-There is still a copy of the book in the library. Wall you go and borrow ? -No, I’d rather buy in the bookstore. A.it;one B.one;one C.one;it D.it;it [解题思路]本题考查的是代词的用法.句意; --这本书在图书馆还用一本.你去借吗?--不,我宁愿去书店买一本.因为图书馆里只有一本同样的书.用it 表示同类事物.在第二个空中.用one表示某一本书.因为书店中应不只有一本同样的书. [答案] A [失分陷阱]考试应注意文中的隐藏含义. 查看更多



(2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试陕西卷,16) —There is still a copy of the book in the library. Wall you go and bottow          ?      

—No, I’d rather buy         in the bookstore.

A.it; one                       B.one; one                              C. one; it                     D.it; it

