I'm stare the revolution I'm devoted. . A. to succeed B. to will succeed C. to succeeding D. to succeeded 查看更多




W:Hello, this is Susan.

M:Hi, Susan! It’s Tom .What can I do for you?

W:Well, I’m (1) c        to tell you about the theatre group                      1.       

       I belong to. We are looking for more people to (2)j         .                 2.       

       And I thought you might be (3)i       in it.                                         3.       

M:Oh. You know how much I love acting, but I’m

    (4)t        some hard courses .I might be able to learn my                   5.          

       part, but I would (5)h        have time to come to the rehearsal.          5.       

W:                                Well, actually we rehearse one night a week, Thursday,

       perhaps we’ll put in extra time before the (6)f        performance.       6.       

M:Only (7)o       a week? Well, could you give me time to think it over?   7.       

W:Sure .But look, Why don’t you come and watch our rehearsal next Thursday? I think you’ll like the way we work .When you

       see how much(8) f     it is ,you’ll want to join right away.                   8.       

M:Ok. I’ll come to a rehearsal, but I can’t promise (9) m      than that.    9.           

W:Great! I’ll give you a call beforehand to(10) r      you.                        10.          

       Talk to you then. Bye for now.

M:Till then


W:Hello ,this is Susan.

M:Hi ,Susan ! It’s Tom .What can I do for you?

W:Well ,I’m (76) c        to tell you about the theatre group  


I belong to . We are looking for more people to (77)j         .


And I thought you might be (78)i       in it.


M:Oh. You know how much I love acting ,but I’m

    (79)t        some hard courses .I might be able to learn my


part , but I would (80)h        have time to come to the rehearsal.


W:Well ,actually we rehearse one night a week ,Thursday,

perhaps we’ll put in extra time before the (81)f        performance.


M:Only (82)o       a week? Well ,could you give me time to think it over?


W:Sure .But look ,Why don’t you come and watch our rehearsal next

Thursday? I think you’ll like the way we work .When you

see how much(83) f     it is ,you’ll want to join right away.


M:Ok. I’ll come to a rehearsal, but I can’t promise (84) m      than that.


W:Great ! I’ll give you a call beforehand to(85) r      you.


Talk to you then . Bye for now.

M:Till then


阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示 2)首字母提示 3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个
Dear Sir,                                                       
     I'm a senior high school student. I was caught (1)______ (作弊) in the exam and got (2)_______ (惩罚).
I know I was totally wrong and now I (3)f______ so ashamed. To my teachers, I was once an outstanding
student. I did well (4)______ my school work most of time. In (5)______, I worked hard in the student union. 
Before the exam, I had a strong (6)d______ to get a good mark to please my teachers. Now I regret (7)______
I have done, though I know the result can't be (8)______ (改变). Recently  I'm (9)t______ by the disturbing
problem. I just dare not tell my parents about it and I'm worried about my(10) ______ (将来) What should I


56. The public is f      by the private lives of public figures.

57. By the way, hold the bag in case your son v      .

58. I'm a t      man but your behaviour is more than I can bear. 

59. Our position is l      40 degrees north.

60. They soon overcame the language b      .

61. As soon as she learns the office r      , she will be an excellent assistant.

62. He is an a      on international law.

63. In such a d      situation I have to weigh my words.

64. As a grown-up, can’t you behave in a m      way?

65. Nowadays there are lots of p      editions of popular novels.



W:Hello, Bob!Long time no see.How are you(1)g________ along with your(2)p________ for the entrance exam?

MWell, I can't tellAnyway, I'm(3)t________ my best

W:So am I.Sometimes I really feel very tired, both(4)p________ and mentally.

MI feel the sameThese days I'm(5)s________ from headaches and general weaknessNot enough time for sleepI don't know what will happen if it(6)g________ on like this for long

W:We have no time for sports, even music, not to(7)m________ films and TV programmes.All we can see is exercises, exam papers and this sort of things.

MBut we'll get more(8)k________ after studying all these yearsIf we do well and go to college, we can take up many jobs and make a(9)c________ to society in the future

W:To realize our dream, we must work hard now.What I expect is that our parents should not put more(10)p________ on us.

ML can't agree more

