4.长排椅上坐着一位老人 查看更多




第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

一个女孩在公共汽车上拒绝为一位老人让座,这种行为被一个乘客用手机拍了下来,并且把照片传到了互联网上.这引起了人们的广泛争议,结合下而后 图画,谈谈你的看法。词数120—150。





1.The young man ________________________ (控告) robbing an old woman of
her necklace  in the street last month. (accuse)
2.The library demanded that all the books ___________________ (返回) before
Friday. (return)
3.He got his ________________________ (阐明立场) to encourage more young
people to support this solution. (clarify)
4.As soon as she entered her own room, she caught sight of the gift ____________
_________ (由父亲买的). (buy)
5.In front of the house ________________________ (坐着一位男孩), whose father
was killed in the war, when we arrived there. (sit)
6.Little ________________________ (人们意识到) how much money it costs to
bring up a child. (realise)
7.________________________ (到达) a strange-looking house, he showed me into
a large, bright clean room. (arrive)
8.The investigation found ten government officials _______________ (卷入) the
case. (involve)
9.She can't ________________________ (忍受居住在) in a noisy
environment. (tolerate)
10._________________ (一旦发生火灾), open this safety door and ring the
alarm bell.(case)





71.i’m afraid I can’t be of any asistance 。I’d rather you __________(向他请求帮助)。(appeal)

72.it was this house _____________(他的钱被抢了)。(rob)

73.________________(怀疑吸毒),he was arrested and questioned  about it 。(suspect)

74.by the time they conclude the investigation,the truth of the matter_______________(将水落石出)。(light)

75. __________(大家都知道)itwould be to his advantage to attend the meeting 。(apparnt)

76._____________________________ (为了不辜负父母的期望), she buried herself in her studies day and night, anxious to be admitted to her dream university. (live)

77._____________________________ (还没适应) life here, he felt completely out of place among the local people. (accustomed)

78.He hurried into the lecture hall, ____________________________ (报告厅前面坐着一位教授) who was giving a talk to the students. (front)

79.With the city library providing large quantities of books, the children here have access to _____________________________ (任何值得一读的东西). (worthy)

80.The police found very few clues on the spot where the murder occurred. All the evidence _____________________________ (很有可能被销毁). (may)


76._____________________________ (为了不辜负父母的期望), she buried herself in her studies day and night, anxious to be admitted to her dream university. (live)

77._____________________________ (还没适应) life here, he felt completely out of place among the local people. (accustomed)

78.He hurried into the lecture hall, ____________________________ (报告厅前面坐着一位教授) who was giving a talk to the students. (front)

79.With the city library providing large quantities of books, the children here have access to _____________________________ (任何值得一读的东西). (worthy)

80.The police found very few clues on the spot where the murder occurred. All the evidence _____________________________ (很有可能被销毁). (may)

