A. on B. across C. from D. through 查看更多



A dam is a man-made structure built across a river. Most dams are built to control a river’s water flow, improve navigation and control flooding. However, some dams are built to produce hydro-electric power.

Hydro-electric power is produced as water passes through a dam, and into a river below. The more water that passes through a dam, the more energy is produced. Once a dam is built, a man-made lake is created behind the dam.

Electricity is produced by a kind of equipment called a turbine(水轮机). Turbines contain metal coils(线圈) surrounded by magnets(磁铁). When the magnets move round rapidly over the metal coils, electricity is produced. Turbines are located inside dams. The falling water makes the magnets go around the coils.

Dams provide clean energy, but they can also harm the environment. Species that use rivers to reproduce are often hurt by dams. In the Northwest of the US, the population of fishes has dropped from 16 million to 2.5 million since hydro-electric plants were built on the Columbia River. Dams all over the world have hurt some species. 

  The highest dam in the Unites States is located near Oroville, California. The Oroville Dam towers 230 meters and is more than a mile wide. This dam was built in 1968, 22 years after the Hoover Dam. The Hoover Dam, on the Nevada-Arizona border controls the Colorado river. It is 221 meters high and has 2.6 million hectare-meters of water.

The highest dam in the world is the Nurek Dam on the Vakhsh River in Tadzikistan, a country in central Asia. This dam is 300 meters tall. 

Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?              

A. Some dams are built for controlling a river’s water flow.

B. Hydro-electric power is usually produced through a dam.

C. Dams can offer energy and they are harmless to the environment.

D. Generally speaking, where there is a dam, there is a man-made lake.

The third paragraph mainly tells us _____.                          

  A. how hydro-electric power is produced

  B. What a turbine is and how it works 

  C. how the magnets and the metal coils work

  D. how the falling water passes through a turbine                     

The dam which controls the Colorado river is ____.                  

A. the Oroville Dam  B. the Hoover Dam  C. the Nurek Dam  D. the Vakhsh Dam


A dam is a man-made structure built across a river. Most dams are built to control a river’s water flow, improve navigation and control flooding. However, some dams are built to produce hydro-electric power.

Hydro-electric power is produced as water passes through a dam, and into a river below. The more water that passes through a dam, the more energy is produced. Once a dam is built, a man-made lake is created behind the dam.

Electricity is produced by a kind of equipment called a turbine(水轮机). Turbines contain metal coils(线圈) surrounded by magnets(磁铁). When the magnets move round rapidly over the metal coils, electricity is produced. Turbines are located inside dams. The falling water makes the magnets go around the coils.

Dams provide clean energy, but they can also harm the environment. Species that use rivers to reproduce are often hurt by dams. In the Northwest of the US, the population of fishes has dropped from 16 million to 2.5 million since hydro-electric plants were built on the Columbia River. Dams all over the world have hurt some species. 

  The highest dam in the Unites States is located near Oroville, California. The Oroville Dam towers 230 meters and is more than a mile wide. This dam was built in 1968, 22 years after the Hoover Dam. The Hoover Dam, on the Nevada-Arizona border controls the Colorado river. It is 221 meters high and has 2.6 million hectare-meters of water.

The highest dam in the world is the Nurek Dam on the Vakhsh River in Tadzikistan, a country in central Asia. This dam is 300 meters tall. 

Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?              

A. Some dams are built for controlling a river’s water flow.

B. Hydro-electric power is usually produced through a dam.

C. Dams can offer energy and they are harmless to the environment.

D. Generally speaking, where there is a dam, there is a man-made lake.

The third paragraph mainly tells us _____.       56-60 ADB                    

  A. how hydro-electric power is produced

  B. What a turbine is and how it works 

  C. how the magnets and the metal coils work

  D. how the falling water passes through a turbine                     

The dam which controls the Colorado river is ____.                  

A. the Oroville Dam  B. the Hoover Dam  C. the Nurek Dam  D. the Vakhsh Dam


On a cold November afternoon,my mother and 1 were walking home from a   21   .We were dressed   22   .1 was feeling a little   23  as 1 was carrying our shopping,and decided to throw away something.So I started to walk towards a   24  when I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of us.He   25   over to another nearby dustbin and started looking through it.

I suddenly felt very guilty because 1 was about to throw away a new drink just because it was

  26  .1 walked up to him and handed the   27   and some snacks over to him.The man looked up   28   and took what I gave him.

