Wang Zhizhi's return has basketball fans of a far better result in the coming title contest. A. convinced B. expected C. accused D. believed 查看更多



I’m very glad to receive your letter. From your letter, I know you have shown   1.   great interest in inventing new things. That’s great. As for how to be an inventor, there is no quick answer to   2.  .

   Coming from different cultures and having different backgrounds, inventors do not seem to have much  3.  common.  But creative thinking,   4.  is greatly valued, is perhaps the basic skill an inventor should have. In order to explore new possibilities, you will have to learn to break 5.     from old thought patterns. When you get stuck, try to look at the problem in        6.     many ways as possible. Each new way may improve your understanding.

   More importantly, always keep it in your mind   7.  success is no accident. It is the result of a long process of trial and error. Above   8.   , the main task for you is to study hard and try to learn more knowledge. This, of course, will lay a solid foundation.

   Hope your future invention will make a difference.


Good  luck                                                                                        


                                                                                               Wang Li



Chinese netizens who like to create and use cyber words such as “geilivable” might find a new regulation very “ungeilivable”. The new regulation by the General Administration of Press and Publication last week banned the use of Chinglish words created by netizens for publishing in the Chinese language.

“Geilivable”, combining the pinyin geili (giving strength) with the English suffix (后缀) for adjectives, literally means “giving power” or “cool”. Different suffixes and prefixes were then added to the word. “Hengeilivable” means “very cool”, and “ungeilivable” means “dull, not cool at all”.

Cyber language is popular among Chinese netizens, who create Chinglish words to reflect phenomenon in society. One example is “antizen”, which refers to college graduates who earn a meager salary and live in small rented apartments, like tiny and laborious ants.

David Tool, a professor with the Beijing International Studies University, said it’s very interesting to combine Chinese with English to create new words. “English is no longer mysterious to the Chinese people. They can use the language in a flexible way according to their own experiences,” Tool said.

At the announcement of the regulation by the General Administration of Press and Publication, netizens expressed their concern.

“The administration is totally ‘ungeilivable’,” said a netizen named laoda1713. “I know other netizens will shed tears with me... it is a good chance to enrich our language”.

“Language is always developing,” said a columnist, Wang Pei. “It needs to be updated to absorb foreign culture and folk wisdom.”

But an unnamed official with the administration said that, in fact, many senior staff from news media who supported the regulation were worried that years later, the younger generation would forget how to use formal Chinese expressions. The official also pointed out that the regulation was only for formal publications in Chinese language, and it only banned Chinglish words in the publication.

1.The new regulation by the General Administration of Press and Publication may be aimed at         .  

A. simplifying the Chinese language  B. limiting the development of language

C. banning the use of Chinglish      D. making the netizens more serious

2.The underlined word meager in the third paragraph probably means        .

A. poor          B. flexible     C. high     D. plentiful

3. From this passage we can infer that         .  

A. the Chinese people like their own language only

B. the English words are considered informal in China

C. nobody in China will support the new regulation

D. “geilivable” will be popular among Chinese netizens

4. On which column of China Daily can you find this passage?   

A. Entertainment B. Business     C. Travel           D. Opinion











Dear Xiaohua:

   I’m very glad to receive your letter. From your letter, I know you have shown  1.   great interest in inventing new things. That’s great. As for how to be an inventor, there is no quick answer to   2.   .

   Coming from different cultures and having different backgrounds, inventors do not seem to have much   3.   common. But creative thinking,   4.   is greatly valued, is perhaps the basic skill an inventor should have. In order to explore new possibilities, you will have to learn to break   5.  from old thought patterns. When you get stuck, try to look at the problem in   6.  many ways as possible. Each new   7. may improve your understanding.

   More importantly, always keep it in your mind  8.   success is no accident. It is the result of a long process of trial and error. Above all, the main task for you is to study hard and try to learn more knowledge. This, of course, will lay a solid foundation.

   Hope your future invention will make a difference.

   Good luck.                                       


                                                                                                       Wang Li



26.—I’m going to Shanghai tomorrow. Do you have anything_______to your son, Mr Wang?

—No, thank you anyway.     

A.taking be taken

C.taken take


