Don’t fell bad if you make a mistake a mistake. Keep of your mistakes and try to learn from them. 查看更多



My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as, “Oh, Beckham is so handsome, so cool, that I can’t help falling in love with him!” or “What perfect skills he has!” Yeah, I agree  16  some degree, though I sometimes do want to ask them how much they  17  Beckham, apart from his appearance and how much they know about football  18  scoring goals. It seems funny that we are crazy for things, with which we are unfamiliar or  19  we are uncertain, but we all, my friends  20  I, consider this  21 .  

 We need these pleasures to brighten up our lives. But that doesn’t amount to craziness  22  nonsense. As an old saying  23 :“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” We should not  24  anything from its appearance. We should all know, it is one’s good character and great contribution that  25  one a star and unforgettable. Therefore we’d better say  26  about Beckham’s good looks. 

 If we close our eyes,  27  in deep thought, we can find that the things  28  us to be in truth happy, sad or moved  29  a clear meaning. If we don’t go deeper and just satisfied with superficial things,  30  we will find that we have not really gained anything  31  our first impression has blinded and misled us, and we’ll remain ignorant  32  we realize that and make some changes. 

It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is sign of great  33 .If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it  34  us, we will finally prove how much we have grown up, how much more sensible, mature, and intelligent we have  35 

1.A. to                                  B. on                           C. in                             D. at

2.A. learn from                   B. learn                C. know                    D. know about

3.A. rather than                 B. except for       C. except                  D. apart from

4.A. with which                  B. about that       C. about which    D. which

5.A. not                      B. as well as         C. rather than          D. but

6.A. one of life’s pleasures    B. pleasures of life

C. one of life’s sorrow                  D. one of life’s regrets

7.A. nor                      B. and                   C. or                      D. or else

8.A. speaks                          B. talks                  C. tells                            D. goes

9.A. take                     B. judge                C. accept                  D. conclude

10.A. makes               B. causes              C. builds                   D. creates

11.A. more                          B. much                C. worse                   D. less

12.A. fell                    B. fallen                C. falling                   D. fall

13.A. that move                 B. that moves    C. move                      D. moves

14.A. lack                            B. have                 C. include             D. cover

15.A. in fact                        B. indeed                   C. in a while          D. sooner or later

16.A. so                      B. even though         C. because                 D. although

17.A. even if              B. although                C. unless           D. if

18.A. joy                     B. progress                C. effort                D. work

19.A. cares                          B. pains                 C. worries                    D. minds

20.A. come                         B. made                 C. had                           D. become



第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
I don’t remember when it first started annoying me — her hands pushing my hair that way. But it    36    annoy me, for    37   felt work-worn and rough against my young skin.    38   , one night, I shouted out at her, “Don’t do that anymore — your hands are too rough!” She didn’t say anything in    39  . But never again did my mother close out my day with that familiar    40    of her love. Lying awake long afterward, my words stuck to me. But pride kept my conscience back, and I didn’t tell her I was    41  .
Time after time, with the passing years, my thoughts    42    to that night. By then I missed my mother’s hands, missed her goodnight kiss upon my forehead. Sometimes the incident seemed very    43  , sometimes far away. But always it hid in the back of my    44   .
Well, the years have passed, and I’m not a little girl any more. Mom is    45    her mid-seventies and those hands I once thought to be so rough are    46   doing things for me and my family. She cooks the best fried chicken in the world, gets stains out of blue jeans and still    47    on dishing out ice cream at any hour of the day or night. Through the years, my mother’s hands have put in countless hours of labor.
Now, my own children are grown and gone. Mom no longer has Dad, and on special occasions, I find myself drawn next door to    48    the night with her. So it was late on Thanksgiving Eve, as I slept in the bedroom of my    49  , a familiar hand hesitantly stole    50    my face to brush the hair from my forehead. Then a kiss, ever so gently, touched my eyebrow.
In my memory, for the thousandth time, I recalled the night, when my young voice    51   , “Don’t do that anymore — your hands are too rough!” Catching Mom’s hand in hand, I spoke out how sorry I was    52   that night. I thought she’d remember,    53    I did. But Mom didn’t know what I was talking about. She had forgotten — and forgiven — long ago.
That night, I fell asleep with a new    54    for my gentle mother and her    55   hands.
36. A. had          B. did        C.would              D . will
37. A. they         B. What      C.them         D. that
38. A. However     B. Later      C.Unluckily     D. Finally
39. A. Order        B. time      C.reply         D. return
40. A. expression          B. signal     C.impression     D. mean
41. A. sad          B. sorry      C.stupid         D. tired
42. A. adopted       B. hurried       C.returned       D. adjusted
43. A. close         B. serious          C.deep          D. clear
44. A. head         B. mind      C.brain         D. thought
45. A. at            B. on             D. in
46. A. still         B. already       C.almost          D. even
47. A. insists         B. sticks     C.puts          D. takes
48. A. stay         B. pay        C.spend         D. spare
49. A. youth              B. son        C.daughter       D. father
50. A. over         B. Across    C.through        D. on
51. A. argued        B. Talked    C.explained      D. complained
52. A. to            B. At             D. for
53. A. when              B. As             D. since
54. A. understanding  B. connection  C. appreciation     D. relation
55. A. old          B. Caring          C. ugly         D. tiring