A huge smile   29   across his face and this   30    me to feel indescribable satisfaction.I felt I couldn’t be happier   31   myself.But then he said:“Wow,this is my son’s lucky day!”

With that,he thanked me happily and started off on his bike,I    32   heard him whistling a song as he rode away.

I got a warm  33 inside.I now understand  34  is meant by the saying “giving is getting”.

Although it only   35   a little action and a few words,I gained and learned more in those two minutes than I did in the rest of the month.Everyone in the world needs   36   ,everyone can   37   help and everyone will be helped by   38   kindness.

The image of that man’s happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind every   39  I have the chance to do something nice.

This is the   40    of charity.

A.store             B.school             C.hospital                  D.factory

A.poorly       B.coldly              C.warmly                   D.expensively

A.glad              B.interested         C.bored                         D.tired

A.street            B.dustbin            C.toilet                   D.corner

A.walked          B.looked             C.thought                   D.took

A.cheap            B.heavy           C.tasteless                  D.full

A.money          B.toys                 C.drink                      D.clothes

A.in silence   B.in surprise         C.in interest            D.in a hurry

A.spread        B.came            C.went                       D.ran

A.forced           B.helped             C.made                   D.caused

A.with             B.to                    C.at                           D.for

A.still                     B.never               C.even                       D.ever

A.opinion         B.mind               C.idea                        D.feeling

A.which           B.what             C.that                        D.it

A.cost              B.took                C.spent                   D.asked

A.1ove             B.money             C.help                       D.drink

A.give              B.send                C.offer                      D.have

A.showing        B.expressing        C.1ending                  D.saying

A.moment        B.day                 C.minute                    D.time

A.aim                     B.meaning          C.strength                  D.power


A Train Floating On Air

A train that floats on air? It's not magic — it's magnets (磁). And it's close to reality.

       In Virginia USA the fall of 2002, a train with no wheels traveled on air and carried college students across their campus. In Japan, a whisper-quiet railway engine hovered and raced at 350 miles per hour using magnets and electricity as the power. And in China, a magnet train line linked Shanghai with nearby Pudong Airport.

These trains use magnetic levitation (悬浮) technology, “maglev” for short. They use the same rules as the magnets you pick up at home or school: opposite poles of magnets attract each other, and like poles repel each other.

How does it work?

Powerful magnets on the bottom of the train repel magnets on the track, which is actually just a magnet-filled guiding way. With a magnetic field of sufficient force, the train will go hovering on air, which seemed impossible to us in the past.

When an electrical current is sent through the track, the train moves. Turn the current backwards and the train slows down.

Maglev doesn't rely on the friction (摩擦力) of wheels on track, so it can climb a much steeper hill than a traditional train. And it can travel easily in snow and ice, something that could bring normal trains to a screaming stop.    

Which of the following is a repelling action?

       A.                        B.                        C.                        D.

     What can we learn from the text?

A. Electric currents decide the movements of a maglev train. 

B. A magnet-filled guiding way is formed inside a maglev train.

       C. Instead of electricity, magnets are used as the power of a maglev.

       D. Maglev trains can climb hills with the help of magnet wheels.

What is the difference between a maglev train and an ordinary train?

       A. Floating on a track, a maglev train is faster, quieter than an ordinary railway train.

       B. A maglev train can climb mountains without power while an ordinary one can’t.

       C. A maglev train can travel in college campus while an ordinary train is not allowed.

       D. Travelling without a track, a maglev train is safer and smoother than an ordinary one.


On the 36th day after they had voted, Americans finally learned Wednesday who would be their next president: Governor George W. Bush of Texas.

Vice President Al Gore, his last realistic avenue for legal challenge closed by a U. S. Supreme Court decision late Tuesday, planned to end the contest formally in a televised evening speech of perhaps 10 minutes, advisers said.

They said that Senator Joseph Lieberman, his vice presidential running mate, would first make brief comments. The men would speak from a ceremonial chamber of the Old Executive office Building, to the west of the White House.

The dozens of political workers and lawyers who had helped lead Mr. Gore’s unprecedented fight to claw a come-from-behind electoral victory in the pivotal state of Florida were thanked Wednesday and asked to stand down.

“The vice president has directed the recount committee to suspend activities,” William Daley, the Gore campaign chairman, said in a written statement.

Mr. Gore authorized that statement after meeting with his wife, Tipper, and with top advisers including Mr. Daley.

