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  I like to be near water--sea, lake or river. That is probably 1 I was born in a village by the sea, and have lived most of my life close to water of 2 . When I am in some place which is 3 lake, river and sea. I am 4 and always feel that there is something missing 5 it is sometimes hard for me to decide what it is.

  Of course, the sports I like are ones which 6 water--sailing, rowing and swimming, It is 7 to swim in small swimming-pools, but rowing and sailing are impossible 8 a lot of water. Rowing is best on a river, 9 sailing on the sea or a big lake, but 10 can do some sailing on a river, and one can 11 row on a lake or the sea when the weather is good.

  Of the three sports--swimming, rowing and sailing, I like 12 best, because it is the easiest to 13 during the winter, when the water is too cold for 14 swimming and the sea is often too rough for sailing. 15 on the coldest days one can row: only hard 16 on the water, or thick fog stops one. Sometimes it is so cold when I go out rowing that 17 of water freeze wherever they fall. In such 18 , it is not very pleasant to swim: one cannot stay in the water very long; 19 , when one is rowing, one gets warmer the 20 one goes on.


[  ]

A.why      B.because

C.whether     D.how


[  ]

A.some kind   B.the sea

C.the lake    D.the river


[  ]

A.close to    B.nearby

C.on top of   D.far from


[  ]

A.careless   B.restless

C.fearless   D.hopeless


[  ]

A.in case    B.as long as

C.even though  D.as if


[  ]

A.avoid     B.give

C.keep      D.need


[  ]

A.possible   B.uncomfortable

C.exciting   D.impossible


[  ]

A.with     B.without

C.in      D.on


[  ]

A.and      B.so

C.for      D.when


[  ]

A.they      B.those

C.one      D.it


[  ]

A.suddenly   B.hardly

C.possibly   D.certainly


[  ]

A.swimming   B.rowing

C.sailing    D.skiing


[  ]

A.practise    B.exercise

C.carry     D.keep


[  ]

A.fast      B.slow

C.comfortable  D.free


[  ]

A.However    B.Although

C.While     D.Even


[  ]

A.wood     B.ice

C.boats     D.work


[  ]

A.drops     B.plenty

C.lots      D.pieces


[  ]

A.air      B.ways

C.weather    D.manners


[  ]

A.indeed     B.so

C.again     D.however


[  ]

A.harder    B.longer

C.better     D.slower



  Feeling tired lately? Has the doctor said he cannot find anything wrong with you? Perhaps he sent you to a hospital, but all the advanced equipment there shows that there is nothing wrong. Then consider this, you might be in a state of sub health (亚健康).

  Sub health, also called the third state or grey state, is explained as a border line state between health and disease. According to an investigation by the National Health Organization, over 45 percent of sub healthy people are middle-aged or elderly. The percentage is seven percent higher among people who work in management positions as well as students around exam time.

  Symptoms include a lack of energy, depression, slow reactions, insomnia(失眠), agitation(焦虑), and poor memory. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, sweating and aching in the waist and legs.

  The key to preventing and recovering from sub health, according to some medical experts, is to form good living habits, alternate work with rest, exercise regularly, and take part in open-air activities.

  As for meals, people are advised to eat less salt and sugar. They should also eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, fish because they are rich in nutritional elements——vitamins and trace elements——that are important to the body.

  Nutrition experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy change in the digestive tract(消化道). They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding sub health.

(1)According to this passage, which of the following is right?

[  ]

A.When you are in a state of sub health, you should stay home and keep silent.

B.When you are in a state of sub health, you should to go see a doctor and buy some medicine.

C.When you are in a state of sub health, you should have yourself examined in foreign countries.

D.When you are in a state of sub health, you should find out the reasons and relax yourself.

(2)Middle-aged people may feel sub healthy, because ________.

[  ]

A.they have used up their energy

B.they have lost their living hopes

C.they have more pressure in life and work

D.they begin to get older

(3)The answer of preventing you falling into a state of sub health is that you should ________.