第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

I don’t remember when it first started annoying me — her hands pushing my hair that way. But it    36    annoy me, for    37   felt work-worn and rough against my young skin.    38   , one night, I shouted out at her, “Don’t do that anymore — your hands are too rough!” She didn’t say anything in    39  . But never again did my mother close out my day with that familiar    40    of her love. Lying awake long afterward, my words stuck to me. But pride kept my conscience back, and I didn’t tell her I was    41  .

Time after time, with the passing years, my thoughts    42    to that night. By then I missed my mother’s hands, missed her goodnight kiss upon my forehead. Sometimes the incident seemed very    43  , sometimes far away. But always it hid in the back of my    44   .

Well, the years have passed, and I’m not a little girl any more. Mom is    45    her mid-seventies and those hands I once thought to be so rough are    46   doing things for me and my family. She cooks the best fried chicken in the world, gets stains out of blue jeans and still    47    on dishing out ice cream at any hour of the day or night. Through the years, my mother’s hands have put in countless hours of labor.

Now, my own children are grown and gone. Mom no longer has Dad, and on special occasions, I find myself drawn next door to    48    the night with her. So it was late on Thanksgiving Eve, as I slept in the bedroom of my    49  , a familiar hand hesitantly stole    50    my face to brush the hair from my forehead. Then a kiss, ever so gently, touched my eyebrow.

In my memory, for the thousandth time, I recalled the night, when my young voice    51   , “Don’t do that anymore — your hands are too rough!” Catching Mom’s hand in hand, I spoke out how sorry I was    52   that night. I thought she’d remember,    53    I did. But Mom didn’t know what I was talking about. She had forgotten — and forgiven — long ago.

That night, I fell asleep with a new    54    for my gentle mother and her    55   hands.

36. A. had          B. did        C.would              D . will

37. A. they         B. What      C.them         D. that

38. A. However     B. Later      C.Unluckily     D. Finally

39. A. Order        B. time      C.reply         D. return

40. A. expression          B. signal     C.impression     D. mean

41. A. sad          B. sorry      C.stupid         D. tired

42. A. adopted       B. hurried       C.returned       D. adjusted

43. A. close         B. serious          C.deep          D. clear

44. A. head         B. mind      C.brain         D. thought

45. A. at            B. on             D. in

46. A. still         B. already       C.almost          D. even

47. A. insists         B. sticks     C.puts          D. takes

48. A. stay         B. pay        C.spend         D. spare

49. A. youth              B. son        C.daughter       D. father

50. A. over         B. Across    C.through        D. on

51. A. argued        B. Talked    C.explained      D. complained

52. A. to            B. At             D. for

53. A. when              B. As             D. since

54. A. understanding  B. connection  C. appreciation     D. relation

55. A. old          B. Caring          C. ugly         D. tiring



A friend of mine met with an accident driving in darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn’t move. What was the  36 was he found himself unable to ask for help-his mobile phone went out of  37 as a result of exhausted battery. Nothing could be done but to

38 in cold wilderness. It was 8 hours later that day broke, and then the  39 of the rescue.

