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“Write All About It”

Centerville High School Essay(论文)Contest


  1.Students are asked to hand in essays of 500 to 700 words of their own work.Any essay containing material copied from another source will be disqualified.

  2.Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced, with the students` name, address, and grade level on a separate sheet of paper.

  3.Essays must be turned in by 4∶00 pm on November 30.

  They can be brought to Mrs.Elton in Room 104 or to Mr.Markham in the school library.

  Essay-Writing Tips

  1.Catch your reader's interest-Your opening should immediately pull your reader into your essay.Asking a question or starting with a story, or surprising statement are some good ways to do this.

  2.Create a picture-Use active words that show your reader what is happening.Instead of telling your reader that “the room was disordered,” paint a picture using active verbs and lively adjectives.

  3.Have a purpose-Well written essays do more than just describe an event or express a viewpoint; they also communicate a message.

  4.Check for mistakes-Read your paper over to check for mistakes.Ask another student to read your paper.Another pair of eyes will often spot a mistake you have missed.

  5.Format your essay-Neatly type your essay on white paper.Choose an attractive cover for handing in.The computer lab will be open after school from 3∶15 to 4∶45 pm each day this month so that students can use the computers.


  Winning essays will be published in the Centerville Times.Everyone who takes part in it will also receive a free pass to enter one school activity this year.

  First Prize:$50 savings bond

  Second Prize:Dictionary and reference book

  Third Prize:Pen set and journal


Which of the following rules is set for the essay contest?

[  ]


Students can write something exactly as it is written in other books.


Students' personal information should be listed on another piece of paper


Essays must be brought to Mr.Markham in the computer lab on November 30.


The students winning the second prize will be awarded a dictionary and a book.


Which of the following writing tips is given in the passage?

[  ]


Drawing a picture to go with the essay.


Trying to communicate an important idea to readers.


Asking a teacher to find the mistakes you haven't found.


Making the essay short enough to hold the readers` interest


The article is written to ________.

[  ]


explain how to write a good essay


show how to organize an essay contest


inform the students of the essay contest


convince the students of the prizes available


Things You Need to Know about Studying There Study Style

  Since the 1950s, the Netherlands has had courses in English especially for foreign students. Students are expected to be critical of what they read and hear, and to be able of working independently. Foreign students will soon notice that at Dutch institutions for higher learning, people are expected to do a lot of talking. The most common form of teaching is the seminar (研讨会) or working group, where a small group of students work under a teacher's supervision (监督,管理) to analyze (分析) a certain problem. On exams, they have to show that they know the material, and that they have formed well-founded opinions on the subject.

Accommodations (住宿)

  If you are in an exchange programme or an international course, it is quite possible that a room will be arranged for you. Accept it immediately, or you will regret it later. That's because finding a place to live in a country as crowded as the Netherlands is not easy.

  Before you leave China, ask your host institution whether or not housing will indeed be arranged in advance. If you are in the Netherlands and still looking for a place, ask the international relations office or the student dean for advice.


  Tuition (学费)

  Bachelor's degree: about 2 500 euros a year

  Master's degree: 5 000~12 000 euros a year

  Living expenses:

  Experience has shown that a year in the Netherlands costs a Chinese student about 450~750 euros a month.

  Here is a breakdown of average prices of supermarket goods:

  Litre of milk:    0.5~0.8 euro

  Kilo of apples:   1.5 euros

  Shampoo, 400m1:  4 euros

  Tube of toothpaste: 1 euro

  Bed sheet:     20 euros

  Other expenses:

  Haircut: 15 euros

  Air ticket to China: 600~800 euros

  Mobile phone call (one minute): 0.1~0.3 euro

Phone call to China (with IP card): 7 euros (one minute)

  Postage stamp in the Netherlands: 0.39 euro

  Stamp for China: 0.78 euro

  (1 euro=about 10 yuan)


  Trains, buses and trams (有轨电车) run throughout the country.

