we are sure about is the need to prevent children from being spoiled. A. What B. Which C. Whether D. That [解析] A 所填选项引导主语从句.且在从句中充当介词about的宾语.所以用what引导. 查看更多



 Taiwan-born American director Ang Lee's win of his second directing Oscar has sparked complex feelings among Chinese audiences, who expressed their pride due to the director's Chinese roots, but couldn't help but reflect on why the Chinese mainland has failed to deliver more outstanding films to the world .

   Lee, 58, on Sunday accepted the Academy Award for best director for Life of Pi, a 3D adventure-drama film. Lee had won the top directing award in 2006 for Brokeback Mountain and the best foreign language film Oscar in 2001 for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

   Lee came to Hollywood's attention after directing three Chinese-language films in the early 1990s, with an emphasis on the interactions between modernity and Chinese traditions. Some Web users called Lee "a source of pride for Chinese people," and admired him for bearing the torch of Chinese culture.

   However, a large number of audience members and critics from the mainland expressed their frustrations over home-made movies: Mainland filmmakers have made numerous ambitious tries for the prestigious award but never won.

   Hao Jie, a young director whose 2010 film Single Man won the Special Jury Prize in the Tokyo Filmex Festival but was never screened in the mainland for it showed complex sex lives in a village.

  "Due to the censorship(审查), we are prevented from the beginning of our production, which forbids our works from mirroring realities," Hao said.

   While acknowledging the system's role in undermining(削弱) excellent works, Su Mu, a well-known film critic, argued that the atmosphere in the mainland's film circle is also to blame. "Lee produces his works with his heart, but most mainland directors now only have money in mind."

   Though having obtained approval for his second film from the film authority, Hao said cinemas have kept delaying the screening of his work. "This is another factor that prevents us from progressing. Cinemas won't risk showing our film, which features no stars and is considered non-mainstream," complained Hao.

1.What does the underlined phrase “the prestigious award” refer to?

A. the Best Director of Oscar

B. any of the Oscar Awards

C. the Special Jury Prize

D. the best foreign language film Oscar

2.Which of the following statements is true? 

A. Ang Lee’s films are always focusing on Chinese traditions.

B. Chinese audiences are proud of their Chinese identity in the films.

C. Ang Lee has won the world’s favor only by means of his three Oscars.

D. Ang Lee is famous for his combining modernity and Chinese traditions.

3.Which of the following is NOT the factor that prevents Chinese mainland films’ progressing?

A. Strict censorship.

B. A lack of wonderful directors.

C. The bad atmosphere in the film circle.

D. Cinemas’ not risking showing low-cost films.

4.The best title for the passage is probably_____.

A. Ang Lee-Pride of Chinese Movie-makers

B. The Future of Chinese Mainland Film-making

C. Bitter-sweet Feeling over Ang Lee’s Oscar Win

D. What Can Chinese Films Do for the Oscar Awards



       We bought a pair of geese one spring when they were both two weeks old. One was a female Chinese goose I named Su and her mate was a white goose I named Goose. They would follow us all around the yard talking to us whenever we came outside. At night, they stayed in a box in our kitchen until they were too big and then they stayed at night outside. They loved the river and soon began staying out all night on the river. Whenever I wanted to know where they were, I would make a honking noise (雁叫声) , and they would answer me and come into the yard for their corn.

       One night, I was woken up by loud noise. We ran out to see what was wrong. A raccoon(浣熊) had decided that some goose eggs would taste good and had come too close to the setting.When we found Su, the raccoon had caught her by her neck and was biting it.We drove it away and took Su to the garage, washed her wound and wrapped it up in a bandage.Goose knew she was there and wanted to be with her, so we opened the small garage door and he hurried in.After two days and nights, I released them back outside.

       For the first three nights at dusk, we would get her and carry her into the garage for the night and Goose would come running behind us to join her there.We were touched by his devotion to her.We took off her bandage and she was fine  so that next night, we had not planned to take her to the garage any longer.We were amazed, however, that when dusk fell that night, she climbed the back steps to our garage door waiting for us to come and get her in! They do not speak our language, but they know when people care about them and love them and they respond in kind.

