(二)表示事物位置的介词 (1)at, in 当事物被视作一点.不强调其空间常用介词at.而表示空间内部用介词in, 如: We’ll meet at the supermarket .我们在超市见面 I had to stay in the supermarket as it was raining hard. 因为下大雨.我只好呆在超市里 *动词arrive 后接at ,表示较小的地方, 如: 车站.村庄等,后接in 表示较大地方.如: 城市,地区等. (2)in, to in 表示事物在区域范围内的位置.to 表示事物相对区域范围之外另一事物的位置.如: Shanghai is in the east of China. 上海在中国东部 Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国东面. in front of 表示在前面,一般不在范围内.in the front of 表示在前部.在同一范围内. (3)after, behind after 指顺序先后 ,behind 指位置在某事物之后.相对于in front of 而言, 如: He entered the classroom after the teacher He hid himself behind the door. 他躲在门后. (4)on , in on 表示“在某物表面上 .如将物看作空间.表示在其内部.用介词in. There is a modern painting on the wall . 墙上有一副现代油画. There is a modern painting in the wall . 墙上有一副现代油画. (5)from , off 都表示“离开 (6)above , over, below , under over , under 表示垂直的上下关系.而above, below 仅表示位置上“高于 或“低于 , 不表示垂直关系. (7)between, among between 表示“两个事物之间 , among 表示“三者以上的事物之间 . 查看更多











都江堰水利工程-Dujiangyan Irrigation Project

Dear Nick I’m glad to hear that you′re coming to Sichuan in August.

Yours sincerely

Li Hua



  Zhang Hua and Lin Xiaoyun are ________ Senior High school.They both wrote a description ________ their home ________ which they live.Now read and say which one is more similar ________ yours?

  Zhang Hua lives ________ the south of China, the city Guangzhou.He lives ________ his parents ________ a suburb ________ the northeast ________ the city.They have a small apartment ________ the third floor ________ a five-storey apartment block.

  Lin Xiaoyun lives ________ the countryside ________ southern Liaoning, about fifty miles away ________ the city of Dalian.Her parents have recently built a house ________ their land their new home.The house is two storeys high and is made ________ local stone.




  1. 表示互相通信的希望。

  2. 简单地介绍一下自己,包括你的爱好,如:喜欢打乒乓球、游泳等。

  3. 希望对方介绍一下美国人的生活,比如美国人的家庭生活,他们在想什么,


  4. 期待对方回信。

【注意】(1) 只要把该问的问题问清楚,把主要意思表达出来即可。不要翻译试题说明。

    (2) 不要在信中使用自己的真实姓名和地址。注意英文书信的格式。

    (3) 字数在100左右。



Most young people only get seven hours   1  (介词)sleep each night,   2  (对比连词)they actually need nine hours.And   3  (make)up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping   4  (介词)weekends doesn’t really work.In fact, sleeping late may actually do you much harm.You have sleep problems.  5  (合并为主从复合句)What happens if you don’t   6  (谓语动词)enough sleep? If   7  (人称代词)sleep problem continues for a few nights, you could suffer serious   8  (problem).  9   Lack of sleepy can affect learning and memory.(改正错误)  10  (比较级), sleep difficulties could lead to anxiety or depression(抑郁).


仔细阅读下面的短文, 短文中有10个空格或画线句子。请按照每小题括号内的具体要求完成语法填空、词形变化、句子合并、句子改写以及病句改正等。答案填写在标号为1~10的对应位置。

There are thousand of volcanoes all over the world   1  (改正错误).The inside of the earth   2  (be)very hot.The rock has melted and become liquid   3  (介词)water.It is always boiled.If you have seen a kettle   4  (boil), you’ll know that the steam and boiling water try to get out.The very hot melted rock inside the earth also tries   5  (构成不定式)get out.Usually it cannot   6  (连接词)the outside of the earth is too thick and strong.  7  (转折词)in some places, the outside of the earth is   8  (形容词)and weak.Sometimes a crack appears.The hot melted rock will push   9  (副词)through the crack.Steam but gas shoot out into the air and the hot melted lava pours out   10  (改正错误).

