---We’re the matter with Rod? 查看更多




— What a tiring evening!

   — Oh, it's good to sit down after all that standing.

   —   1  

   — I don't think I've ever felt so tired in my life.   2____

    — And the heat. _3______

   — We shouldn't have accepted the invitation in the first place.

   — ____4   We've only been to a party.

   — You're right. We must be getting old.

   — Come on. ___5    We'd feel better.

  A.I'm not that tired.

  B.Let's have some coffee.

  C.What 's more, I didn't sleep well last night.

  D.But we shouldn't have felt so tried.

  E.A good night's sleep will put you right again.

  F.I could just sit here for ever and ever, and never get up.

  G.All that silly talk, and the drink and the cigarette smoke


Children find meanings in their old family tales.

When Stephen Guyer’s three children were growing up, he told them stories about bow his grandfather, a banker,  1  all in the 1930s, but did not lose sight of what he valued most. In one of the darkest times  2  his strong-minded grandfather was nearly  3  , he loaded his family into the car and  4  them to see family members in Canada with a  5  ,“there are more important thins in life than money. ”

The 6  took on a new meaning recently when Mr. Guyer downsized to a  7  house from a more expensive and comfortable one. He was 8   that his children ,a daughter, 15, and twins, 22, would be upset. To his surprise, they weren’t  9   , their reaction echoed (共鸣) their great-grandfather’s. What they 10  was how warm the people were in the house and how 11   of their heart was accessible.

Many parents are finding family stories have surprising power to help children  12  hard times. Storytelling expects say the phenomenon reflects a growing 13   in telling tales, evidenced by a rise in a storytelling events and festivals.

A university  14  of 65 families with children aged from 14 to 16 found kids’ ability to Ks15  parents’ stories was linked to a lower rate of anger and anxiety.

The 16  is telling the stories in a way children can 17   . We’re not talking here about the kind of story that  18  , “When I was a kid, I walked to school every day uphill both ways, barefoot in the snow. ” Instead, we should choose a story suited to the child’s 19  , and make eye contact (接触) to create “a personal experience”,. We don’t have to tell children

20 they should take from the story and what the moral is . ”

1. A. missed    B. lost  C. forgot   D. ignored

2. A. when  B. while C. how  D. why

3. A. friendless  B. worthless C. penniless D. homeless

4. A fetched    B. allowed  C. expected D. took

5. A. hope  B. promise  C. suggestion   D. belief

6. A. tale  B. agreement    C. arrangement   D. report

7. A. large  B. small    C. new  D. grand

8. A. surprised B. annoyed C. disappointed D. worried

9. A. Therefore B. Besides C. Instead D. Otherwise

10. A. talked about    B. cared about C. wrote about D. heard about

11. A. much B. many C. little  D. few

12. A. beyond  B. over  C. behind   D. through

13. A. argument B. skill    C. interest D. anxiety

14. A. study    B. design  C. committee  D. staff

15. A. provide  B. retell  C. support D. refuse

16. A. trouble  B. gift C. fact  D. trick

17. A. perform  B. write C. hear D. question

18. A. means    B. ends C. begins   D. proves

19. A. needs B. activities   C. judgments    D. habits

20. A. that  B. what  C. which    D. whom



LONDON----Here’s a new warning from health experts: Sitting is deadly.
Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods — even if you also exercise regularly — could be bad for your health. And it doesn’t matter where the sitting takes place — at the office, at school, in the car or before a computer or TV — just the overall number of hours it occurs. Several studies suggest people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die.
  In an editorial published this week in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Elin EkblomBak of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences suggested that authorities rethink how they define physical activity to highlight the dangers of sitting.
  While health officials have issued guidelines recommending minimum amounts of physical activity, they haven’t suggested people try to limit how much time they spend in a seated position.
  "After four hours of sitting, the body starts to send harmful signals," Ekblom-Bak said. She explained that genes regulating(调节) the amount of glucose(葡萄糖) and fat in the body start to shut down.
  Even for people who exercise, spending long periods of time sitting at a desk is still harmful. Tim Armstrong, a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization, said people who exercise every day — but still spend a lot of time sitting — might get more benefit if that exercise were spread across the day, rather than in a single bout.(一回)
  Still, in a study published last year that tracked more than 17,000 Canadians for about a dozen years, researchers found people who sat more had a higher death risk, independently of whether or not they exercised.
  "We don’t have enough evidence yet to say how much sitting is bad," said Peter Katzmarzyk of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, who led the Canadian study. "But it seems the more you can get up and interrupt this sedentary behavior, the better."
  Figures from a U.S. survey in 2003-2004 found Americans spend more than half their time sitting, from working at their desks to sitting in cars.
  Experts said more research is needed to figure out just how much sitting is dangerous, and what might be possible tooffset those effects.
  "People should keep exercising because that has a lot of benefits," Ekblom-Bak said. "But when they’re in the office, they should try to interrupt sitting as often as possible," she said.
【小题1】What is the best title for the text?

