To master a foreign language like English requires hard work, so you study too hard. A. ought to B. should C. can’t D. mustn’t 查看更多



I don't think _________ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.






T-shirts out; uniforms in
School uniforms(制服) are becoming more and more popular across the U.S.A. That’s no surprise, because they offer many benefits. They immediately end the powerful social sorting and labeling (标记) that come from clothing. If all students are dressed in the same way, they will not pay too much attention to their clothing, and some of them will not be laughed at for wearing the “wrong” clothes.
Some people are against the strict rule of school uniforms, but they do not realize that students already accept a kind of rule — wanting to look just like their friends. The difference is that the clothing students choose for themselves creates social barriers(障碍); school uniforms tear those barriers down.
As in other places, uniforms remind the wearers of their purposes and duties. For example, when a man or woman puts on a police uniform, he or she becomes, for a time, the symbol (象征) of law and order. The uniform means to the wearer his or her special duties and sends the same message to everyone the wearer meets. People with different jobs wear uniforms of one kind or another. For students, the school uniform reminds them that their task for the six or seven hours they are in school is to get an education.
Some parents are unhappy about uniforms, saying that school uniforms will affect their children’s “creativity.” First, the clothes students choose to wear do not necessarily express their individuality (个性). They just copy their classmates. Second, students have the rest of the day to be as creative as they like. While they’re in school, their job is to master reading, writing, and maths; this should take up all the creativity they have. Mastery of those skills will be good for the students to build up their creativity in every way.
【小题1】From the passage we learn that uniforms in general       .

A.prevent the wearers from being laughed at the wearers keep their duties in mind
C.are seen as a symbol of power to create social barriers
【小题2】Some people are against school uniforms because       .
A.they fail to realize that students have accepted the uniforms
B.they believe that uniforms will make students less creative
C.they don’t agree that uniforms can remove social barriers
D.they think that school uniforms are too popular
【小题3】The author would probably agree that       . makes no difference whether to wear school uniforms or not
B.students’ individuality may not come from school education
C.students’ creativity is related to the clothes they choose uniforms help to create equality among students
【小题4】School uniforms are becoming more and more popular and important because _____
A.they can stop the powerful social sorting and labeling.
B.if all students are dressed in the same way, they will not pay too much attention to their clothing.
C.uniforms can remind the wearers of their purposes and duties uniforms will affect their children’s creativity.









Walter’s goal in life was become a successfully doctor. He knew he had to finish high school first, so he put his heart into her studies----in particular, biology, chemistry and maths. Because he worked hard at these subjects, Walter became good at it. However, Walter forgot that he needed to master some other subjects beside those he had been chosen. As a result, Walter fails in both English and Chinese in the end of the second school year. But he had to repeat these subjects and he was almost unable to graduate like planned. Walter learned a good lesson.




Good technique in medicine means less pain and fewer deaths and, ______ it’s our duty to master it.

A. naturally                    B. therefore                              C. particularly       D. similarly



You Mi, a lovely and confident 17-year-old student, is the first Chinese high school student to appear on the cover of the popular young adults’ fashion magazine Seventeen.

“You is IN,” said Wang Lihua,Editor-in-Chief of Seventeen. “She is active and mature (成熟) because of her knowledge on everything from academic studies,to books on art,to movies. We find she’s the very style we’re looking for to represent young people’s attitudes.”

You also impressed Wang with her fluent English when they first met last year. As the hostess of an English broadcasting program at the High School Affiliated to Renmin University(人大附中), You is always praised for speaking English almost like a native speaker. “I’ve built up my English by watching thousands of English DVDs since I was 10,” she explained.

But for You,watching isn’t enough. Last year,while in Senior 1, she met a talented (有才能的) boy who showed self-made DV movies at the English Corner in her school.

“I thought it was so cool and I knew that I should start making my own films,” she said. So she wrote a campus (校园) story, persuaded schoolmates to star in it and then began shooting a 30-minute DV movie,all in English. “I played one of the leading roles,actually I was everything in my film. I worked on it every day during the holidays,” she recalled. The movie finally became a big hit on campus,earning You a strong reputation(名气) as a DV movie director.

But this is not the only field she wants to master. Though a science student, You likes art, literature and fashion design very much.

“There are people who can be artists,there are people who edit books, and there are people who become film producers. But I just hope to mix all the things up!” she said. “There is an old saying I believe:Chances favor only the prepared mind.”

1.You Mi was chosen to be a cover of Seventeen, mainly because she _____. beautiful

B.she is lovely and full of confidence active and mature

D.has rich knowledge

2.You Mi’s fluent English is based on _____.

A.her chance to host an English broadcasting program

B.the influence of her parents

C.her deep interest in it

D.her making DV movie

3.The author mentioned a talented boy to show _____.

A.the great influence he had on You Mi

B.he was admired by his schoolmates

C.the young can do things as well as the adults do

D.DV movies are popular at school

4.In the 30-minute DV movie,You Mi didn’t act as a(n) _____.




5.We can learn from the passage that _____.

A.You Mi hopes to be a mixed talent.

B.the success of a 30-minute DV movie surprised You Mi.

C.You Mi dreams of becoming a scientist.

D.You Mi doesn’t like to study during holidays.