  If you really want to sample Dutch life, and get around quickly and easily, buy yourself a bicycle. Most students buy second-hand bicycles. A reasonable one will cost you 70~120 euros. You can find them at second-hand bicycle shops or at the bicycle parking facilities near railway stations.

(1) Teachers expect foreign students to do much talking and analyzing in order to make them ________.

[  ]

A.get higher marks

B.pass exams easier

C.be able to work independently

D.get in close touch with each other

(2) The passage implies that ________.

[  ]

A.it is easier to find a room in Netherlands

B.it is difficult to find a room in Netherlands

C.your host institution will surely find a room for you

D.the international relations office can find a room for you

(3) It costs at least ________ a year for a master's degree.

[  ]

A.104 000 yuan
B.104 000 euros
C.174 000 yuan
D.34 000 euros

(4) Most students ride second-hand bicycles mainly because ________.

[  ]

A.they can ride them fast and easily

B.bicycles are safe and comfortable for riding

C.bicycles are convenient and easy to park

D.bicycles are convenient and cheap








How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15   B. £ 9.15  C. £ 9.18



1.Where are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.In a bookstore.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At the man's home.

2.What time is it in fact?

[  ]




3.What does the man mean?

[  ]

A.The food should be kept warm.

B.They should have eggs for supper.

C.It's extremely hot outside.

4.What does the woman do?

[  ]

A.An editor.

B.A nurse

C.A housewife.

5.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]


B.Husband and wife.

C.Waitress and customer.






6.What place does the man take her to?

[  ]

A. Disney Land

B. Deserted land .

C.The United States.

7.What has the woman see on the beach?

[  ]

A.Beautiful water and yellow sand.

B.Golden sand but beautiful water.

C.Beautiful sea-water and golden sand.


8.What can you infer about the room according to the conversation?

[  ]

A.A small room.

B.A bit noisy room.

C.A room for non-smokers.

9.How much did Richard pay for the room?

[  ]





10.Where does the conversation probably take place?

[  ]

A. At the Jewelry.

B. At the Department Store.

C. At the Custom.


11.What is in the woman's box?

[  ]

A.Coconuts from China.

B.Chestnuts from China.

C.Peanuts from China.

12.What isn't allowed to brought into the U.S.A.?

[  ]

A.All agricultural products.

B.All cultural products.

C.All industrial products.


13.Where does this conversation take place?

[  ]

A.In a rest room.

B.At a weather station.

C.On the road.

14.What was the woman trying to do?

[  ]

A.Teach the man some knowledge about the weather.

B.Ask the man to stop and have a rest.

C.Persuade the man to turn around and return home.

15.Why did the woman have so much knowledge about the weather?

[  ]

A.She gained it from her early experience on a farm.

B.She worked in a weather station.

C.She learned a lot from her geography teacher.

16.What were the man and the woman doing?

[  ]

A.Discussing the weather forecast.

B.Riding bikes in the countryside.

C.Having a picnic in the country.


17.How did Mr. Black go to work every day?

[  ]

A.By train.

B.By bus.

C.On foot.

18.Where was the poor man?

[  ]

A.In the man's office.

B.Near the bridge.

C.At the station.

19.What did Mr. Black always do when he passed the poor man?

[  ]

A.He bought some matches from him.

B.He gave him some money.

C.He gave a sad look at him.

20.What is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Mr. Black was not really kind.

B.The poor man was really blind.

C.The poor man's dog was blind.




  “Write All About It”

  Centerville High School Essay(论文)Contest


  1.Students are asked to hand in essays of 500 to 700 words of their own work.Any essay containing material copied from another source will be disqualified.

  2.Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced, with the student's name, address, and grade level on a separate sheet of paper.

  3.Essays must be turned in by 4∶00 P.M.on November 30.They can be brought to Mrs.Elton in Room 104 or to Mr.Markham in the school library.