44.The first paragraph mainly tells us that     

       A.geese mainly feed on corn and fish            B.the geese were taken good care of

       C.the geese got on badly with the writer       D.geese prefer to stay outside than inside

45. The raccoon attacked Su one night because        

       A. it thought goose eggs were delicious      B. Su's nest was too close to the raccoon's

       C. it wanted to hunt the goose for food        D. Su's appearance in the area annoyed it

46. Where would Su probably stay at night after her recovery?

       A. In the wild.                               B. In the kitchen.                      

       C. On the river.                                 D. In the garage.

47. It can be inferred from the last sentence that           .

       A. animals misunderstand people                     B. the needs of pets is important

       C. animals are of human nature                       D. animals need people' protection



  It was a day to celebrate if your family had put most of its money in a bank.You will get more money back because of a recent rise in interest rates(利率).

  On October 29, for the first time in nine years, the People’s Bank of China(PBOC)raised interest rates.The rate for one-year renminbi deposits(存款)was increased from 1.98 per cent to 2.25 per cent.And the rate for one-year renminbi loans(代款)went up from 5.31 per cent to 5.58 per cent.Longer term rates saw higher increases.

  So what are interest rates?Banks offer some money to encourage people to keep their savings in a savings account(储蓄帐户),and ask more money in return if you borrow money from them.The percentages of the extra money are the interest rates.

If your parents have borrowed money from banks to pay for houses or cars, the interest rates rise was not good news.

  An increase in the interest rates on a loan means the borrower will need to repay more to the bank.For example, a person who borrowed, 10,000 yuan from the bank had to return 10,531 yuan before the interest rise.But after the interest rates are increased, he has to pay extra 27 yuan per year.

  The rise came following a great demand for the cooling of the over-heating Chinese economy.For several years, pushed by a huge investment and construction projects, the country has had the fastest economic growth in the world.But this can be damaging just as it is when a person grows too fast and can no longer fit their clothes.It is hoped that with a higher interest rate people will act more cautiously and take less risks when borrowing money.

  “The rate rise will help the economy to cool down.It will reduce investment in unnecessary industrial and construction projects.”said Su Ning, deputy governor(副行长)of the PBOC.


If we deposit 1000 RMB in the bank for one year, how much can we get after October 29?

(The tax rate on interest rates is 20%.)

[  ]










What is the purpose of the rise in the interest rates?

[  ]


To attract greater investment.


To make people earn more money.


To carry out construction projects.


To cool down the over-heating Chinese economy.


By saying “this can be damaging just as it is when a person grows too fast and can no longer fit their clothes” the writer ________.

[  ]


warns that if the economy grows too rapidly, it will cause trouble


warns us that industry will suffer a loss


advises us to buy bigger clothes when we are young


advises us not to grow too fast


Which of the following is NOT a result of the increase in the interest rates on a loan?

[  ]


People will make wiser investments.


People will need to repay more to the bank.


People will borrow more money to invest in their business.


People will be careful of taking money from banks to expand their business.



  It was a day to celebrate if your family had put most of its money in a bank.You will get more money back because of a recent rise in interest rates.

  On October 29, for the first time in nine years, the People’s Bank of China(PBOC)raised interest rates.The rate for one-year renminbi deposits(存款)was increased from 1.98 percent to 2.25 percent.And the rate for one-year renminbi loans(贷款)went up from 5.31 percent to 5.58 percent.Longer term rates saw higher increases.

  So what are interest rates?Banks offer some money to encourage people to keep their savings in a saving account, and ask more money in return if you borrow money from them.The percentage of the extra money is the interest rates.

  If your parents have borrowed money from banks to pay for houses or cars, the interest rates rise was not good news.An increase in the interest rates on a loan means the borrower will need to repay more to the bank.For example, a person who borrowed 10,000 yuan from the bank had to return 10,531 yuan before the interest rise.But after the interest rates are increased, he was to pay extra 27 yuan per year.

