B.第一空表特指,因为on-going division后有定语between-and-.第二空应填“a .表泛指.也就是“这个国家所关心的一个主要问题 . 查看更多






1.What kind of music does Henry like?

A.Pop music

B.Classical music

C.Folk music

2.How will Mary and Michael get to the theatre?

A.By taxi.

B.By bus.

C.In Michael's car.

3.Where are the two speakers?

A.At an airport.

B.At a train station.

C.At a bus station.

4.When will the man probably arrive in New York?

A.At 3∶30 pm.

B.At 6∶13 pm.

C.At 6∶30 pm.

5.What are they talking about?

A.The environmental problem.

B.The health problem.

C.The educational problem.




6.What color suit does the man like?




7.Why does the man want to buy a suit?

A.Because he will attend a job interview.

B.Because he will attend an evening party.

C.Because he will attend a wedding ceremony.


8.Who answers the telephone?


B.Susan's husband.


9.Where are they going to meet?

A.At Susan's.

B.At Tom's.

C.In New Zealand.


10.Why does the woman change the first overcoat?

A.It's too expensive.

B.It's large for her.

C.It's a little small for her.

11.What does the woman want to buy?

A.An overcoat.

B.Silver and wool.

C.An overcoat and a jacket.

12.How much does the woman pay for what she bought?





13.Where does the man live?

A.17 Mallett Street.

B.70 Mallett Street.

C.l7 Marrett Street.

14.Which house is on fire?

A.Number 16.

B.Number 18.

C.Number 20.

15.Why is there nobody in the house on fire?

A.They went shopping.

B.They went to work.

C.They went abroad on holiday.



Do you know about the president Obama? Have you heard his speech in China?

“The main   1   of my trip is to deepen my understanding of China and its vision of the future,”Obama told an audience of more than 500 local youths, many of whom students from Fudan University and Tongji University.“For while China is an   2   nation, you are also clearly looking ahead with   3  , ambition, and a commitment to see that tomorrow's generation can do better than today's.” “The jobs we do, the prosperity we build, the environment we   4   , the security that we seek-all of these things are   5  .”





1.What time is it now?




2.What is the man going to do tonight?

A.To have a party.

B.To visit Jane.

C.To see a play.

3.How much must the woman pay if she buys three shirts?

A.15 dollars.

B.9 dollars.

C.8 dollars.

4.Who is coming to visit the family?

A.The man's mother.

B.The woman's mother.

C.The child's mother.

5.How many radios will Jessie have in her family?







6.Where can the man do the work?

A.In England.

B.In France.

C.In Germany.

7.When can the man begin the job?

A.On September 31st.

B.On September 15th.

C.On September 1st.


8.Which is CORRECT?

A.Janice called Allison.

B.Allison called Janice.

C.James called Allison.

9.Who got the two tickets for the National Women's Volleyball match?



C.Not mentioned.

10.What time are they going to meet at the entrance to the Capital Stadium?





11.Why is it easier for the woman to learn English?

A.She often talks to English people.

B.She speaks two languages already.

C.She always does her homework right after class.

12.Which of the following is suggested by the woman as a good way to learn English?

A.Reading newspapers.

B.Talking to Foreigners.

C.Both A and B.

13.Why is it difficult for the man to learn English?

A.He doesn't do homework on time.

B.There are no native English speakers around him.

C.He is too shy to speak English.


14.What kind of people do they NOT need?

A.Those who have no experience in office work.

B.Those who know no foreign language.

C.Those who want to work only 30 hours a week.

15.What kind of people will probably get a higher pay?

A.Those who are well educated.

B.Those who can speak a second language.

C.Those who have much experience.



Ancient China was a place where   16   were often at war with each other.But it was also a time   17   there were many great philosophers.Confucius(551 BC-479 BC)is the philosopher whose   18   has been the greatest.He   19   the importance of kindness, duty and   20   in society.Chinese society was influenced by these ideas for more than 2,000 years.


第二部分 写作(共三节,满分55分)



66. The forest worker devoted all his life to ____(保护) the wild life .

67. The ______ (大多数) of children in our class have brown eyes.   

68. They had the good news ______ (传开) throughout the country.  

69.T_________ (传统上),Chinese brides wear red on their wedding day.

70. I have no   (食欲) now because of headache.

71.The twins are so alike that it’s difficult to______ (区别) one from the other.                                                   

72.The witness explained the case to the police in   (详细地).

