reply to parents’ emails.
【小题3】The underlined phrases “focus on” in Paragraph 2 means ______.
A.look forward attention to
C.get away fromD.take care of
【小题4】We can learn from the text that ______.
A.Miss Green was the best teacher at the school
B.all the students in the school liked Miss Green
C.Miss Green didn’t teach the writer’s son in the 5th grade
D.the writer’s son had many teachers like Miss Green
【小题5】In the text, the writer mainly tells us ______.
A.what his son studied at school
B.his son once had a good teacher to be a good and popular teacher
D.a teacher who liked playing with students


  She is only 12 years old but lives only with her younger sister. Her parents are far away from home, and she has to take care of her younger sister. She is He Can, a student at Anqing Jiangzhen Middle School in Anhui, one of the “stay-at-home children” in her town. To make money, these kids’ parents go to big cities to find jobs. Their children have to stay at home because they have to go to school.    

       He Can’s parents left home when she was only four. They only come back for the Spring Festival every year. Because she had to live with different relatives at different times, He Can went to eight different primary schools.    

       “I used to complain,” she said. “But later I understood my parents. They have to go away to make a better life for us.” He Can said her frequently (频繁地) changing life also has a good side.    

       “When I went to a new school, I had to try to make friends,” said He Can. “I became outgoing. Now I’m not afraid of talking to people.”    

       He Can said her relatives were kind to her. They taught her how to cook and wash clothes.     

       When He Can was going to start junior high school, her parents agreed to let her live out with her younger sister. She rents a house near the school. Sometimes their grandmother comes over and helps them.    

       Every day, He Can gets up at 6:00 am and cooks breakfast. Then the two girls go to school. They have supper at 6:00 pm. Then He Can does chores and helps her sister take a shower. She usually goes to bed at 9:30 pm.    

       Though busy, He Can is still a top student in her class. She said the secret is never to put things off until tomorrow.    

       “I think my life is OK,” she said. “But if possible, I would like my parents to settle down (安顿下来) and live with us.”

Why does He Can live only with her younger sister?

A. Because their parents don’t like them.       

B. Because their parents have to work in a big city.

C. Because they enjoy living by themselves.   

D. Because their schools are too far away from their home.

Where did He Can live before she started junior high school?

A. In her relatives’ houses.                   B. In her own house.

C. In a house she rented.                    D. In her school.

What does He Can think of changing schools so often?

A. She hates it and complains a lot about it.  

B. She thinks it good for her growth.

C. She enjoys it because she can make more friends.

D. She thinks it bad for her studies.

What is He Can’s secret of being top at studies though busy?

A. She often asks her relatives for help.  

B. She exercises a lot to make herself stronger.

C. She gives her sister some work to do. 

D. She tries to finish everything before going to bed.


_____1.Susan is a big eater. She usually has a lot at every meal. So she wonders whether she could only eat less for the first meal of a day to lose weight.

_____2.Tina is a fat girl who doesn’t like exercise much. She just wants to lose weight by eating less but not doing exercise.

_____3.Maggie is a busy office lady. She usually has to work overtime every day. So she could only have her dinner late at night. She wants to be slimmer so that she could be much more attractive.

_____4. Judy is a fashionable designer. She hopes to have a slim shape as models. She usually doesn’t have any regular meal, but has some snacks when she is hungry.

A.If you eat less for breakfast, you have a lower chance of losing weight. Breakfast is important. It gives the body sufficient energy to sustain itself through the morning, and it also stimulates metabolic (新陈代谢) activity in the body. Metabolism is what consumes fat and what makes us slimmer. So, don’t forget to eat something for the breakfast.

B.If you ate your last meal right before going to bed, the calories accumulated from this meal could be twice the amount accumulated from a same meal if you ate it another time during the day.

C.Many people stop doing exercise when they eat less. When you do this, your body will burn less fat. So even if people take in less calories, they get rid of less too. The balance is then unchanged.

D.People gain fat not from the food they eat, but from the number of calories in the food. For example, a bunch of vegetables has just one tenth the calories contained in a small bit of chocolate cake. So make sure you have adequate regular meals, but firmly say no to various snacks, milk tea or even instant noodles.