[  ]

A.work hard     B.sleep more

C.keep relaxed    D.take more medicine

(4)The underlined word“alternate”in this passage means ________.

[  ]

A.arrange by turns    B.cause to take place

C.keep up          D.take up


Speeding off in a stolen car, the thief thinks he has got a great catch. But he is in for an unwelcome surprise. The car is fitted with a remote immobiliser (锁止器), and a radio signal from a control centre miles away will ensure that once the thief switches the engine off, he will not be able to start it again.

The idea goes like this. A control box fitted to the car contains a mini-cellphone, a micro- processor and memory, and a GPS (全球定位系统) satellite positioning receiver. If the car is stolen, a coded cellphone signal will tell the control centre to block the vehicle's engine management system and prevent the engine being restarted.

In the UK, a set of technical fixes is already making life harder for car thieves. 'The pattern of vehicle crime has changed,’ says Martyn Randall, a security expert. He says it would only take him a few minutes to teach a person how to steal a car, using a bare minimum of tools. But only if the car is more than 10 years old.

Modern cars are far tougher to steal, as their engine management computer won't allow them to start unless they receive a unique ID code beamed out by the ignition (点火) key. In the UK, technologies like this have helped achieve a 31% drop in vehicle-related crime since 1997.

But determined criminals are still managing to find other ways to steal cars, often by getting hold of the owner's keys. And key theft is responsible for 40% of the thefts of vehicles fitted with a tracking system.

If the car travels 100 metres without the driver confirming their ID, the system will send a signal to an operations centre that it has been stolen. The hundred metres minimum avoids false alarms due to inaccuracies in the GPS signal.

Staff at the centre will then contact the owner to confirm that the car really is missing, and keep police informed of the vehicle's movements via the car's GPS unit.

66. What's the function of the remote immobilizer fitted to a car?

A .To allow the car to lock automatically when stolen.