A.Not Sitting Too Much While WorkingB.How To Avoid Sitting Too Much
C.Sitting Too Much Could Be DeadlyD.More And More People Sit Too Much
【小题2】According to the research,______________.
A.the more time you spend in exercising in a single bout, the healthier you will be.
B.those who often sit too much are sure to grow fat or suffer from a heart attack.
C.regular exercise is effective to get rid of the side effect of sitting too much.
D.you had better not sit for more than four hours in a single bout.
【小题3】How does the danger of sitting too much affect the human body?
A.It results in a higher death risk.
B.It increases glucose and fat in the body.
C.It makes a person unable to exercise long enough in a day.
D.It causes the gene to fail to balance the glucose and fat in the body.
【小题4】In the opinion of Ekblom-Bak, you’d better have a rest in the office by________.
A.sending your friends e-mails
B.having a walk around your office
C.chatting online or playing computer games
D.listening to music with your head on the desk.



— What a tiring evening!

   — Oh, it's good to sit down after all that standing.

   —   1  

   — I don't think I've ever felt so tired in my life.   2____

    — And the heat. _3______

   — We shouldn't have accepted the invitation in the first place.

   — ____4   We've only been to a party.

   — You're right. We must be getting old.

   — Come on. ___5    We'd feel better.

  A.I'm not that tired.

  B.Let's have some coffee.

  C.What 's more, I didn't sleep well last night.

  D.But we shouldn't have felt so tried.

  E.A good night's sleep will put you right again.

  F.I could just sit here for ever and ever, and never get up.

  G.All that silly talk, and the drink and the cigarette smoke



A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile(敌意的)person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror.

Mirrors have a very particular  __36__. They reflect the image in front of them. Just as a  __37__  mirror works as the vehicle to reflection, __38__  do all of the people in our lives.

When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden, that garden  __39__  a reflection. When we love someone,it's a(n)  __40__  of loving ourselves. We have often heard things like “I love how I am when I'm with that person”. That simply  __41__  into “I'm able to love me when I love that other person”.  __42__, when we meet someone new, we feel as though we “click”. Sometimes it's as if we've  __43__  each other for a long time. That feeling can come from  __44__  similarities.

Just as the “mirror” or other people can be a positive reflection,it is more likely that we'll  __45__ it when it has a negative connotation(内涵).  __46__,it's easy to remember the times when we have met someone we're not particularly  __47__  about. We may have some criticism(批评)in our mind about the  __48__. This is especially true when we get to know someone with whom we would rather spend  __49__  time.

Often, when we  __50__  qualities in other people, ironically(讽刺地), it's usually the mirror that's  __51__  to us.

At times we meet someone  __52__  and feel distant disconnected, or disgusted.  __53__  we don't want to believe it,and it's not easy or  __54__  to look further,it can be a great learning lesson to  __55__  what part of the person is being reflected in you. It's simply just another way to create more self?awareness.

36.A.target       B.style   C.function   D.color

37.A.medical   B.physical C.chemical    D.mental

38.A.so   B.then  C.nor     D.neither

39.A.focuses on    B.applies to C.works with   D.serves as

40.A.reward   B.evaluation C.reflection    D.example

41.A.grows    B.translates C.enters   D.falls

42.A.Obviously     B.Strangely C.Fortunately   D.Frequently

43.A.known    B.supported C.observed    D.recognized

44.A.creating   B.lacking C.sharing D.comparing

45.A.ignore    B.keep C.take    D.notice

46.A.In brief   B.In addition C.For example D.As usual

47.A.crazy     B.anxious C.upset    D.concerned

48.A.time B.mirror C.garden D.person

49.A.less B.amazingC.more    D.valuable

50.A.appreciate     B.dislike C.describe     D.discover

51.A.shouting B.shining C.speaking D.pointing

52.A.new     B.nervous C.familiar D.friendly

53.A.If    B.Although C.Since   D.Once

54.A.terrible    B.noble C.reliable D.desirable

55.A.figure out     B.take out C.put out D.give out

