B 前一个made是一个使役动词.后接不带to的不定式作宾补.后面的make oneself heard为一习惯用法.意为“使听到自己的话 .故答案为B. 查看更多






1.Where is the woman going?

A.The train station.

B.The National Museum.

C.Beijing University.

2.Where does this conversation take place?

A.On a train.

B.At an airport.

C.On a plane.

3.What was Jack doing yesterday afternoon?

A.Correcting his essay.

B.Writing his essay.

C.Meeting his uncle.

4.What do we learn from the conversation?

A.The speakers get lost.

B.The car is broken.

C.The car is out of gas.

5.What was the weather like before the conversation?







6.What does the man ask Larry to take to the party?

A.Some oranges.

B.Some drinks.

C.Something delicious.

7.What is the woman doing while answering the call?

A.Drinking a bottle of orange.

B.Taking part in a party.

C.Writing the message down.


8.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Seeing faces.

B.Taking pictures.

C.Buying cameras.

9.What kind of pictures does the man dislike?

A.Prepared for cameras.

B.Taken in daily life.

C.Taken by other

10.How many cameras does the man use more often?





11.What does the woman suggest the man should do?

A.Get a higher degree.

B.Look for a better job.

C.Find a place in a university.

12.What does the woman think is unsuitable fro the man?




13.What does the woman think of being a doctor?

A.It's boring.

B.It pays well.

C.It is high demanding.


14.When will the woman leave for her holiday?

A.Next Thursday.

B.Next Friday.

C.Next Saturday.

15.How long will the woman stay in Europe?

A.About three weeks.

B.About one month.

C.About three months.

16.How does the man know Jim Thomas?

A.He once studied in the same college with him.

B.He used to go on a summer trip with him.

C.He once worked with him.

17.What will the woman probably do with her flat when she is away?

A.Rent it to the man.

B.Rent it to Jim Thomas.

C.Leave it to one of her friends.

第三节 (共三小题;每小题1.5,满分4.5)


My favorite subject at school was maths.I enjoyed   18  .But Maths was the   19   subject in our class.During my last year at school our maths teacher's child was seriously ill and she had to stay with him in the hospital for two week.So I tried to give lessons to 3 of my fiends.I was   20   and got good at explaining things to people, and the lessons went well.


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最 佳答案。


    What 1 when human beings are deprived of(被剥夺)sleep for long periods of time? 2 this question, a New Yorker, Peter Tripp, offered 3 200 hours. During that time Tripp    4 by a group of doctors, who reported on his progress. After three days of staying awake, he began to show signs    5 mental breakdown. He laughed at things that 6, and wept at   things that were not sad. 7 of pressure caused by a hat on his head, he tried repeatedly 8.Tripp, of course, was not    9 a hat.10 the fifth day he cried out that a doctor's jacket 11crawling worms. Then he imagined he was in 12 city he tried to run away from the building, 13it was 14;and he thought   the 15 had been passed 16 that the doctors were still   trying to keep the experiment going. "After 200 hours17 sleep. Tripp," said the doctors, "was suffering 18 mental   illness." He was 19 mad!


    Barely able to stand, Tripp was helped across the street to 20 room in a hotel. There, after being awake for 201 hours and   thirteen minutes, he fell 21. The doctors predicted (预言) he   22 for twenty or thirty hours."Peter Tripp will sleep the   deepest sleep in history." said the doctors. Tripp slept 23   for nine hours and eleven minutes. 24 he awoke, his first words   were,"I feel fine." After a medical check, his greatly 25   watchers pronounced (宣布)him fit.

(1) A. is happened    B. took place    C. is taken     D. happens

[    ]

(2) A. Answering    B. To answer     C. Answered     D. Having  

[    ]

(3) A. to stay awake    B. staying awake    

  C. to stay waking   D. stay to wake

[    ]

(4) A. was looked     B. was noticed    

  C. was seen       D. was observed

[    ]

(5) A. on    B. about    C. for    D. of

[    ]

(6) A. was not funny    B. were interesting

  C. were not funny   D. were funny   

[    ]

(7) A. Being complained        B. Complaining

  C. Having been complained    D. To complain     

[    ]

(8) A. to take it off   B. to put it on

  C. to take off it   D. to have it on

[    ]

(9) A. having on    B. wearing    C. putting on     D. dressing

[    ]

(10) A.On    B. At    C. In    D. Till

[    ]

(11) A. looked like    B. felt like

   C. were alike     D. liked   

[    ]

(12) A. other    B. the other    C. another    D. others  

[    ]

(13) A. insisted     B. to insist    C. insisting    D. suggesting   

[    ]