B. To prevent the car thief from restarting it once it stops.

C. To help the police make a surprise attack on the car thief.

D. To prevent car theft by sending a radio signal to the car owner.

67. By saying 'The pattern of vehicle crime has changed' (Lines 1-2. Para. 3). Martyn Randall suggests that ____.

A. self-prepared tools are no longer enough for car theft

B. the thief has to make use of computer technology

C. it takes a longer time for the car thief to do the stealing

D. the thief has lost interest in stealing cars over 10 years old

68. What is essential in making a modern car tougher to steal?

A. A GPS satellite positioning receiver.       B. A unique ID card.   

C. A special cellphone signal.                D. A coded ignition key.

69. Why does the tracking system set a 100-metre minimum before sending an alarm to the operations centre?

A. To give the driver time to contact the operations centre.

B. To allow for possible errors in the GPS system.

C. To keep police informed of the car's movements.

D. To leave time for the operations centre to give an alarm.

70. What will the operations centre do first after receiving an alarm?

A. Start the tracking system.         B. Locate the missing car.

C. Contact the car owner.          D. Block the car engine



Speeding off in a stolen car, the thief thinks he has got a great catch. But he is in for an unwelcome surprise. The car is fitted with a remote immobiliser (锁止器), and a radio signal from a control centre miles away will ensure that once the thief switches the engine off, he will not be able to start it again.
The idea goes like this. A control box fitted to the car contains a mini-cellphone, a micro- processor and memory, and a GPS (全球定位系统) satellite positioning receiver. If the car is stolen, a coded cellphone signal will tell the control centre to block the vehicle's engine management system and prevent the engine being restarted.
In the UK, a set of technical fixes is already making life harder for car thieves. 'The pattern of vehicle crime has changed,’ says Martyn Randall, a security expert. He says it would only take him a few minutes to teach a person how to steal a car, using a bare minimum of tools. But only if the car is more than 10 years old.
Modern cars are far tougher to steal, as their engine management computer won't allow them to start unless they receive a unique ID code beamed out by the ignition (点火) key. In the UK, technologies like this have helped achieve a 31% drop in vehicle-related crime since 1997.
But determined criminals are still managing to find other ways to steal cars, often by getting hold of the owner's keys. And key theft is responsible for 40% of the thefts of vehicles fitted with a tracking system.
If the car travels 100 metres without the driver confirming their ID, the system will send a signal to an operations centre that it has been stolen. The hundred metres minimum avoids false alarms due to inaccuracies in the GPS signal.
Staff at the centre will then contact the owner to confirm that the car really is missing, and keep police informed of the vehicle's movements via the car's GPS unit.
66. What's the function of the remote immobilizer fitted to a car?
A .To allow the car to lock automatically when stolen.
B. To prevent the car thief from restarting it once it stops.
C. To help the police make a surprise attack on the car thief.
D. To prevent car theft by sending a radio signal to the car owner.
67. By saying 'The pattern of vehicle crime has changed' (Lines 1-2. Para. 3). Martyn Randall suggests that ____.
A. self-prepared tools are no longer enough for car theft
B. the thief has to make use of computer technology
C. it takes a longer time for the car thief to do the stealing
D. the thief has lost interest in stealing cars over 10 years old
68. What is essential in making a modern car tougher to steal?
A. A GPS satellite positioning receiver.       B. A unique ID card.   
C. A special cellphone signal.                D. A coded ignition key.
69. Why does the tracking system set a 100-metre minimum before sending an alarm to the operations centre?
A. To give the driver time to contact the operations centre.
B. To allow for possible errors in the GPS system.
C. To keep police informed of the car's movements.
D. To leave time for the operations centre to give an alarm.
70. What will the operations centre do first after receiving an alarm?
A. Start the tracking system.         B. Locate the missing car.
C. Contact the car owner.          D. Block the car engine




  With her beautiful looks, cheerful character and strong spirit, Karena Lam(林嘉欣)is making waves among Chinese movie fans and professionals (专业人士).

  The Canada - born actress won the Golden Horse Best Supporting Actress and Best New Performer awards (金马奖最佳女配角和最佳新人奖)for her role in “July Rhapsody” (《男人四十》)in Taiwan on November 16.She won the same titles at the HongKong Film Awards in April, 2002.

  Lam played a wifful (任性的)high school girl in the film and her idol (偶像)Jacky Cheung (张学友)played the girl 's middle - aged teacher.

  Her awards have made her the person to watch in Hong Kong and Taiwan cinema. But the 24-year-old girl thinks the awards have put more pressure on her and given her new challenges (挑战).

  Besides Jacky Cheung, Lam has appeared alongside other top Hong Kong stars. Last year she starred with Leslie Cheung (张国荣)in“ Inner Senses ” (《异度空间》)and this year she acted with Nicholas Tse (谢霆锋)in“ Tiramisu” (《恋爱行星》). Is there anything that can stop Lam's success?

  “I have learnt that ff someone is trying to hurt you, the best revenge (报复)is to keep living happily and having a good life.That’s what I did, ” she said.

  She is an optimist (乐天派)and determined to be successful. “I always have a way of finding my own happiness. I know what's going to make me smile, and I go for it, ”she said.

  Two films—a comedy and a love - story are waiting for her and she plans to release (首次上演)her first Cantonese (粤语)album next summer.

41.According to the passage, which of the following shows the right order of what Lam did or will do?

  a.To star with Leslie Cheung in“Inner Senses.”

  b.To win the Golden Horse Best Supporting Actress and Best New Performer awards for her role in“ July Rhapsody.”

  c.To release her first cantones album.

  d.To act with Nicholas Tse in“ Tiramisu. ”

  e.To win the Hong Kong Film Awards.

  A. b, e, a, d, c   B. c, a, d, e, b     C. e, b, d, c, a   D. a, d, e, b, c

 42.In“Inner Senses” Lam was one of the________performers.

  A. supporting  B. chief      C. ordinary   D. learned

 43.The underlined phrase“make waves” probably means________.

  A. gain much attention   B. make trouble

  C. sing and dance    D. fan the flames of disorder


