-When the next plane from Boston arrive, please? -Usually at 13:15 but because of the storm, it at 13:45. A. does; is going to arrive B. will; arrives C. does; will arrive D. will; is to arrive 查看更多




1. I think he did it on p_____.

2. Many people were killed or i____ during the earthquake.

3. In class, you should be a____ in answering the questions your teacher asks.

4. She comes from London; her n____ language is English.

5. The weather f___ is not always accurate either.

6. We know Bob had cancer, but the news of his death still came as a ____(震惊的事).

7. It does serious harm to children’s character that too much          (暴力) is shown on television.

8. None of us like to work with ____(顽固的) people.

9. She was wearing a pair of glasses so that I hardly ___(辨认出) her at first sight.

10. All children like to play___(在户外) instead of staying indoors when the weather is fine. 



When Mike told me he was leaving I felt like a vase which had just broken. There were pieces of me all over the tidy floor. He kept talking, telling me why he was leaving,   31   it was for the best, I could do better, it was his   32   and not mine. I had heard it before many times and yet somehow was still hurt; perhaps one cannot   33   such pain.

He left and I tried to   34   my life. I filled the kettle (水壶), put it on to boil, took out my old red cup and   35   the coffee powder falling into the bone china. Somehow when the kettle piped its finishing warning, I   36   not to hear it. That’s what Mike’s leaving had been like, sudden and with a(n)   37   end. I would rather just   38   in uncertainty than have things finished. I laughed at myself. Just about a cup of coffee, I must be getting   39  .

And yet it was a young woman who   40   back at me from the mirror, a young woman full of   41   and hope, a young woman with bright eyes just waiting to see the world.  42  , there are more important things. More important than   43  , I insist to myself firmly. The lid goes back on the coffee just like closing on the whole Mike experience.

He didn’t   44   my dreams as I feared that night.   45  , I am flying far across fields and woods,   46   on those below me. I fly free until I meet another bird who flies with me in perfect harmony. I realize with some   47   that there is a bird out there for me, there is another person, not necessarily a lover perhaps just a   48  , but there is someone out there who is my soul mate. I think about being a broken   49   again and realize that I have gathered myself back together, what Mike has is   50   a little part of my time in earth, a little understanding of my physical being. He has merely, a little piece of me.



A. complaining

B. suggesting

C. explaining

D. whispering


A. business

B. fault

C. luck

D. reason


A. pass

B. defend

C. feel

D. ease


A. get close to

B. get on with

C. get away with

D. get down to


A. watched

B. made

C. let

D. wanted


A. announced

B. decided

C. pretended

D. concluded


A. optimistic

B. sceptical

C. splendid

D. unpleasant


A. wander

B. move

C. keep

D. take


A. mad

B. old

C. nervous

D. uncertain


A. flashed

B. swung

C. stared

D. pointed


A. promise

B. delight

C. dilemmas

D. conflicts


A. Therefore

B. Besides

C. Finally

D. Constantly


A. friendship

B. life

C. love

D. health


A. visit

B. have

C. reject

D. spin


A. Deliberately

B. Meanwhile

C. Thus

D. Instead


A. taking off

B. looking down

C. breaking away

D. getting over


A. sorrow

B. worry

C. relief

D. doubt


A. friend

B. bird

C. dream

D. job


A. heart

B. vase

C. mirror

D. cup


A. mostly

B. hardly

C. usually

D. only




On a Friday   11  , a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing his violin. The music was   12  , and many people   13   and put some money into the   14   of the young man.

The next night, the young artist took out a large piece of   15   and laid it on the ground.     Then he began   16  . The music sounded more pleasant. Some people gathered and they found the   17   on that paper. “Last night ,a gentleman put a(n)   18  thing into my hat. Please come to get it back.” When the people saw that, they felt very curious and began to   19   what it could be. After about half an hour, a man   20   there in a hurry and said ,“It can’t be true!You ...you ...”

The young violinist asked, “Did you   21   something?”

“Lottery (彩票).”the man answered  22  .

The violinist took out a lottery ticket. “Is it?”he asked.

The man was too   23   to say a word ...George Sang   24   a lottery ticket a few days ago. The awards(奖)opened yesterday and he won $500,000. So lucky and excited did he feel that he   25   50 dollars and put it in the hat when hearing the music. However, the lottery ticket was also thrown into the hat without being noticed. The violinist found the lottery ticket. Thinking that the owner would  26   to look for it, he came back to where he was given the lottery ticket.

Someone asked the violinist   27   he returned the lottery ticket to the man. He said, “   28   I don’t have much   29  , I live happily; but if I lose   30   I won’t be happy forever.”

1.A. morning       B. night        C. afternoon      D. noon

2.A. quiet       B. exciting      C. beautiful       D. familiar

3.A. passed by     B. went away    C. slowed down   D. speeded up

4.A. wallet        B. box          C. bag           D. hat

5.A. paper         B. cloth        C. glass          D. plastic

6.A. singing       B. playing      C. working      D. waiting

7.A. poems       B. articles   C. words    D. texts

8.A. important     B. fantastic     C. dangerous     D. interesting

9.A. argue    B. care       C. expect   D. guess

10.A. came    B. rushed     C. walked   D. left

11.A. get     B. find       C. forget   D. lose

12.A. quickly      B. anxiously      C. seriously       D. carefully

13.A. confused     B. anxiously       C. excited      D. surprised

14.A. bought  B. made       C. found    D. sold

15.A. handed out   B. took out    C. hunted for   D. picked up

16.A. forget           B. remember     C. return       D. picked up

17.A. where        B. why      C. when         D. how

18.A. Because     B. Although       C. If     D. While

19.A. money    B. food      C. time     D. luck

20.A. friendship      B. honesty      C. hope        D. love



第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


IF and WHEN often had lunch together. Their conversation always  16  on the things they hoped to achieve and they loved to talk about them. 