73. To avoid freezing to death,the mountaineers stayed close together for w______ 

74. We were entertained at the editor’s e_________.(费用)                                                       

75.It is not good for your health if you swallow your food without c___________.



  Nearly a thousand people laugh heartily together for jalf an hour every morning in a park in Shenzhen.The Guangzhou Daily took a closer look at those happy people.
  They are members of a group named Laughing Club,and when they get together,all they do is laugh.
  Zheng Lixin,the fouder of the club and regarded as the "laugh leader",told the paper that laughing does him a lot of good.He started after he read some advice in a book and tried giggling afer quarrelling with his wife to relax.
  After laughing for a few days,Zhang found himself more outgoing and relaxed.Soon his wife joined him,bringing the family more laughter and less bickering.
  When he got to know a kind of "laughing yoga(瑜珈)" is good for the health,Zhang went to Bomday to learn from locals and developed what he learned into more than 30 ways of laughing.
  The "lion bellow"is to shout with the fingers outstretched(伸开) near the ears.There is the "open mouth laugh".The "bow-pulling laugh",the "welcoming laugh" and evenn the "quarrelling laugh",with different arm movements of laugh style.
  The "laugh movement" swept over Shenzhen in a matter of months,attracting tens of thousands of people to join,and has been followed in nearby cities such as Guangzhou.
  Every morning at the lakefront and at 8 p.m.on every Monday,Wednesday and Friday at the mountain peak square in Linadhua Mountain Park,club members gather to laugh and shout loudly.
  56.From the first paragraph we know that________.
  A.the Guangzhou Daily is the source of the information
  B.those happy people come from the Guangzhou Daily
  C.there is a Guangzhou Daily office near the Laughing Club
  D.the Guangzhou Daily supported the laughing movement
  57.Which of the underlined words has a meaning similar to "laughing""
  58.What is the "lion bellow"?
  A.It's a kind of "laughing yoga".
  B.It's a bombay style of laughing.
  C.It's one of the 30 ways of laughing.
  D.It's not among the 30 ways of laughing.
  59.What's the idea expressed by the last two paragraphs?
  A.The Laughing Club is getting larger.
  B.The laugh movement is becoming popular.
  C.The laughing is done only in parks.
  D.Lianhua Mountain Park also has a lake in it.





“Long time no see” is a very interesting sentence. When I first read this sentence from an American friend’s email, I laughed. I thought it was a perfect 21       of Chinglish. Obviously, it is a word-by-word literal(照字面意思的) translation of the Chinese greeting with a ruined English grammar and structure! Later on, my friend told me that it is a standard American 22         . I was too amazed to believe her. Her words could not convince me 23          . So I did a search on www.google.com. To my surprise, there are over 60 thousand web pages 24        “long time no see”. This sentence has been 25          used in emails, letters, newspapers, movies, books, or any other possible place. Though it is sort of informal, it is part of the language that Americans use daily.  26         , if you type this phrase in Microsoft Word, the software will tell you that the grammar needs to be corrected.

  Nobody knows the 27         of this Chinglish sentence. Some people believe that it came from Charlie Chan’s movies. In the 1930s, Hollywood moviemakers successfully 28         a world wide famous Chinese detective named “Charlie Chan” on wide screens. Detective Chan liked to teach Americans some Chinese wisdom by quoting(引用) Confucius(孔子). “Long time no see” was his trademark. Soon after Charlie Chan, “Long time no see” became a popular phrase in the real world thanks to the popularity of these movies.

Some scholars compare America to a huge pot of stew(大熔炉). All kinds of culture are mixed in the stew together, and they 29          the color and taste of each other. American Chinese, though a minority ethnic(少数民族的) group in the United States, is also influenced some changes to the stew! Language is usually the first thing to be 30          in the mixed stew. 

21.   A. word           B. sign      C. example       D. change

22.   A. custom         B. greeting   C. habit           D. proverb

23.   A. almost        B. in all      C. at all          D. after all

24.   A. publishing     B. printing   C. containing           D. expressing

25.   A. seldom        B. hardly    C. widely         D. deeply

26.   A.Unfortunately   B. Luckily   C. Suddenly       D. However 

27.   A. use           B meaning   C .expression      D. origin

28.   A. did           B. published  C. created        D. discovered

29.   A. improve        B. change    C. lower         D. promote

30.   A. mentioned     B. used      C. considered      D. influenced 


