D 句意: 这对年轻的夫妇自己已经有三个子女,但还是决定收养两个孤儿.分析句意空白处应填“收养 .选项D符合题意.adapt 使适应.结构为:adapt oneself/sb to sth,bring 与up搭配可表示“养育,抚养 , receive收到,欢迎,接受. 查看更多




1.毫无疑问, 这鞋子是为运动员设计的。(be designed for)

2.这位年轻的艺术家下定决心去帮助那些失业的人。( make up one’s mind)

3.三分之一的国民感觉到了地震;看上去似乎世界末日来了。(as if; at an end)

4.现在,青少年不喜欢面对面的交流。(be fond of)

5.正是曼德拉的决心和斗争最终帮助黑人实现了梦想。(Mandela; 强调句型 )




根据首字母或中文提示以及句意写出单词的正确形式。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)  注:请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。

76. When we got to the station entrance, it was ______________ (行人绝迹的).

77. He is a hard working boy. He’ll have a bright _______________(有前途的) future.

78. The old government was ________________(推翻) and a new one replaced it.

79. The salesman travelled from door to door to ______________(推销) his products.

80. Sorry, the shoes of your size are not _______________(可买到的) here in our shop.

81. He made several a______________ to get out of the cave, but failed.

82. Man should protect the environment to keep the b____________ of nature.

83. A man has been arrested and is being q_____________ by the police.

84. She was a____________ of stealing a car.

85. D_______________ never to set foot on the house again, he left without saying a word.


第二卷    作文(共35分)

第一节:单词拼写 (每小题1分,共10分)


76. He was e_____ chairman of the meeting.

77. People can communicate with each other by m_____ of the Internet.

78. I know you are d____ to hear all about my life here.

79. You should go now, o____ you’ll miss the bus.

80. As far as the engine is c_____, the car is fine.

81. People in this city have _____(代替) coal with gas for the purpose of cooking.

82. We all believe that he has the right _____(资格) for the job.

83. We _____(推荐) you as our manager.

84. I regretted the ____(购买) of the second-hand car.

85.The false _____(繁荣) of the spring and summer had ended.



76.   ________(不知怎么地) it didn’t seem very important to her.

77.   A f_____ teller would say that he can tell everything about a person from looking at the palm of his hand.

78.     He can’t _______(抵抗...的诱惑) ice cream.

79.     His suggestion was accepted by all present at the conference as it sounded___________(合理的).

80.     The police made an  ___________( 逮捕) in our neighbourhood last night. 

81.     He has got a train ticket v_______ for three months, so he can decide to go out at any time.

82.     If you think you can drink so much without damaging your health, then you’re m__________.

83.     In the word “knife”, the letter “k” is not p___________.

84.     They were ________(打断) by a knock at the door

85.     If you have any questions, please don’t h__________ to ask me.




We all_______(钦佩)her for the way she saved the child from the fire.

Just to satisfy my_______(好奇心),how much did you pay for your house?

The ______(氛围)over dinner was warm and friendly.

You are only ______(稍稍)underweight for your height.

Several _______(十年)have passed since I graduated from the college.

Let’s get something to eat ; I’m s________.

Medals were a_______ to the best speakers on the debating team.

It’s said Yoga is of great b_______ to human health.

I’ll come tomorrow if weather p________.

The s_______ of the disease frightened the villagers.

