A. like B. admire C. help D. cover 查看更多



Twenty years ago,kids in school had never even heard of the Internet.Now,I'll bet you can't find a 36 person in your school who hasn't 37 heard of it.In fact,many of us use it on a regular basis and can even use it at 38 .The “net” in Internet really stands for network.A network is two or more computers 39 together so that information can be? 40 ?or sent from one computer to 41 .The Internet is a vast 42 for all types of information.?You may enjoy using it to do  43 for a school project,downloading your favorite songs or 44  with friends and family.Information can be found 45 web pages that companies, organizations, and individuals(个人)create.It's like a giant bulletin board that the whole world uses!But since anyone can put  46 on the Internet,you also have to be careful and use your best 47 and a little common sense.?

Just 48  you read something on a piece of paper someone puts on a bulletin board doesn't mean that it's good information,or even correct, for that matter.You have to be sure that whoever posted the information knows what they're talking about, 49  if you're doing research!But what if you're just e?mailing people?You still have to be very  50  if you've never met the person that you're communicating with online.You could be doing something 51 !You should never give out any 52  information to someone you don't know,not even your name!And just like you can't 53 the information on every website out there.You can't 54  on what strangers you “meet”on the Internet tell you either.In the same way that you could 55 things about yourself to tell someone,someone else could do the same to you!?

36. A. stupid   B. single  C. common     D. clever?

37. A. at least B. at mostC. at last D. at first?

38. A. school  B. Home C. work   D. hospital?

39. A. met      B. Communicated   C. joined D. connected?

40. A. shared  B. found  C. made  D. chosen?

41. A. other    B. the other    C. another      D. others?

42. A. material       B. resource     C. source D. matter?

43. A. homework   B. housework  C. research     D. experiments?

44. A. playing B. talking       C. meeting      D. communicating?

45. A. through       B. across C. by      D. on?

46. A. something    B. anything     C. everything  D. nothing?

47. A. wisdom       B. judgmentC. Courage  D. confidence?

48. A. because       B. when  C. where D. what?

49. A. specially      B. especially   C. naturally    D. strangely

50. A. careful B. wise    C. suspicious   D. confident?

51. A. exciting       B. interesting  C. suspicious   D. confident?

52. A. social   B. personal     C. general       D. special?

53. A. respect B. consult       C. send    D. believe?

54. A. rely      B. believe       C. trust    D. base?

55. A. make of       B. make from C. make out    D. make up??


Nineteenth-century writers in the United States, whether they wrote novels, short stories, poems or plays, were powerfully drawn to the railroad in its golden years. In fact, writers responded to the railroads as soon as the first were built in the 1830’s. By the 1850’s, the railroad was a major presence in the life of the nation. Writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David saw the railroad both as a boon(要求) to democracy(民主国家) and as an object of suspicion. The railroad could be and was a despoiler(掠夺者) of nature, furthermore, in its manifestation of speed and noise. It might be a despoiler of human nature as well. By the 1850’s and 1860’s, there was a great distrust among writer and intellectuals of the rapid industrialization of which the railroad was a leading force. Deeply philosophical historians such as Henry Adams lamented the role that the new frenzy for business was playing in eroding traditional values. A distrust of industry and business continued among writers throughout the rest of the nineteenth century and into the twentieth.

  For the most part, the literature in which the railroad plays and important role belong to popular culture rather than to the realm of serious art. One thinks of melodramas, boys’ books, thrillers, romances, and the like rather than novels of the first rank. In the railroads’ prime years, between 1890 and 1920, there were a few individuals in the United States, most of them with solid railroading experience behind them, who made a profession of writing about railroading—works offering the ambience of stations, yards, and locomotive cabs. These writers, who can genuinely be said to have created a genre, the “railroad novel”, are now mostly forgotten, their names having faded from memory. But anyone who takes the time to consult their fertile writings will still find a treasure trove of information about the place of the railroad in the life of the United States.

1.The underlined word “it” in the passage refers to______.

  A. railroad   B. manifestation   C. speed   D. nature

2.In the first paragraph, the author implies that writers’ reactions to the development of railroads were______.

  A. highly enthusiastic   B. both positive and negative   C. unchanging   D. Disinterested

3. According to the passage, the railroad played a significant role in literature in all of the following kinds of books except_______. 

A. thrillers   B. boys’ books  C. romances  D. important novels

4. The phrase “first rank” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to______.

A. largest category(类别)  B. highest quality   C. earliest writers  D. most difficult language

5. Which of the following topics is the main idea of passage?

A. The role of the railroad in the economy of the USA 

B. Major nineteenth century writers

C. The conflict between expanding industry and preserving nature

D. The railroad as a subject for literature



My father left for our native place on Thursday. In fact, he had never traveled by __36__ before, so I just took this opportunity to let him __37__ his first flight. __38__ being asked to book a ticket by train, I got him a ticket on Jet Airways. The moment I handed over the ticket to him, he was surprised. The __39__ was very apparent on his face as we waited for the time of the __40__. Just like a schoolboy, he was __41__ himself on that day, using the trolley (手推车) for his luggage and asking for a window seat. He was __42__ enjoying himself and I, too, watching him experience all these things with __43__. As he was about to go in for the security check-in, he walked up to me with tears in his eyes and __44__ me. He became very __45__ for what I had done meant a great deal to him. I told him there was no need to thank me.