(14) A. on fire    B. in the fire    C. caught fire    D. set fire to  

[    ]

(15) A. 200 hours mark   B. 200-hours mark    

   C. 200-hour mark    D. 200-hour marking     

[    ]

16) A. or    B. and    C. but    D. either  

[    ]

17) A. with     B. from    C. without    D. in

[    ]

18) A. from     B. with    C. at    D. in

[    ]

19) A.hardly    B. nearly    C. almost not     D. pretty  

[    ]

20) A. /    B. a    C. the    D. another

[    ]

21) A. awake    B. sleeping    C. asleep     D. sleepy  

[    ]

22) A. will sleep     B. would sleep    

  C. can sleep    D. may sleep

[    ]

23) A. all through    B. all night    

  C. all day long   D. all right    

[    ]

24) A. While    B. When    C. By the time    D. Before  

[    ]

25) A. surprised    B. surprising    

  C. astonishing    D. tried   

[    ]


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1 ̄25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最   佳答案。

    On the night of the play, Jack was at the theatre early and he was already dressed in a policeman's clothes long 1 the end of the first scene. He certainly looked the part all right, he thought as he 2 himself in the mirror. He 3 thought of going out into the street to   see 4 he could pass as 5 out there. Just for 6 , of course.

    Then he suddenly felt nervous. After all, it was his first time to 7 a part in a play. 8 could he face all those people 9 the play? He put his head in his hands and tried to 10 his lines (台词), but nothing 11 to his mind. A knock on the door made him look 12 . He was to go on   stage (舞台) in the second scene. "Have I 13 my part and ruined (破坏)   the play for everybody?" he thought to himself. But    14 was only the manager. She 15 how nervous he was and    16 he should stand near the stage 17 he could watch and follow the play. It was a 18 of getting rid of his nervousness. She was right. It seemed to 19. In fact the more he watched the play the    20 the felt himself part of it .

    At last the 21 came for him to appear on the stage. But suddenly the manager came to him again, 22 worried as she placed a hand on his   arm to 23 him back. "Has anything gone 24?" Jack asked. "I'm afraid   you're going to be 25 ," she said. "They've jumped three pages of the   play and have missed your part out completely."

(1) A. before     B. by       C. after     D. at  [  ]
(2) A. looked     B. showed     C. admired     D. enjoyed    [  ]
(3) A. just     B. even     C. still     D. already    [  ]
(4) A. how      B. why      C. as if     D. whether    [  ]
(5) A. a policeman  B. an inspectorC. an officer  D. a manager[  ]
(6) A. joke     B. fun      C. play      D. exercise[  ]
(7) A. make     B. join     C. have      D. give[  ]
(8) A. Where    B. Why      C. When      D. How [  ]
(9) A. followingB. attending  C. watching    D. observing   [  ]
(10) A. read    B. remember   C. understand  D. learn       [  ]
(11) A. came    B. went     C. happened    D. got [  ]
(12) A. away    B. up       C. out       D. down[  ]
(13) A. passed    B. left     C. missed    D.failed    [  ]
(14) A. this    B. that     C. she       D. it  [  ]
(15) A. wondered  B. imagined   C. noticed     D. examined    [  ]
(16) A. agreed   B. suggested  C. persuaded   D. encouraged[  ]
(17) A. where     B. when     C. that      D. there    [  ]
(18) A. idea    B. way      C. path      D. plan[  ]
(19) A. do      B. win      C. work      D. act [  ]
(20) A. less    B. harder     C. better    D. more[  ]
(21) A. hour    B. minute     C. moment    D. period    [  ]
(22) A. feeling   B. looking    C. sounding    D. growing    [  ]
(23) A. hold    B. take     C. catch     D. push[  ]
(24) A. had     B. late     C. mad       D. wrong    [  ]
(25) A. frightened  B. excited  C. disappointed   D. pleased    [  ]



1.What does the woman think about the apples?

[  ]

A.Cheap.  B.Worth buying.  C.Too expensive.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

[  ]

A.On the street.

B.In the classroom.

C.In the reading room.

3.What does the man want to order?

[  ]

A.50 TV sets.

B.15 computers.

C.50 personal computers.

4.Where does the man want to go?

[  ]

A.The cinema.

B.The theatre.

C.The post office.

5.Why can't the woman help the man?

[  ]

A.She's also new in town.

B.She doesn't talk to strangers.

C.She doesn't know the man.



6.Where are the speakers?

[  ]

A.In a clothing store.

B.In a post office.

C.In an animal market.

7.Who are they buying for?

[  ]

A.The man.  B.The woman.  C.Their friend.