  Essay-Writing Tips

  1.Catch your reader's interest-Your opening should immediately pull your reader into your essay.Asking a question or starting with a story, or surprising statement is some good ways to do this

  2.Create a picture-Use active words that show your reader what is happening.Instead of telling your reader that “the room was disordered, ” paint a picture using active verbs and lively adjectives.

  3.Have a purpose-Well-written essays do more than just describe an event or express a viewpoint; they also communicate a message.

  4.Check for mistakes-Read your paper over to check for mistakes.Ask another student to read your paper.Another pair of eyes will often spot a mistake you have missed.

  5.Format your essay-Neatly type your essay on white paper Choose an attractive cover for handing in.The computer lab will be open after school from 3∶15 to 4∶45P.M.each day this month so that students can use the computers.


  Winning essays will be published in the Centervile Times.Everyone who takes part in it will also receive a free pass to enter one school activity this year.

  First Prize:$50 savings bond

  Second Prize:Dictionary and reference book

  Third Prize:Pen set and journal


Which of the following rules is set for the essay contest?

[  ]


Students can write something exactly as it is written in other books.


Students’ personal information should be listed on another piece of paper.


Essays must be brought to Mr.Markham in the computer lab on November 30.


The students winning the second prize will be awarded a dictionary and a book.


Which of the following writing tips is given in the passage?

[  ]


Drawing a picture to go with the essay.


Trying to communicate an important idea to readers.


Asking a teacher to find the mistakes you haven't found.


Making the essay short enough to hold the readers’ interest.


The article is written to ________.

[  ]


convince the students of the prizes available


explain how to write a good essay


inform the students of the essay contest


show how to organize an essay contest



  If you were a pilot flying a plane, and suddenly the engine failed, would you eject(跳出), or stay in? For a pilot, the choice is very difficult.If he ejects, he is safe, but the plane crashes.If he stays in the plane, he risks his life.

  Recently, Chinese Air Force pilot Li Feng, 38, faced this choice during a training exercise.It was March 7 and he was flying a Jian-10(Fighter-10)at 4,500 meters.A warning appeared on the plane’s computer screen.He realized the plane might fail at any moment.

  Li Feng did a quick check of the engine and asked the base if he could return.When the fighter was 7 km away from the airport, however, the engine stopped working.The plane began to fall at a speed of 25 meters a second at an altitude of 1,160 meters.

  Under Air Force rules, fighter pilots may eject if their aircraft loses engine power below 2,000 meters and can't be restarted.Before Li lost contact with the control tower, the commander in the air base asked him to eject.But Li Feng insisted on having another try.

  “I knew where the deadline(to give up the aircraft)was and was prepared for the ejection, but I decided not to give up unless the fighter was totally out of control,” Li recalled(回忆)during a recent television interview.

  After 104 seconds, Li was able to bring the fighter to a safe landing.The plane only suffered slight damage.

  “You are a hero! Congratulations!” Li's teacher, Xu Yongling wrote in a text message to him after the landing.He said Li was a cool-headed pilot and very professional(专业的).

  Li's brave and calm act not only saved the 200 million yuan aircraft but also gave him invaluable first-hand experience of dealing with an engine emergency(紧急情况).

  For his outstanding performance, the Air Force recently awarded him a gold medal.


When the engine stopped working, Li Feng ________.

[  ]


was flying a Jian-10 at 4,500 meters


saw a warning appear on the plane's computer screen


decided not to give up the plane


was asked to stay in, but he ejected


When the fighter plane loses engine power below 2,000 meters ________.

[  ]


pilots must restart it as soon as possible


pilots should repair it as soon as possible


pilots may eject for safety


pilots should bring it to a safe landing


According to the passage, what kind of person is Li Feng?

[  ]


He is cool-headed.


He is confident.


He is fearless and cool under pressure.


All of the above.


What is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Flying the Fighter Correctly


When to Give up the Aircraft


How to Deal with an Engine Emergency


Bring the Fighter to a Safe Landing