This particular Saturday when they met for lunch, WHEN  17  IF wasn’t in a great mood(心情). After they sat at the usual table  18  for them, WHEN asked IF, “You don’t seem your usual  19  self?” IF replied,“Yesterday I saw a course I wanted to take. If only I  20  the time.”

WHEN knew exactly how IF felt and said, “I too saw a   21   and I’ m going to register when I get   22   money.” WHEN then questioned IF, “What about the new job you were going to apply for?” IF answered, “I would have applied, but my  23  broke down. I couldn’t type my resume(简历).”

“Don’t worry. I’ve been thinking about looking for another job also,  24  I’ll wait and when the weather gets  25  I will look then. I hate this awful weather.”

The man sitting nearby heard them talking about when this and if that. When he couldn’t  26  it anymore, he went to them and said, “I think I know  27  you could solve your problems.”

IF smiled and thought that even if he knew the  28  they faced, there was no way he could help!   29  , IF asked the man for advice. The man said, “Your conversation reminds me of an old   30  : IF and WHEN were planted, and nothing   31   .”

IF and WHEN both looked surprised and began to feel   32   of living their life for the “ifs” and “whens”. Finally they came to a(n)   33  : next time they met, there would be no “ifs” or “whens”; they would   34   talk about what they had  35 

1. A. agreed

2. A. sensed

B. centered

B. insisted

C. relied

C. declared

D. took

D. guessed


 A. cleaned

B. made

C. ordered

D. reserved


A. sensitive

B. honest

C. cheerful

D. clumsy

5.A. had                         

B. spent

C. seized

D. valued

6. A. notice

B. job

C. course

D. chance

7. A. lucky

B. pocket

C. enough

D. paper


 A. computer

B. fridge

C. camera

D. recorder

9.. A. or

B. but

C. for

D. so

10.. A. drier

B. colder

C. wilder

D. nicer

11. A. take

12. A. when

B. decline

B. where

C. support

C. why

D. watch

D. how

13.A. changes

B. expenses

C. challenges

D. possibilities


 A. Anxiously

B. Curiously

C. Surprisingly

D. Stubbornly

15.A. saying

B. story

C. habit

D. fiction

16. A. rose

B. grew

C. removed

D. remained

17.A. tired                            

B. proud

C. ashamed

D. aware


 A. ambition

B. conclusion

C. description

D. agreement

19.A. even

B. only

C. still

D. thus

20.A. discussed

B. promised

C. arranged

D. accomplished





第三节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I arrived in the classroom, ready to share my knowledge and experience with 75 students who would be my English Literature class. Having taught in the US for 17 years, I had no _21_ about my ability to hold their attention and to _22_ on them my admiration for the literature of my mother tongue.

I was shocked when the monitor shouted, “_23_ !” and the entire class rose as I entered the room, and I was somewhat _24_ about how to get them to sit down again, but once that awkwardness(尴尬)was over, I quickly _25_ my calmness and began what I thought was a fact – packed lecture, sure to gain their respect – perhaps 26 their admiration. I went back to my office with the rosy glow which comes from a (n) _27 of achievements.

My students _28  diaries. However, as I read them, the rosy glow was gradually _29_ by a strong sense of sadness. The first diary said, “Our literature teacher didn’t teach us anything today. _30_ her next lecture will be better.” Greatly surprised, I read diary after diary, each expressing a _31_ subject. “Didn’t I teach them anything? I described the entire philosophical framework(哲学体系)of Western thought and laid the historical _32_for all the works we’ll study in class.” I complained. “How _33_ they say I didn’t teach them anything?”

It was a long term, and it _34_ became clear that my ideas about education were not the same as _35_ of my students. I thought a teacher’s job was to raise _36_ questions and provide enough background so that students could _37_ their own conclusions. My students thought a teacher’s job was to provide _38_ information as directly and clearly as possible. What a difference!

_39  , I also learned a lot, and my experience with my Chinese students has made me a _40  American teacher, knowing how to teach in a different culture.

21. A. worry       B. idea            C. doubt                  D. experience

22. A. impress     B. put             C. leave                    D. fix

23. A. Attention   B. Look out        C. At ease                  D. Stand up

24. A. puzzled     B. sure            C. curious                  D. worried

25. A.found             B. returned          C. regained       D. followed

26. A. more             B. even            C. yet            D. still

27. A. thought          B. sense           C. feeling        D. idea

28. A. wrote            B. borrowed        C. kept           D. read

29. A. replaced         B. taken            C. caught        D. moved

30. A. Naturally        B. Perhaps             C. Fortunately   D. Reasonably

31. A. different        B. same              C. similar       D. usual

32. A. happenings       B. characters       C. development   D. background

33. A. should           B. can                C. will          D. must

34. A. immediately       B. certainly         C. simply        D. gradually

35. A. that             B. what             C. those         D. ones

36. A. difficult        B. interesting        C. ordinary      D. unusual

37. A. draw             B. get              C. decide        D. give

38. A. strange          B. standard         C. exact         D. serious

39. A. Therefore       B. However           C. Besides       D. Though

40. A. normal             B. happy            C. good          D. better