He was expected to telephone Mr. Bush during the day. The Bush campaign kept a low profile and moved gingerly, as if to leave space for Mr. Gore to contemplate his next steps.

Yet, at the end of a trying and tumultuous process that had focused world attention on sleepless vote counters across Florida, and on courtrooms form Miami to Tallahassee to Atlanta to Washington the Texas governor was set to become the 43d U. S. president.

The news of Mr. Gore’s plans followed the longest and most rancorous dispute over a U. S. presidential election in more than a century, one certain to leave scars in a badly divided country.

It was a bitter ending for Mr. Gore, who had outpolled Mr. Bush nationwide by some 300000 votes, but, without Florida, fell short in the Electoral College by 271votes to 267—the narrowest Electoral College victory since the turbulent election of 1876.

Mr. Gore was said to be distressed by what he and many Democratic activists felt was a partisan decision from the nation’s highest court.

The 5-to –4 decision of the Supreme Court held, in essence, that while a vote recount in Florida could be conducted in legal and constitutional fashion, as Mr. Gore had sought, this could not be done by the Dec. 12 deadline for states to select their presidential electors.

James Baker 3rd, the former secretary of state who represented Mr. Bush in the Florida dispute, issued a short statement after the U. S. high court ruling, saying that the governor was “very pleased and gratified.”

Mr. Bush was planning a nationwide speech aimed at trying to begin to heal the country’s deep, aching and varied divisions. He then was expected to meet with congressional leaders, including Democrats. Dick Cheney, Mr. Bush’s ruing mate, was meeting with congressmen Wednesday in Washington.

When Mr. Bush, who is 54, is sworn into office on Jan.20, he will be only the second son of  a president to follow his father to the White House, after John Adams and John Quincy Adams in the early 19th century.

Mr. Gore, in his speech, was expected to thank his supporters, defend his hive-week battle as an effort to ensure, as a matter of principle, that every vote be counted, and call for the nation to join behind the new president. He was described by an aide as “resolved and resigned.”

While some constitutional experts had said they believed states could present electors as late as Dec. 18, the U. S. high court made clear that it saw no such leeway.

The U.S. high court sent back “for revision” to the Florida court its order allowing recounts but made clear that for all practical purposes the election was over.

In its unsigned main opinion, the court declared, “The recount process, in its features here described, is inconsistent with the minimum procedures necessary to protect the fundamental right of each voter.”

That decision, by a court fractured along philosophical lines, left one liberal justice charging that the high court’s proceedings bore a political taint.

Justice John Paul Stevens wrote in an angry dissent:” Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year’s presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the nation’s confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the law.”

But at the end of five seemingly endless weeks, during which the physical, legal and constitutional machines of the U. S. election were pressed and sorely tested in ways unseen in more than a century, the system finally produced a result, and one most Americans appeared to be willing at lease provisionally to support.

The Bush team welcomed the news with an outward show of restraint and aplomb. The governor’s hopes had risen and fallen so many times since Election night, and the legal warriors of each side suffered through so many dramatic reversals, that there was little energy left for celebration.

The main idea of this passage is

[A]. Bush’s victory in presidential election bore a political taint.

[B]. The process of the American presidential election.

[C]. The Supreme Court plays a very important part in the presidential election.

[D]. Gore is distressed.

     What does the sentence “as if to leave space for Mr. Gore to contemplate his next step” mean

[A]. Bush hopes Gore to join his administration.

[B]. Bush hopes Gore to concede defeat and to support him.

[C]. Bush hopes Gore to congraduate him.

[D]. Bush hopes Gore go on fighting with him.

     Why couldn’t Mr. Gore win the presidential election after he outpolled Mr. Bush in the popular vote? Because

[A]. the American president is decided by the supreme court’s decision.

[B]. people can’t directly elect their president.

[C]. the American president is elected by a slate of presidential electors.

[D]. the people of each state support Mr. Bush.

     What was the result of the 5—4 decision of the supreme court?

[A]. It was in fact for the vote recount.

[B]. It had nothing to do with the presidential election.

[C]. It decided the fate of the winner.

[D]. It was in essence against the vote recount.

     What did the “turbulent election of 1876” imply?

[A]. The process of presidential election of 2000 was the same as that.

[B]. There were great similarities between the two presidential elections (2000 and 1876).

[C]. It was compared to presidential election of 2000.

[D]. It was given an example.

