W sick or well, she is always cheerful. 查看更多



Visiting friends is probably one of the most common occurrences, in daily
life. Generally  , it is polite to call a friend before 【小题1】
you visit, but often very close friends just drop in      each other【小题2】   
without calling. Some people enjoy a    (惊喜)visit from a friend,【小题3】__
but many people do not. Take Americans for example, those    don’t【小题4】      
like surprise visits may tell their friends to call first  they come.【小题5】   
This is     (可接受的)because most people are vey busy. Dropping 【小题6】    
in at a busy time can l   to some problems for the person visiting【小题7】      
and the person visited. It is a good idea to ask a friend w    he or【小题8】      
she minds your just visiting w    calling. If you are not 【小题9】       
sure your friend          (欢迎)surprise visits, call first. 【小题10】     


对话填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

W: Sir, you’ve been using the online catalogue(目录)for

quite a (76) w______. Is there anything I can do to help you?

M: Well, I’ve got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and I’m really struggling. There are hundreds of books, and I just don’t know (77) w_____ to begin.

W: Your topic sounds pretty big. Why don’t you narrow it down to something like…uh… the history of the studios during that time?

M: You know, I was thinking about doing that, but more than 30 books came up when I (78) t_____ in “movie studios.”

W: You could cut that down even further by listing the specific (79) y_____ you want. Try adding “1930s” or “1940s” or maybe “Golden Age.”

M: “Golden Age” is a good idea. Let me type that in. Hey, look, just 6 books this time. That’s a lot better.

W: Oh… another thing you might consider. Have you tried looking for any (80) m_______ or newspaper articles?

M: No, I’ve only been (81) s________ for books.

W: Well, you can look up magazine articles in the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature. And we do have the Los Angeles Times available over there. You might go (82) t________ their indexes (索引) to see if there’s (83) a_______ you want.

M: Okay, I think I’ll get (84) s_______ with these books and then I’ll go over the magazines.

W: If you need any (85) h_____, I’ll be over at the Reference Desk.

M: Great, thanks a lot. 



I Believe I Can Fly is a song that tells us confidence is important.
【小题1】       my granny put it, one will make it whenever he believes
【小题2】in himself. Dreams and confidence are         keep us going
【小题3】on. Three years ago I was        (接纳) to the present school. However,
【小题4】I was not used to the new school life so that I did b      in exams.
【小题5】     was my friends who got me to understand I would fly high
【小题6】as long as I had confidence. After several        (月) of hard work,
【小题7】I made great progress. Now I am firmly        (相信) that our dreams
【小题8】will come true if we try our best. W       old or young, lucky or
【小题9】not, never give up when faced         difficulties. Remember
【小题10】confidence is the key to        (成功).



I Believe I Can Fly is a song that tells us confidence is important.

1.       my granny put it, one will make it whenever he believes

2.in himself. Dreams and confidence are         keep us going

3.on. Three years ago I was        (接纳) to the present school. However,

4.I was not used to the new school life so that I did b      in exams.

5.     was my friends who got me to understand I would fly high

6.as long as I had confidence. After several        (月) of hard work,

7.I made great progress. Now I am firmly        (相信) that our dreams

8.will come true if we try our best. W       old or young, lucky or

9.not, never give up when faced         difficulties. Remember

10.confidence is the key to        (成功).




W: Sir, you’ve been using the online catalogue(目录)for

quite a (1.) w______.Is there anything I can do to help you?

M: Well, I’ve got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and I’m really struggling.There are hundreds of books, and I just don’t know (2.) w_____ to begin.

W: Your topic sounds pretty big.Why don’t you narrow it down to something like…uh… the history of the studios during that time?

M: You know, I was thinking about doing that, but more than 30 books came up when I (3.) t_____ in “movie studios.”

W: You could cut that down even further by listing the specific (4.) y_____ you want.Try adding “1930s” or “1940s” or maybe “Golden Age.”

M: “Golden Age” is a good idea.Let me type that in.Hey, look, just 6 books this time.That’s a lot better.

W: Oh… another thing you might consider.Have you tried looking for any (5.) m_______ or newspaper articles?

M: No, I’ve only been (6.) s________ for books.

W: Well, you can look up magazine articles in the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature.And we do have the Los Angeles Times available over there.You might go (7.) t________ their indexes (索引) to see if there’s (8.) a_______ you want.

M: Okay, I think I’ll get (9.) s_______ with these books and then I’ll go over the magazines.

W: If you need any (10.) h_____, I’ll be over at the Reference Desk.

M: Great, thanks a lot.


