C.than supposed相当于than it is supposed. 查看更多



More than 10 years ago, it was difficult to buy a tasty pineapple. The fruits that made it to the UK were green on the outside and, more often than not, hard with an unpleasant taste within. Then in 1996, the Del Monte Gold pineapple produced in Hawaii first hit our shelves.
The new type of pineapple looked more yellowy-gold than green. It was slightly softer on the outside and had a lot of juice inside. But the most important thing about this new type of pineapple was that it was twice as sweet as the hit-and-miss pineapples we had known. In no time, the Del Monte Gold took the market by storm, rapidly becoming the world’s best-selling pineapple variety, and delivering natural levels of sweetness in the mouth, up until then only found in tinned pineapple.
In nutrition(营养) it was all good news too. This nice-tasting pineapple contained four times more vitamin C(维生素C) than the old green variety. Nutritionists said that it was not only full of vitamins, but also good against some diseases. People were understandably eager to be able to buy this wonderful fruit. The new type of pineapple was selling fast, and the Del Monte Gold pineapple rapidly became a fixture in the shopping basket of the healthy eater.
Seeing the growing market for its winning pineapple, Del Monte tried to keep the market to itself. But other fruit companies developed similar pineapples. Del Monte turned to law for help, but failed. Those companies argued successfully that Del Monte’s attempts to keep the golden pineapple for itself were just a way to knock them out of the market.
65. We learn from the text that the new type of pineapple is ______.
A. green outside and sweet inside
B. good-looking outside and soft inside
C. yellowy-gold outside and hard inside
D. a little soft outside and sweet inside
66. Why was the new type of pineapple selling well?
A. It was rich in nutrition and tasted nice.   B. It was less sweet and good for health.
C. It was developed by Del Monte.        D. It was used as medicine.
67. The underlined word “fixture” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to something ______.
A. that people enjoy eating             B. that is always present
C. that is difficult to get                D. that people use as a gift
68. We learn from the last paragraph that Del Monte ______.
A. allowed other companies to develop pineapples
B. succeeded in keeping the pineapple for itself
C. tried hard to control the pineapple market
D. planned to help the other companies



More than 10 years ago, it was difficult to buy a tasty pineapple. The fruits that made it to the UK were green on the outside and, more often than not, hard with an unpleasant taste within. Then in 1996, the Del Monte Gold pineapple produced in Hawaii first hit our shelves.

The new type of pineapple looked more yellowy-gold than green. It was slightly softer on the outside and had a lot of juice inside. But the most important thing about this new type of pineapple was that it was twice as sweet as the hit-and-miss pineapples we had known. In no time, the Del Monte Gold took the market by storm, rapidly becoming the world’s best-selling pineapple variety, and delivering natural levels of sweetness in the mouth, up until then only found in tinned pineapple.

In nutrition(营养) it was all good news too. This nice-tasting pineapple contained four times more vitamin C(维生素C) than the old green variety. Nutritionists said that it was not only full of vitamins, but also good against some diseases. People were understandably eager to be able to buy this wonderful fruit. The new type of pineapple was selling fast, and the Del Monte Gold pineapple rapidly became a fixture in the shopping basket of the healthy eater.

Seeing the growing market for its winning pineapple, Del Monte tried to keep the market to itself. But other fruit companies developed similar pineapples. Del Monte turned to law for help, but failed. Those companies argued successfully that Del Monte’s attempts to keep the golden pineapple for itself were just a way to knock them out of the market.

1.We learn from the text that the new type of pineapple is ______.

A.green outside and sweet inside

B.good-looking outside and soft inside

C.yellowy-gold outside and hard inside

D.a little soft outside and sweet inside

2.Why was the new type of pineapple selling well?

A.It was rich in nutrition and tasted nice.

B.It was less sweet and good for health.

C.It was developed by Del Monte.

D.It was used as medicine.

3.The underlined word “fixture” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to something ______.

A. that people enjoy eating             B. that is always present

CV. that is difficult to get                     D. that people use as a gift

4.We learn from the last paragraph that Del Monte ______.

A.allowed other companies to develop pineapples

B.succeeded in keeping the pineapple for itself

C.tried hard to control the pineapple market

D.planned to help the other companies



James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully __36__ the coins that lay on the bed. $24.52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90! __37__ on earth was he going to get the __38__ of the money?

He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was __39__ to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no __40__ asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to __41__.

There was only one way to get money, and that was to __42__ it. He would have to find a job. __43__ who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had __44__ on most things.

“Well, you can start right here,” said Mr. Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.”

That was the __45__ of James’s odd-job (零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the __46__ of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the __47__ of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the __48__ increased and he knew that he would soon have __49__ for the bicycle he longed for.

The day __50__ came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He __51__ no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode __52__ home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard __53__ for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more __54__ he had bought it with his own money. He had __55__what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.

