We went right round to the west coast by sea instead of driving across continent. A. the; the B.不填,the C. the; 不填 D. 不填,不填 查看更多




  Some people bring out the best in you in a way that you might never have fully realized on your own. My mom was one of those people.

  My father died when I was nine months old, making my mom a single mother at the age of eighteen. While I was growing up, we lived a very hard life. We had little money, but my mom gave me a lot of love. Each night, she sat me on her lap and spoke the words that would change my life, “Kemmons, you are certain to be a great man and you can do anything in life if you work hard enough to get it.”

  At fourteen, I was hit by a car and the doctors said I would never walk again. Every day, my mother spoke to me in her gentle, loving voice, telling me that no matter what those doctors said, I could walk again if I wanted to badly enough. She drove that message so deep into my heart that I finally believed her. A year later I returned to school-walking on my own!

  When the Great Depression(大萧条)hit, my mom lost her job. Then I left school to support the both of us. At that moment, I was determined never to be poor again.

Over the years, I experienced various levels of business success. But the real turning point occurred on a vacation I took with my wife and five kids in 1951.I was dissatisfied with the second-class hotels available for families and was angry that they charged an extra$2 for each child. That was too expensive for the average American family. I told my wife that I was going to open a motel (汽车旅馆)for families that would never charge extra for children. There were plenty of doubters at that time.

  Not surprisingly, mom was one of my strongest supporters. She worked behind the desk and even designed the room style. As in any business, we experienced a lot of challenges. But with my mother’s words deeply rooted in my soul, I never doubted we would succeed. Fifteen years later, we had the largest hotel system in the word-Holiday Inn. In 1979 my company had 1,759 inns in more than fifty countries with an in income of $ 1 billion a year.

   You may not have started out life in the best situations. But if you can find a task in life worth working for and believe in yourself, nothing can stop you.

71.What Kemmons’mom often told him during his childhood was_______.

A.caring   B.moving   C.encouraging   D.interesting

72.According to the author, who played the most important role in making him walk back to school again?

A.Doctors.    B.Nurses.         C.Friends.    D.Mom.

73.What caused Kemmons to start a motel by himself?

A. His terrible experience in the hotel.

B. His previous business success of various levels.

C. His mom’s support.

D. His wife’s suggestion.

74.Which of the following best describes Kemmons’mother?

A. Modest ,helpful and hard-working.      B. Loving, supportive and strong-willed.

C. Careful, helpful and beautiful.      D.Strict, sensitive and supportive.

75.Which of the following led to Kemmons’ success according to the passage?

A. Self-confidence, had work, higher education and a poor family

B. Mom’s encouragement, clear goals, self-confidence and hard work.

C. Clear goals, mom’s encouragement, a poor family and higher education.

D. Mom’s encouragement, a poor family, higher education and opportunities.


(2013·高考江苏卷)—The T?shirt I received is not the same as is shown online.

—________But I promise you we’ll look into it right away.

AWho says?? BHow come

CWhat for?? DWhy worry



(2013·高考江苏卷)I used to believe in the American Dreamwhich meant a joba mortgage (按揭)credit cardssuccess.I wanted it and worked toward it like everyone elseall of us ____ chasing the same thing.

One yearthrough a series of unhappy eventsit all fell ____.I found myself homeless and alone.I had my truck and $56.I ____ the countryside for some place I could rent for the ____ possible amount.I came upon a shabby house four miles up a winding mountain road ____ the Potomac River in West Virginia.It was ____full of broken glass and rubbish.I found the ownerrented itand ____ a corner to camp in.

The locals knew nothing about me____ slowlythey started teaching me the ____ of being a neighbor.They dropped off blanketscandlesand toolsand began ____ around to chat.They started to teach me a belief in a ___ American Dream—not the one of individual achievement but of ___.

What I had believed inall those things I thought were ____ for a civilized lifewere nonexistent in this place.____ on the mountainmy most valuable possessions were my ____ with my neighbors.

Four years laterI moved back into ____.I saw many people were having a really hard time___ their jobs and homes.I managed to rent a big enough house to ____ a handful of people.There are four of us now in the housebut over time I’ve had nine people come in and move on to other places.We’d all be in ____ if we hadn’t banded together.

