B 本题可采用减元法.把强调句型中的It was-that-去掉.就不难看出该句缺少主语.Her being careless是-ing形式复合结构.在句中充当主语.故选B. 查看更多



下面是一则鹿城影院本周上演影片的海报。假设你是李静,想约你校的美籍教师Paul在本周六一起去看这部由Tom Cruise主演的电影。请你根据海报内容给他发个e-mail,并约他晚上6:45分在影院门碰面,同时按图示告诉他两种从学校到鹿城影院的方式:乘105路公交车,也可花15元直接坐出租车。

注意:1.◆为105路公交车车站。 2.信的格式已写好,结尾已给出,不记入总字数。

3.字数: 100左右


本周六一起去看这部由Tom Cruise主演的电影.请你根据海报内容给他发个email,并
3.词数: 120左右.

Dear Paul,
     Please reply me as soon as possible. 
                                                                                                                       Li Jing


快餐现在在中国很流行,但快餐对人的身体却没什么好处。请根据以下要点以“Fast Food”为题写一篇短文,准备发表在一份生活杂志上。?




下面是一则鹿城影院本周上演影片的海报。假设你是李静,想约你校的美籍教师Paul在本周六一起去看这部由Tom Cruise主演的电影。请你根据海报内容给他发个e-mail,并约他晚上6:45分在影院门口碰面,同时按图示告诉他两种从学校到鹿城影院的方式:乘105路公交车,也可花15元直接坐出租车。

注意:1.◆为105路公交车车站。 2.信的格式已写好,结尾已给出,不记入总字数。

3.字数: 100左右


Dear Paul,


Please reply me as soon as possible.

Li Jing



In Calaveras, California, there lived a man whose name was Jim Smiley. Jim enjoyed betting  36  much he would bet (打赌) some dollars on  37  . If anyone said good morning to him, he would bet them that it was 38 a good morning. Whenever a horse race or a chicken fight came into his eyes, Jim would bet on it. He didn’t care which side he bet on,  39  he had a bet. Jim showed a frog  40  to a stranger who had just arrived in Calaveras, and bet the stranger  41  dollars that the frog can jump farther and faster than any other in Calaveras County. The stranger who was 42 about it stated he didn’t see anything about the frog 43 from any others, and if he had a frog he would bet Jim. Jim  44  his frog with the stranger and went out to find a frog for the stranger.  45 , the stranger took out a bag of gunshot, forcing the frog’s mouth open and poured the shot into it. Soon Jim returned with a frog for the stranger.  46 frogs were put on the floor, and then each man gave his frog a  47 . The stranger’s frog  48  off smartly. But Jim’s frog just sat there, too  49  to move an inch. Jim was 50 . He gave forty dollars to the stranger, who took the money and started away. Jim picked up his frog, and found it extremely 51 . He turned it upside down, and the gunshot came out. He knew he had been  52   and, like a mad man, started running after the stranger. As he ran, he  53  one of the friends, who asked him where he was 54  . "To catch a thief!" shouted Jim. "No matter how fast he may run, I'll catch him. I'll  55  you five dollars!"

36. A. too                                   B. quite                        C. so                            D. very

37. A. anything                    B. everything                C. nothing                    D. none

38. A. really                        B. definitely                 C. not                          D. perhaps

39. A. only if                       B. so that                      C. now that                   D. in case 

40. A. at one time                 B. at a time                   C. at times                    D. in store

41. A. five                          B. forty                        C. some                        D. many

42. A. doubtful                    B. optional (可选择的)  C. unbelievable            D. sensitive

43. A. different                    B. resembling (类似的) C. various                     D. similar

44. A. offered                      B. provided                  C. left                          D. equipped

45. A. Moreover                   B. Meanwhile               C. Anyhow                   D. Somehow

46. A. Both                          B. All                           C. Either                      D. Each

47. A. pull                           B. beat                         C. feel                          D. push

48. A. jumped                      B. stepped                    C. paced                       D. squeezed (挤)

49. A. unbearable (难受的)   B. uneasy                            C. unready                    D. unwilling

50. A. at great pains                     B. out of question          C. in the dark                D. in trouble

51. A. heavy                        B. ridiculous                 C. awkward                  D. excited

52. A. laughed at                  B. taken in                    C. sold                        D. carried away

53. A. complained to            B. stopped                   C. whispered to             D. passed

54. A. betting                       B. going                       C. doing                       D. catching

55. A. bet                                   B. lose                         C. win                          D. send