Angelina Jolie says she has a really wonderful time with her partner Brad Pitt, who is an American actor and film producer — and that's why they're still together!  

Jolie __16__ six children with the actor. She was __17__ by America's Parade magazine if their children are the __18__ she and Brad stay together.

“The children certainly tie us together, but a relationship won't __19__ if it's only about the kids,” Jolie replied. “You also must be really interested in each other and have a really, really wonderful, __20__ time together. We do. Brad and I __21__ being together. We enjoy it. We need it, and we __22__ find that special time. We keep connected. We talk about it. It's very __23__ to our family. If Brad and I are strong and happy, then our kids have happy __24__ and that's the best thing we can give them. Brad knows me completely,  __25__ as I am, every part of me. He loves me. The kids love me. Hopefully I'm giving my children the __26__ that they are deeply loved and deeply safe. At the same time we are hopefully __27__ their individuality (个性) as they get to know who they are, and not getting in the way of that. That's why they are six very strong individuals.”

The Oscar­winning star showed __28__ of helping her children develop their individuality is __29__ them to develop their own identities (自我认同感), __30__ she admitted that she can't __31__  the recent controversy (争论) with Brad when she agreed that her daughter Shiloh could cut her hair short and  __32__  like a boy. For example, she usually wears a jacket instead of a skirt.

Angelina added to __33__, “She wants her hair cut like a boy and she wants to be __34__ John for a while. Some kids wear caps and want to be Superman and she wants to be like her __35__.”

16.A. finds            B.teaches                 C.raises                    D.hires

17.A. written            B.reported                       C.stopped                 D.asked

18.A. reason             B.intention               C.purpose                 D.result

19.A. break                B.hold                     C.lose                      D.happen

20.A. boring             B.disappointing  C.exciting                 D.surprising

21.A. love                 B.avoid                     C.hate                      D.consider

22.A. never               B.seldom                  C.always                  D.sometimes

23.A. easy                       B.different                C.far                        D.important

24.A. parents            B.classmates             C.relatives                D.neighbors

25.A. mostly             B.only                      C.exactly                  D.simply

26.A. knowledge       B.sense                    C.sight                     D.view

27.A. changing          B.forming                 C.encouraging           D.destroying

28.A. little          B.none                     C.all                        D.part

29.A. forcing            B.allowing                C.warning                       D.refusing

30.A. and                 B.though                  C.because                 D.but

31.A. remember         B.explain                  C.realize                   D.understand

32.A. walk                 B.dress                                   D.think

33.A. doctors            B.players                  C.readers                  D.reporters

34.A. mistaken          B.called                     C.recognized           D.made

35.A. brothers           B.sisters                    C.uncles                 D.aunts


Senior citizens are permitted to travel cheaply on a bus if they have a special card. Women may get cards when they are sixty.
Mrs. Matthews lived in the country but she went into town once a week to buy food and other things for the house, and she usually went by bus. She always had to pay the full price for her ride.
Then she reached the age of sixty and got her senior citizen’s card, but when she used it for the first time on the bus, it made her feel very old.
The bus driver had often seen her traveling on the bus before, and he noticed that she was feeling unhappy, so after she had paid her money, he winked at her and whispered, “Don’t forget to give your mother’s card back to her when you see her again.”
Mrs. Matthews was very happy when she heard this.
【小题1】Senior citizens in the story refer to       .

A.those who have special cards
B.old people with special cards
C.people who hold high positions in the government
D.those who wanted to travel cheaply
【小题2】Women over sixty       .
A.don’t have to pay for taking buses less for their ride if they have a special card
C.have to pay the full price for their ride
D.have to pay their special card
【小题3】Mrs. Matthews used to pay the full price for her ride because    .
A.she didn’t know the rule
B.she wasn’t old enough
C.she didn’t know where to get the card
D.she had reached sixty but had not got her senior citizen card
【小题4】Mrs. Matthews felt unhappy on the bus because      .
A.she still had to pay for the ride
B.the card wasn’t hers
C.she felt she was now an old woman
D.the driver found out she was not honest
【小题5】The driver whispered to her      . order to make her feel younger
B.because he thought that she shouldn’t have borrowed her mother’s card
C.because he wanted her to pay the full amount
D.because he knew her mother was still alive

