3.题型:试卷一般包括多项选择题.完形填空题.听力填空题.短文改错和书面表达等题型. 查看更多














※※ 注意:此题在答题卡上作答, 如选E涂AD、如选F涂BD、如选G涂CD.

  51  Very few people choose ideal and perfect jobs for themselves and they do not do the same job for the rest of their lives. With technology and everything else changing so fast, it’s ridiculous to expect to stay in one job from the time you leave school to the time you retire. Even staying in the same company can be a huge challenge.  52 

The first thing you should consider is what kinds of things you enjoy doing and what you are naturally good at. You have to look at practicality issues. You have to look at what you like to do and take a realistic look at whether the market is ever going to pay you an income for doing it. Your loving doing something doesn’t mean that the world is going to love giving you money for doing it.   53  And then narrow the list down by deciding which are at your level.

  54  For example, if you want to be a doctor, you must graduate with all the papers saying you can be a doctor. The job requires a high education and an extreme amount of practice.

Many community colleges have tests that tell you what kinds of work you’d be happy to do.

  55  For example, do you want to travel in your career or stay at home? How much money do you want to make? After you answer these questions, the computer will show you what careers you would be suited to. Keep in mind that what interests you at twenty isn't likely to be the same as what interests you at forty. You would also find some tests online. These will give you some ideas you have never considered.

A: Then how will you choose your first career?

B: What type of jobs are you interested in most?

C: So pick a number of different things that you love at first.

D: Most people’s jobs change at least once or twice in their lifetime.

E: They ask you a series of multiple-choice (多项选择的) questions.

F: However, many companies will offer you job training before you start the work.

G: Another thing to consider is how much education or special training s required.


In our culture, the sources of what we call a sense of “mastery”- feeling important and worthwhile—and the sources of what we call a sense of “pleasure”—finding life enjoyable—are not always the same. Women often are told “You can’t have it all.” Sometimes what the speaker really is saying is: “You choose a career, so you can’t expect to have closer relationships or a happy family life.” or “You have a wonderful husband and children—what’s all this about wanting a career?” But women need to understand and develop both aspects of well-being, if they are to feel good about themselves.

Our study shows that, for women, well-being has two aspects. One is mastery, which includes self-respect, a sense of control over your life, and low levels of anxiety and depression. Mastery is closely related to the “doing” side of life, to work and activity. Pleasure is the other aspect, and it is  made up of happiness, satisfaction and optimism. It is tied more closely to the “feeling” side of life. The two are independent of each other. A woman could be high in mastery and low in pleasure, and vice versa(反之亦然). For example, a woman who has a good job, but whose mother has just died, might be feeling very good about herself and in control of her work life, but the pleasure side could be damaged for a time.

The concepts(概念)of mastery and pleasure can help us identify(找到)the sources of well-being for women, and correct past mistakes. In the past, women were encouraged to look only at the feeling side of life as the source of all well-being. But we know that both mastery and pleasure are important. And mastery seems to be achieved largely through work. In our study, all the groups of employed women were valued significantly higher in mastery than women who were not employed.

A woman’s well-being is developed when she takes on multiple(多项的)roles. At least by middle adulthood, the women who were involved in a combination of roles—marriages, motherhood, and employment—were the highest in well-being, in spite of warnings about stress and strain.

1.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ________.

       A. for women, a sense of “mastery” is more important than a sense of “pleasure”

       B. for women, a sense of “pleasure” is more important than a sense of “mastery”

       C. women can’t have a sense of “mastery” and a sense of “pleasure” at the same time

       D. a sense of “mastery” and a sense of “pleasure” are both necessary to women

2. The author’s attitude towards women having a career is________.

       A. negative            B. positive                    C. neutral(中立的)    D. realistic

3.One can conclude from the passage that if a woman takes on several social roles,_____.

       A. it will be easier for her to overcome stress and strain

       B. she will be more successful in her career

       C. her chances of getting promoted will be greater

       D. her life will be richer and more meaningful

4.Which of the following can be considered as a source of “pleasure” for women?

       A. Family life                                                  B. Multiple roles in society

       C. Regular employment                                    D. Freedom from anxiety




参考词汇:拉萨 Lhasa 冻土 frozen earth 高原 plateau