36. A. cleaned           B. covered        C. counted         D. checked

37. A. How             B. Why           C. Who           D. What

38. A. amount           B. part           C. sum            D. rest

39. A. brave             B. hard          C. smart           D. unfair

40. A. point             B. reason         C. result           D. right

41. A. split              B. spend          C. spare           D. save

42. A. borrow            B. earn           C. raise           D. collect

43. A. Or               B. So             C. For            D. But

44. A. decisions          B. experience      C. opinions        D. knowledge

45. A. beginning         B. introduction     C. requirement     D. opening

46. A. similarity          B. quality        C. suitability       D. variety

47. A. brand             B. number        C. size            D. type

48. A. effort             B. pressure        C. money         D.trouble

49. A. all               B. enough         C. much          D. some

50. A. finally            B. instantly       C. normally        D. regularly

51. A. gave             B. left            C. took           D. wasted

52. A. patiently          B. proudly        C. silently         D. tiredly

53. A. applying          B. asking         C. looking        D. working

54. A. since             B. if             C. than           D. though

55. A. deserved          B. benefited       C. achieved       D. learned


James’s New Bicycle 

James shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully __1__ the coins that lay on the bed. $24.52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90! __2__ on earth was he going to get the __3_ of the money? 

He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was __4__ to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no __5__ asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to __6__. 

There was only one way to get money, and that was to __7__ it. He would have to find a job. __8__ who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had __9__ on most things. 

“Well, you can start right here,” said Mr. Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.” 

That was the _10__ of James’s odd-job(零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the __11__ of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the __12__ of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the __13__ increased and he knew that he would soon have __14__ for the bicycle he longed for. 

The day __15__ came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He __16__ no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode __17__ home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard __18__ for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more __19__ he had bought it with his own money. He had __20__what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle. 


1. A. cleaned    B. covered   C. counted     D. checked 

2. A. How  B. Why  C. Who  D. What 

3. A. amount  B. part  C. sum  D. rest 

4. A. brave  B. hard  C. smart D. unfair 

5. A. point B. reason  C. result  D. right 

6. A. split  B. spend  C. spare  D. save 

7. A. borrow B. earn  C. raise  D. collect 

8. A. Or  B. So  C. For  D. But 

9 A. decisions B. experience  C. opinions D. knowledge 

10. A. beginning B. introduction  C. requirement  D. opening 

11. A. similarity B. quality  C. suitability  D. variety 

12. A. brand  B. number C. size  D. type 

13. A. effort  B. pressure C. money D. trouble 

14. A. all  B. enough  C. much  D. some 

15. A. finally B. instantly C. normally D. regularly 

16. A. gave  B. left  C. took  D. wasted 

17. A. patiently B. proudly  C. silently  D. tiredly 

18. A. applying  B. asking  C. looking  D. working 

19. A. since B. if  C. than  D. though 

20. A. deserved B. benefited C. achieved D. learned




More than 10 years ago, it was difficult to buy a tasty pineapple (菠萝). The fruits that made it to the UK were green on the outside and, more often than not, hard with an unpleasant taste within. Then in 1996,the Del Monte Gold pineapple produced in Hawaii first hit our shelves.

    The new type of pineapple looked more yellowy-gold than green It was slightly softer on the outside and had a lot of juice inside. But the most important thing about this new type of pineapple was that it was twice as sweet as the hit-and-miss pineapples we had known. In no time, the Del Monte Gold took the market by storm, rapidly becoming the world’s best-selling pineapple variety, and delivering natural levels of sweetness in the mouth, up until then only found in tinned pineapple.

    In nutrition(营养) it was all good news too. This nice-tasting pineapple contained four times more vitamin C (维生素C) than the old green variety. Nutritionists said that it was not only full of vitamins, but also good against some diseases. People were understandably eager to be able to buy this wonderful fruit. The new type of pineapple was selling fast and the Del Monte Gold pineapple rapidly became a fixture in the shopping basket of the healthy eater.

    Seeing the growing market for its winning pineapple, Del Monte tried to keep the market to itself But other fruit companies developed similar pineapples. Del Monte turned to law for help, but failed. Those companies argued successfully that Del Monte’s attempts to keep the golden pineapple for itself were just a way to knock them out of the market.


1.We learn from the text that the new type of pineapple is           .

A. green outside and sweet inside

B. good-looking outside and soft inside

C. yellowy-gold outside and hard inside

D. a little soft outside and sweet inside

2.Why was the new type of pineapple selling well?

A. It was rich in nutrition and tasted nice.

B. It was less sweet and good for health.

C. It was develop by Del Monte.

D. It was used is medicine

3.The underlined word “fixture” in Paragraph probably refers to something           .

A. that people enjoy eating                 B. that is a ways present

C. that is difficult to get                 D. that people use as a gift

4.We learn from the last paragraph that Del Monte           .

A. allowed other companies to develop pineapples

B. succeeded in keeping the pineapple for itself

C. tried hard to control the pineapple market

D. planned to help the other companies