8.Who gave New York its nickname (别名)?

[  ]



C.People living in New York.

9.What is the woman interested in seeing?

[  ]

A.A painting show.

B.A play.

C.A modern dance show.


10.Where is the woman going to?

[  ]

A.A theatre.  B.A church.  C.A museum.

11.Which of the following is the way the man thinks the woman should take?

[  ]




12.How does the woman think about finding her place?

[  ]

A.Easy.  B.Difficult.  C.No problem.


13.What did the doctor do first?

[  ]

A.Gave the patient some medicine.

B.Took the patient's temperature.

C.Let the patient go home.

14.How long had it been bothering the patient?

[  ]

A.For a long time.

B.About 2 days.

C.More than one week.

15.What was the trouble with the patient?

[  ]

A.Had a fever, felt thirsty and couldn't sleep well.

B.Had a bad cough and couldn't sleep well.

C.Had a toothache.

16.What should the patient do then?

[  ]

A.Stay in bed and drink plenty of water.

B.Have the blood examined.

C.Take the medicine and go to the doctor's in three days.


17.What will most Americans do when they need advice?

[  ]

A.Turn to their parents.

B.Write to newspapers and magazines.

C.Ask people who they don't know.

18.How do most newspapers help people with problems?

[  ]

A.They publish their letters and ask readers to answer them.

B.They pass their letters to Abby and Ann Landers.

C.They publish letters from readers and answers from doctors, lawyers or educators.

19.What kind of advice can Americans get?

[  ]

A.Advice on family problems.

B.Advice on how to use weapons.

C.Advice on the use of drugs.

20.What can we learn about Abby and Ann Landers?

[  ]

A.They have had special training.

B.They have much experience.

C.They are well known all over the world.


阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳   答案。

    There was once a millionaire who loved money more than   1 in the world. He didn't know 2 how much he had. So he took on a little girl to count all his money for him.

    It 3 the little girl six days to count all the money. When she told the millionaire that he had forty-two million dollars, he was 4 and asked, " 5 do you want?" He thought that   6 she was only a child, he could 7 her into 8 very small amount(数目).

    The little girl said, "Well, I worked for six days, so I think you 9 me for six days. Give me two pennies for the first day. Each day after that, 10 give me the amount you gave me the day before, multiplied(乘) by itself." The millionaire thought that   11 he would only have to give her a very few dollars.   12 little girl! So he immediately 13 his lawyer sign up a contract(契约),   14that she would change her 15 .

    For the first day, the millionaire paid her two pennies, and for the second day, two pennies   16 two pennies, 17 four pennies.

    Each day after that, he had to give her the 18 he had given her the day before, multiplied by itself. And 19 the sixth day, the foolish millionaire had to give the clever little girl 20 his money.

    21 is it   22 the little girl could have all the greedy(贪婪的) millionaire's money? 23 you are interested in it you may try to 24 this 25 problem.

    1. A. everything  B. anything else  C. nothing else  D. something                               [   ]   2. A. exactly   B. directly   C. possibly   D. properly                                  [   ]   3. A. paid    B. spent    C. took   D. wasted   [   ]   4. A. wild with joy     B. mad with happiness      C. moved to tears    D. very angry at this     [   ]   5. A. How many days     B. How much time       C. How many pays     D. How much pay       [   ]   6. A. when  B. whether  C. because  D. whatever   [   ]   7. A. take  B. bring  C. force    D. cheat    [   ]   8. A. taking  B. asking   C.wanting   D.making    [   ]   9. A. have  to give     B. must have given      C. had to pay      D. ought to pay       [   ]    10. A. still   B. just   C. yet    D.mostly    [   ]    11. A. in this way     B. as a matter of fact       C. in no time      D. on the other hand    [   ]    12. A. How foolish     B. What a foolish        C. How clever      D. What a clever      [   ]    13. A. had   B. told   C. asked    D.demanded  [   ]    14. A. so    B. frightening C. fearing D. in order   [   ]    15. A. thought B. thinking C. meaning   D. mind    [   ]    16. A. plus  B. minus  C. times    D.divided   [   ]    17. A. or    B. and    C. but    D. as well as [   ]    18. A. total   B. number   C.penny     D. value    [   ]    19. A. at    B. in     C. within   D. by     [   ]    20. A. all   B. part   C. half     D. little of  [   ]    21. A. What  B. How    C. Whatever   D. However  [   ]    22. A. whether B. that   C. which    D. when     [   ]    23. A. Since   B. As     C. If     D. That     [   ]    24. A. do out  B. work out C. make out   D. think out  [   ]    25. A. money   B. hardest  C. physics  D. math    [   ]

