This crop does not do well in soils the one for which it has been specially developed. A. outside B. other than C. beyond D. rather than 242. These two areas are similar they both have a high rainfall during this season. A. to that B. beside that C. in that D. except that 243. She is always ready to help people in trouble because she think it a . A. decision B. chance C. pride D. pleasure 244. On New Year’s Eve, New York City holds an outdoor which attracts a crowd of a million or more people. A. incident B. event C. case D. affair 245. I went to bed very late that night, , early the next morning. A. at least B. in a word C. or rather D. at most 246. John failed the exam chiefly because of his laziness, but it was different of Ann, she was ill. A. in case B. in the event C. in the case D. because 247. Some trees are cut down each year and are left to grow even taller. A. the rest B. a rest C. rest of them D. a rest of them 248. I don’t like this pair of gloves. Will you show me . A. another B. the others C. some others D. other ones 249. Don’t all stand up at one time! , please. A. Each at one time B. One by one time C. One at a time D. One for each time 250. She’s already got her air ticket and will go to Canada . A. little by little B. bit by bit C. by and by D. step by step 251. People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this creates more problems. A. after all B. once again C. in case D. in turn 252. Our parents will show us a film projector for our party. Let’s sit the table and have a look. A. on B. near C. round D. about 253. --- Your , please! --- Why don’t you ring and ask Mr. King inside the hall? It was he who asked me to come to the party. A. food B. money C. invitation D. suggestion 254. The idea of fighting a noise making more noises sounds strange, but that’s what we are doing now. A. with; just B. through; very C. by; exactly D. for; indeed 255. I’m sure ghosts do not exist. I have never seen one. A. First of all B. Now and then C. Day and night D. At least 256. We held a football match Class 1 and Class 5 last semester. A. with B. among C. between D. by 257. Three four people believe that having healthy teeth is very important. A. by B. from C. out of D. of 258. It is the prevention of disease its successful treatment that has led to the rapid increase of the world’s population. A. rather than B. including C. but also D. less than 259. Don’t put the chair too close to the stove. Dry wood fire easily, you know. A. lights B. burns C. makes D. catches 260. Jane is always ready to help people in need because she thinks it a . A. business B. reward C. pleasure D. favour 261. --- Could you mail these letters for me please? --- letters? Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you again. A. What B. Some C. More D. Different 262. The police came and they soon got the situation well . A. by hand B. in hand C. on hand D. with hand 263. How much would you for repairing my watch? A. spend B. cost C. charge D. pay 264. --- This is my new dog. His name is Wisdom. --- That’s interesting. Why did you give him such a name? A. in the earth B. in world C. on earth D. on the world 265. It isn’t so much whether he works hard; the question is whether he works . A. above all B. in all C. at all D. after all 266. If you want to see a doctor, you fix a date with him ahead of time. That is a common in the USA. A. sense B. practice C. rule D. point 267. In my opinion, what he told us just now about the affair simply doesn’t make any . A. meaning B. idea C. sense D. point 268. Read the poem more slowly, with a slight at the end of each line. A. pause B. stop C. rest D. space 269. As a result of the heavy snow, the highway has been closed up until further . A. news B. information C. notice D. message 270. The trees in that thick forest are so close together that there is hardly any room to move them. A. between B. in C. among D. across 271. --- The secretary wrote note to the manager. --- I guess she forgot writing one. A. the other B. one C. one more D. another 272. --- Some people believe that robots will take over the world one day. --- What if that is the ? A. thing B. result C. case D. end 273. --- It is very cold today. --- Yes. Surprisingly cold May. A. in B. at C. for D. during 274. The collaps of the World Trade Centre has put US economy in a difficult . A. occasion B. case C. situation D. background 275. After swimming in the sea, they came out of water and lay on the for a rest. A. bank B. coast C. seaside D. beach 276. --- Do you like coffee or milk? --- Both. But I prefer coffee milk. A. to B. for C. with D. from 277. They were hunting for a person him a stepping stone. A. like; as B. like; like C. as; like D. as; as 278. There’s no from my bedroom window except for some factory chimneys. A. view B. scene C. sight D. look 279. The study you have been making the ancient Chinese characters is an instructive job. A. to B. for C. of D. from 280. a fire, hotel guests are asked to remain calm. A. As a result of B. In the event of C. By reason of D. In the time of 查看更多



This crop does not do well in soils _______ the one for which it has been specially developed.

  1. A.
  2. B.
    other than
  3. C.
  4. D.
    rather than


This crop does not do well in soils________the one for which it has been specially developed.

A.more than                                      B.other than

C.beyond                                          D.rather than


This crop does not do well in soils ________the one for which it has been specially developed.

  A. outside    B. other than   C. beyond    D. rather than


This crop does not do well in soils _____ the one for which it has been specially developed. 

A. outside      B. other than         C. beyond             D. rather than


 This crop does not do well in soils _____________ the one for which it has been specially developed.

    A. outside            B. other than         C. beyond            D. rather than