  The rise came following a great demand for the cooling of the overheating Chinese economy.For several years, pushed by a huge investment and construction projects, the country has had the fastest economic growth in the world.But this can be damaging just as it is when a person grows too fast and can no longer fit their clothes.It is hoped that with a higher interest rate people will act more cautiously and take less risks when borrowing money.

  “The rate rise will help the economy to cool down.It will reduce investment in unnecessary industrial and construction projects,”said Su Ning, deputy governor of the PBOC.


If we deposit 1,000 RMB in the bank for one year, how much can we get after October 29?(The tax rate on interest rates is 20%.)

[  ]










What is the purpose of the rise in the interest rates?

[  ]


To attract greater investment.


To make people earn more money.


To carry out construction projects.


To cool down the over-heating economy.


By saying“this can be damaging just as it is when a person grows too fast and can no longer fit their clothes”, the writer ________.

[  ]


warns that if the economy grows too rapidly, it will cause trouble


warns us that industry will suffer a loss


advises us to buy bigger clothes when we are young


advises us not to grow too fast


Which of the following is NOT a result of the increase in the interest rates on a loan?

[  ]


People will make wise investments.


People will need to repay more to the bank.


People will borrow more money to invest in their business.


People will be careful of taking money from banks to expand their business.


Taiwan-born American director Ang Lee's win of his second directing Oscar has sparked complex feelings among Chinese audiences, who expressed their pride due to the director's Chinese roots, but couldn't help but reflect on why the Chinese mainland has failed to deliver more outstanding films to the world .
Lee, 58, on Sunday accepted the Academy Award for best director for Life of Pi, a 3D adventure-drama film.Lee had won the top directing award in 2006 for Brokeback Mountain and the best foreign language film Oscar in 2001 for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Lee came to Hollywood's attention after directing three Chinese-language films in the early 1990s, with an emphasis on the interactions between modernity and Chinese traditions.Some Web users called Lee "a source of pride for Chinese people," and admired him for bearing the torch of Chinese culture.
However, a large number of audience members and critics from the mainland expressed their frustrations over home-made movies: Mainland filmmakers have made numerous ambitious tries for the prestigious award but never won.
Hao Jie, a young director whose 2010 film Single Man won the Special Jury Prize in the Tokyo Filmex Festival but was never screened in the mainland for it showed complex sex lives in a village.
"Due to the censorship(审查), we are prevented from the beginning of our production, which forbids our works from mirroring realities," Hao said.
While acknowledging the system's role in undermining(削弱) excellent works, Su Mu, a well-known film critic, argued that the atmosphere in the mainland's film circle is also to blame."Lee produces his works with his heart, but most mainland directors now only have money in mind."
Though having obtained approval for his second film from the film authority, Hao said cinemas have kept delaying the screening of his work."This is another factor that prevents us from progressing. Cinemas won't risk showing our film, which features no stars and is considered non-mainstream," complained Hao

  1. 1.

    What does the underlined phrase “the prestigious award” refer to?

    1. A.
      the Best Director of Oscar
    2. B.
      any of the Oscar Awards
    3. C.
      the Special Jury Prize
    4. D.
      the best foreign language film Oscar
  2. 2.

    Which of the following statements is true?

    1. A.
      Ang Lee’s films are always focusing on Chinese traditions
    2. B.
      Chinese audiences are proud of their Chinese identity in the films
    3. C.
      Ang Lee has won the world’s favor only by means of his three Oscars
    4. D.
      Ang Lee is famous for his combining modernity and Chinese traditions
  3. 3.

    Which of the following is NOT the factor that prevents Chinese mainland films’ progressing?

    1. A.
      Strict censorship
    2. B.
      A lack of wonderful directors
    3. C.
      The bad atmosphere in the film circle
    4. D.
      Cinemas’ not risking showing low-cost films
  4. 4.

    The best title for the passage is probably_____

    1. A.
      Ang Lee-Pride of Chinese Movie-makers
    2. B.
      The Future of Chinese Mainland Film-making
    3. C.
      Bitter-sweet Feeling over Ang Lee’s Oscar Win
    4. D.
      What Can Chinese Films Do for the Oscar Awards

