have finished 查看更多



I’d been 16 for six days and was already prepared to deal with failure. I remember when my mum   36  me up that morning, her voice wasn’t as   37  as it usually was.
I stayed in bed for a few minutes. I was   38  to leave its warmth and comfort, and didn’t want to face the problem that I’d let myself   39  for the past six months. Finally, I dragged myself out of    40 .
I finished getting ready and tried to   41 . It didn’t work, so I decided that my   42  should go with me. We had a little time, so I thought we could practice parking. I   43 , with the wheel hitting the fence. After that, the little bit of confidence I’d had was   44 . I tried two more times, but didn’t   45  much. Then we headed to the test site.
I went into a room for some paperwork. And I waited for 20 minutes—just   46  time to make myself believe that I was going to fail. Then, finally, it was my   47 . I just wanted to get it over and make sure that I had to come back next Thursday.
I stepped outside and the sky was the light blue I love. It offered me some   48  and I realized something: something between when I pulled myself off the seat and when I got outside. I had become   49  and confident.
The first thing I had to do was parking, which I did quite   50 . The confidence that came with it hit me like a wave. The rest of the test went well too and I   51  it all. As I drove back, the instructor told me I would not be coming back for a second   52  next Thursday.
Back in the building I didn’t have to say a word. My mum knew just by looking at me. Her    53  made her face softer. And I’m sure it was at least as big as the smile on my face. Her eyes, 54 , looked kind of teary. I knew she was   55  for me.

A.set down 
B.take down     
C.calm down
D.put down


I’d been 16 for six days and was already prepared to deal with failure. I remember when my mum   36   me up that morning, her voice wasn’t as   37   as it usually was.

I stayed in bed for a few minutes. I was   38   to leave its warmth and comfort, and didn’t want to face the problem that I’d let myself   39   for the past six months. Finally, I dragged myself out of    40  .

I finished getting ready and tried to   41  . It didn’t work, so I decided that my   42   should go with me. We had a little time, so I thought we could practice parking. I   43  , with the wheel hitting the fence. After that, the little bit of confidence I’d had was   44  . I tried two more times, but didn’t   45   much. Then we headed to the test site.

    I went into a room for some paperwork. And I waited for 20 minutes—just   46   time to make myself believe that I was going to fail. Then, finally, it was my   47  . I just wanted to get it over and make sure that I had to come back next Thursday.

    I stepped outside and the sky was the light blue I love. It offered me some   48   and I realized something: something between when I pulled myself off the seat and when I got outside. I had become   49   and confident.

    The first thing I had to do was parking, which I did quite   50  . The confidence that came with it hit me like a wave. The rest of the test went well too and I   51   it all. As I drove back, the instructor told me I would not be coming back for a second   52   next Thursday.

    Back in the building I didn’t have to say a word. My mum knew just by looking at me. Her    53   made her face softer. And I’m sure it was at least as big as the smile on my face. Her eyes, 54  , looked kind of teary. I knew she was   55   for me.

1.A. got  

B. woke 

C. turned  

D. brought

2.A. loud    

B. weak    

C. noisy  

D. strong

3.A. unable

B. unhappy     

C. unwilling

D. unavailable

4.A. mention    

B. forget    

C. leave 

D. put

5. A. house    

B. kitchen   

C. garage   

D. bed

6.A. set down   

B. take down     

C. calm down

D. put down

7. A. mum   

B. dad     

C. instructor 

D. teacher

8. A. succeeded    

B. failed     

C. managed 

D. attempted

9.A. missing   

B. lost

C. disappeared

D. gone

10. A. work

B. improve

C. change

D. get

11. A. enough

B. little

C. more

D. less

12.A. ability

B. performance

C. time

D. turn

13. A. belief

B. advantage

C. anxiety

D. comfort

14. A. calm

B. anxious

C. excited

D. cautious

15. A. badly

B. well

C. unsuccessfully

D. hardly

16. A. passed

B. went

C. failed

D. tried

17. A. practice     

B. paperwork

C. test

D. parking

18.A. words

B. smile

C. look

D. anger

19. A. however

B. therefore

C. although

D. but

20. A. sad

B. happy

C. nervous

D. sorry




Some people have very good memories, and can  26  learn quite long poems by ___27__ . There are other people who can only __28__ things that they have said again and again.

   A __29__ memory is a great help in learning a language. __30__ learns his own language by remembering __31__ he hears when he is a small child. Some children __32__in their own country, and they seem to learn two languages ___33__ as easily as one. In school it is not so easy to learn __34__ foreign language because students have so __35 __time for it and they are busy with other lessons, too.

  A man’s mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only __36__ what we see but also of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo__37__a camera, there is much to do when the photo is finished and __38__to show to our friends. In the same way there is much work __39__ before we can keep a picture __40__ in our minds.