The American Dream I believe in now is a shared one.It’s not so much about what I can get for myself; it’s about ____ we can all get by together.

1.A.separately??? Bequally

Cviolently?? Dnaturally

2.A.off??? Bapart

Cover??? Dout

3.A.crossed? Bleft

Ctoured? Dsearched

4.A.fullest?? Blargest

Cfairest??? Dcheapest

5.A.at??? Bthrough

Cover??? Dround

6.A.occupied?? Babandoned

Cemptied?? Drobbed

7.A.turned?? Bapproached

Ccleared?? Dcut

8.A.but??? Balthough

Cotherwise?? Dfor

9.A.benefit?? Blesson

Cnature? Dart

10.A.sticking?? Blooking

Cswinging??? Dturning

11.A.wild??? Breal

Cdifferent?? Dremote

12.A.neighborliness? Bhappiness

Cfriendliness? Dkindness

13.A.unique??? Bexpensive

Crare?? Dnecessary

14.A.Up? BDown

CDeep??? DAlong

15.A.cooperation??? Brelationships

Csatisfaction?? Dappointments

16.A.reality?? Bsociety

Ctown??? Dlife

17.A.creating? Blosing

Cquitting??? Doffering

18.A.put in?? Bturn in

Ctake in? Dget in

19.A.yards??? Bshelters

Ccamps??? Dcottages

20.A.when??? Bwhat

Cwhether??? Dhow



(2013·高考江苏卷)—What about your self?drive trip yesterday?

—Tiring! The road is being widenedand we ________a rough ride.

Ahad?? Bhave

Cwould have?? Dhave had




We know the famous ones—the Thomas Edisons and the Alexander Graham Bells —but what about the less famous inventors? What about the people who invented the traffic light and the windshield wiper(雨刮器)?Shouldn’t we know who they are?

Joan Mclean think so. In fact, Mclean, a professor of physics at Mountain University in Range, feels so strongly about this matter that she’s developed a course on the topic. In addition to learning “who”invented”what”, however, Mclean also likes her students to learn the answers to the”why” and ”how” questions. According to Mclean,”When students learn the answers to these questions, they are better prepared to recognize opportunities for inventing and more motivated to give inventing a try.”

So,just what is the story behind the windshield wiper? Well,Mary Anderson came up with the idea in 1902 after a visit to Mew York City.The day was cold and stormy, but Anderson still wanted to see the sights ,so she jumped aboard a streetcar. Noticing that the driver was struggling to see through the snow covering the winshield,she found hersefe wondering why there couldn’t be a buolt-in devic for cleaing the window. Still wondering about this when she returned home to Birmingham, Alabama, Anderson started drafting out solutions. One of her ideas, a lever(操作杆)on the inside of a vehicle that would contral an arm on the outside, became the first windshield wiper.

    Today we benefit from countless inventions and innovations,It’s hard to imagine driving without Garrett A.Morgan’s traffic light. It’s equally impossible to picture a world without Katherine J.Blodgett’s innovation that makes glass invisible, Can you picture life without clear windows and eyeglasses?

56.By mentionong “traffic light”and “windshield wiper”,the author indicates that countless inventions are       .

A.beneficial,because their inventors are famous

B. beneficial,though their inventors are less  famous

C.not useful, because their inventors are less famous

D. not useful, though their inventors are  famous

57.Professor Joan McLean’s course aims to_____.

A. add colour and variety to students’ campus life

B. inform students of the windshield wiper’s invention

C. carry out the requirements by Mountain University

D. pre[are students to try theie own invention

58.Tommy Lee’s invention of the unbreakable umbrella was _________.

A. not eventually accepted by the umbrella producer

B. inspired by the story behind the windshield wiper

C. due to his dream of being caught in a rainstorm

D. not related to Professor Joan McLean’s lectures

59. Which 0f the following can best serve as the title of this passage?

A  How to Help Students to Sell Their Inventions to Producers?

B  How to Design a Built-in Dervice for Cleaning the Window?

C  Shouldn’t We Know Who Inventd the Windshield Wiper?

D  Shouldn’t We Develop Invention Courses in Universities?