Later, I __46__ my life. As a child, how many dreams had our parents made come true? Without __47__ the financial situation, we asked for dresses, toys, outings, etc. They tried to __48__ all our needs. Did we ever say thanks for all they had done for us? Today __49__ it comes to our children, we always think we should give them the best. But we tend to __50__ that our parents have sacrificed a lot to see us happy, so it is our __51__ to make sure their dreams are realized.

Old age is like a second childhood and just as we take care of our children, the same __52__ needs to be given to our parents. I want to say sorry for making my father __53__ so long for this small dream to be realized.

Just the fact that they are old does not mean that they will have to __54__ everything and keep sacrificing. They have __55__, too.

Take care of your parents. They are precious.

1.A. bus                   B. train                      C. ship                D. air

2.A. catch                       B. miss                                 C. experience                      D. change

3.A. In spite of               B. Because of               C. In case of                       D. Instead of

4.A. pride                     B. excitement                   C. admiration              D. ambition

5.A. appointment         B. dream                              C. travel                              D. show

6.A. encouraging                B. warning               C. teaching                           D. preparing

7.A. thoroughly                       B. slowly                             C. immediately           D. suddenly

8.A. anger                                B. joy                             C. shyness                            D. curiosity

9.A. helped                          B. patted                               C. thanked                            D. praised

10.A. honest                        B. childish                       C. nervous                            D. emotional

11.A. looked for                  B. looked down upon        C. looked into                      D. looked back on

12.A. understanding     B. describing                     C. solving                     D. improving

13.A. avoid                           B. meet                                 C. record                         D. check

14.A. unless                         B. because              C. when                                D. though

15.A. learn                               B. express                    C. promise                            D. forget

16.A. ability                          B. responsibility    C. freedom                           D. fortune

17.A. song                                B. advice                            C. attention                          D. thing

18.A. struggle                 B. wait                                C. rest                                   D. stand

19.A. hand in                       B. pick up                C. pay off                     D. give up

20.A. wishes                        B. jobs                               C. plans                                 D. suggestions



Word came that the government must control the spread of this disease.

“Our job,”said the 26 officer,“is to spray the wall of every house in every town and village in the malaria parts of Mexico.You may be 27 to learn that there are about ninety-nine thousand 28 villages and towns.Some are big places like the capital city, 29 are single houses deep in the forest or upon the mountaintops.The men working with our program say that most of these people 30 within districts which are 31 enough for the mala ria-carrying mosquitoes to live in and spread the disease.That 32 that we must plan to spray the bricks of 33 three million houses once or twice a year for five years.”

“We have 34 everything very carefully,”said the officer 35 .“Our advance guards have drawn 36 of some forty thousand parts of the country for 37 by the spray teams.Each house in the malaria districts has been given a special 38 so that we can work in order.The United States has given us cars and trucks to carry the spray teams and their 39 .”

“The malaria program has been 40 with the people in this country.Everyone wants to 41 .The Defense Department is helping us plan the 42 of men and supplies.The Education Department has printed sheets in Spanish to explain 43 malaria is spread.Resistance is a problem.It was in the neighboring country—the United States that such resistance to spray was first 44 .Take the 45 of the housefly and D.D.T. At fist D.D.T. killed them off.Now it won’t hurt a fly.”

“What worries people is the danger that the mosquitoes may become resistant,”said the officer at last.

26.A.education              B.wealth                       C.health                       D.medicine

27.A.surprised                     B.excited                      C.doubtful                    D.happy

28.A.united                  B.developing                C.similar                      D.separate

29.A.other                    B.some                         C.the others                  D.the few

30.A.sleep                    B.live                           C.stand                         D.sit

31.A.cold                            B.hot                           C.bright                       D.warm

32.A.saves                    B.expresses                   C.means                       D.is

33.A.nearly                  B.mostly                      C.finally                       D.only

34.A.read                            B.learnt                        C.written                      D.studied

35.A.mentioned            B.remembered                     C.started                       D.continued

36.A.pictures                B.places                       C.maps                         D.bus-lines

37.A.store                    B.use                           C.share                         D.show

38.A.name                    B.sign                          C.number                            D.attention

39.A.tools                    B.clothes                      C.families                     D.guns

40.A.familiar                B.friendly                     C.strict                         D.popular

41.A.work                    B.run                           C.stop                          D.help

42.A.movement            B.program                    C.action                       D.equipment

43.A.why                            B.how                          C.what                         D.that

44.A.proved                 B.killed                        C.thought                            D.discussed

45.A.event                    B.matter                       C.fact                           D.case


Chicago is on ________ Lake Michigan. There is nothing in the world like ________ Chicago meat industry.

  A. the;the            B. 不填;不填

  C. the;不填           D. 不填;the