  It is almost  40 that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long. Even more surprising was his 41 : “First of all I checked up my  42 conditions and found myself not in fatal danger. As there was no  43 to call for help, I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from 44 . In this way I dozed (打盹) off.”

His story put an end to my regret for the  45 of an exploration adventure that happened last year. A group of young men  46 to explore a mountain cave and got lost.

47 to find a way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of  48 . Finally they fell dead in fear and exhaustion. According to the  49 

people that found them, the place where they got lost was only about 10 meters away from the

50 of the cave. If they stayed on the spot when they lost their way and tried to  51

themselves, they would probably sense a faint light glimmering (闪烁) not far away.

  Don’t you think that you can compare it with  52 itself? When you meet with obstacles in life and work, you are lost in darkness.  53 you it’s unclear yet and you needn’t put up struggle  54 . It seems to be a negative attitude,  55 a person who can afford to do so must have foresight as well as a great courage in the first place.

36.A.hopeless          B. worst             C. more D. best

37.A.service           B. way               C. order D. work

38.A.cry             B. lie                C. wait D. sleep

39.A.delay            B. success            C. team D. arrival

40.A.untrue           B. unimaginable        C. true D. useless

41.A.plan             B. decision            C. explanation D. excuse

42.A.physical          B. mental             C. working D. medical

43.A.method           B. way               C. alternative D. strength

44.A.rotting           B. spreading           C. hurting D. bleeding

45.A.loss             B. failure             C. disappointment D. sadness

46.A.had             B. managed           C. tried D. planned

47.A.Willing           B. Unable             C. Determined D. Deciding

48.A.hearing           B. sight              C. feeling D. direction

49.A.rescue           B. village             C. local D. brave

50.A.end             B. top               C. opening D. side             B. help               C. stop D. calm

52.A.adventure         B. work              C. life D. mankind

53.A.Mind B. Watch             C. Imagine D. Warn

54.A.really            B. immediately         C. carefully D. hopefully

55.A.and             B. so                C. but D. while


A friend of mine met with an accident driving in darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn’t move. What was the  36 was he found himself unable to ask for help-his mobile phone went out of  37 as a result of exhausted battery. Nothing could be done but to

38 in cold wilderness. It was 8 hours later that day broke, and then the 39 of the rescue.

  It is almost  40 that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long. Even more surprising was his 41 : “First of all I checked up my  42 conditions and found myself not in fatal danger. As there was no  43 to call for help, I leaned back in my seat trying my best to keep the wound from 44 . In this way I dozed (打盹) off.”

His story put an end to my regret for the  45 of an exploration adventure that happened last year. A group of young men  46 to explore a mountain cave and got lost.

47 to find a way out in the dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of  48 . Finally they fell dead in fear and exhaustion. According to the  49 

people that found them, the place where they got lost was only about 10 meters away from the

50 of the cave. If they stayed on the spot when they lost their way and tried to  51

themselves, they would probably sense a faint light glimmering (闪烁) not far away.

  Don’t you think that you can compare it with  52 itself? When you meet with obstacles in life and work, you are lost in darkness.  53 you it’s unclear yet and you needn’t put up struggle  54 . It seems to be a negative attitude,  55 a person who can afford to do so must have foresight as well as a great courage in the first place.

36.A.hopeless B. worst C. more D. best

37.A.service B. way               C. order D. work

38.A.cry B. lie                C. wait D. sleep

39.A.delay B. success            C. team D. arrival

40.A.untrue           B. unimaginable        C. true               D. useless

41.A.plan             B. decision            C. explanation          D. excuse

42.A.physical          B. mental             C. working            D. medical

43.A.method           B. way               C. alternative          D. strength

44.A.rotting           B. spreading           C. hurting             D. bleeding

45.A.loss             B. failure             C. disappointment       D. sadness

46.A.had             B. managed           C. tried              D. planned

47.A.Willing           B. Unable             C. Determined         D. Deciding

48.A.hearing           B. sight              C. feeling             D. direction

49.A.rescue           B. village             C. local              D. brave

50.A.end             B. top               C. opening            D. side             B. help               C. stop               D. calm

52.A.adventure         B. work              C. life               D. mankind

53.A.Mind            B. Watch             C. Imagine            D. Warn

54.A.really            B. immediately         C. carefully           D. hopefully

55.A.and             B. so                C. but               D. while