1.A. easy            B. easily             C. interesting             D. interestingly

2.A. heart            B. mind            C. memory                   D. attention

3.A. notice           B. recognize        C. remember            D. learn

4.A. good            B. poor            C. rich                 D. bad

5.A. Nobody        B. Somebody      C. Everybody            D. Anybody

6.A. that                   B. which         C. /                  D. what 

7.A .live                   B. don’t live      C. didn’t live          D. lived

8.A. almost         B. mostly          C. nearby              D. hardly

9.A. the            B. this             C. one               D. a

10.A. much        B. little            C. many               D. few

11.A. about         B. at               C. with                D. of

12.A. as           B. for              C. of                D. with

13.A. certain               B. ready               C. clear              D. sure

14.A. to be done    B. to be doing    C. having been done    D. being done

15.A. up          B. on              C. ever                           D. forever



When Pat Jones finished college,she decided to travel around the world and see as many foreign places as she could  21  she was young.Pat wanted to visit Latin America  22 ,so she got a job  23  an English teacher in a school in Bolivia.Pat spoke a little Spanish  24  she was able to communicate with her students even when they didn't  25  much English.

    A sentence she had read somewhere stuck in her mind:if you dream  26  a foreign language, you have really mastered(掌握)it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students and  27 that some day she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in  28

    One day,one of her  29  students came up and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework. He had  30  early, but had slept   31  .

    “What does this have to do with your  32   ?” Pat asked.

    “I dreamed all night,Miss Jones. and my dream was in English?”

    “In English?” Pat was very  33  ,since he was such a bad student.She was  34   secretly jealous(嫉妒的).Her  35   was still not in Spanish.But she encouraged(鼓励)her young student.“Well, 36  me about your dream.”

    “All the people in my dream  37  English.” the student said.“And all the signs were in English.All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.”

    “Great. That's  38  ,”said Pat.“What did all the people say to you?”

“I'm sorry,Miss Jones.That's  39  I slept so badly.1 didn't  40  a word they said.It was a nightmare(噩梦)!”

1.A. although      B. while          C. if                  D. since

2.A.first        B.at first         C.1ast       D. at last

3. A.for         B.of           C.as             D.1ike

4. A. and         B. but              C. so                D. yet

5. A. say            B. know        C. read              D. write

6.A. in                 B. about                  C. of        D. for

7. A. thought       B. realized               C. hoped       D. wanted

8.A.English      B.Spanish      C.Russian          D.German

9.A. bright        B. excellent               C. best         D. worst

10.A. got up       B. gone to bed      C. in bed      D. woken up

11.A. well         B.soundly       C. badly        D.heavily

12.A.English     B.1anguage             C. dream      D. homework

13. A. surprised     B. worried       C. pleased       D. excited

14. A. yet          B. seldom         C. also         D. hardly

15. A. study               B. class                  C. work                D. dream

16.A. answer       B. write                 C. tell          D. ask

17.A. read       B. liked                 C. spoke        D. learned

18. A. wonderful     B. terrible           C. funny          D. strange

19.A. how          B. why        C. when        D. because

20.A. hear                 B. understand            C. like                 D. remember



Katy and I have been friends since college, for more than thirty years. Our friendship has  1 constant(不变的). We have seen each other through all the times when we really need a friend. In  2 of our friendship, Katy and I took our first  3 trip together.

The first day of our trip ended in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  4 with the long drive, we decided to go to the restaurant for dinner. We sat down and  5 our meal. As we talked, I noticed a(n) 6 couple sitting a short distance away from us. The look of  7 on the woman’s face attracted me.. She stared into the face of the man as he talked,  8 me of a teenager in love!

I called Katy’s 9 to the couple. As we watched, the man reached  10 to place a gentle kiss on the woman’s cheek. She  11 . “Now that’s what I call real love! I imagine they’ve been married for a long time.” I said. “ 12 maybe,” remarked Katy, “They haven’t been together long.” “Well, whatever the case, it’s  13 they care much for each other,” I said.

Katy and I watched and listened 14 to their conversation. She smiled and 15 whatever he said. We were touched by the warm scene we were witnessing(看到). Then the 16 changed. The woman’s wrinkled but beautiful face was suddenly covered with a  17 look. She asked the man in a sweet voice, “Do I know you? What is this place?” “You know me. I’m Ralph, your husband. We’re in Santa Fe,” the man said. “Oh, I  18 to have forgotten. I’m not sure,” she said. “That’s okay, sweetheart. You’ll be all right,” he  19 her, kissing her cheek again. Tears coursed down our cheeks as Katy and I looked at each other. “We were right,” she said  20 . “It is the real thing. That is love.”

1. A. become   B. grown    C. remained    D. developed

2. A. congratulation B. terms     C. favor      D. celebration

3. A. air     B. car    C. boat      D. train

4. A. Bored      B. Suffered    C. Tired     D. Excited

5. A. cooked    B. ordered  C. prepared    D. finished

6. A. young     B. elderly     C. friendly    D. rich

7. A. hope    B. doubt     C. adoration   D. envy

8. A. showing   B. reminding   C. telling  D. introducing

9. A. attention   B. intention   C. time      D. idea

10. A. away     B. off    C. around     D. over

11. A. smiled    B. disagreed   C. angered  D. moved

12. A. Or       B. Though   C. Therefore   D. Otherwise

13. A. natural      B. obvious  C. important   D. moving

14. A. madly     B. silently    C. unashamedly  D. carefully

15. A. picked up   B. stuck to    C. agreed with  D. questioned on

16. A. place     B. scene     C. topic     D. sense

17. A. frightened  B. surprised   C. disappointed D. confused

18. A. need     B. feel      C. seem      D. use

19. A. told     B. answered    C. comforted   D. encouraged

20. A. quickly      B. eagerly  C. cheerfully   D. thoughtfully


