26.The plan to be carried out next month needs among the members of the labor union before . A.to discuss, carrying out B.to be discussed, carried out C.discussing, being carried out D.discussed, to be carried out 查看更多



The plan to be carried out next month needs ______ among the members of the labor union before ______.

A.to discuss;carrying out  B.to be discussed;carried out
C.discussing;being carried out   D.discussed;to be carried out


The plan to be carried out next month needs ______ among the members of the labor union before ______.

A.to discuss;carrying out  

B.to be discussed;carried out

C.discussing;being carried out   

D.discussed;to be carried out



The plan to be carried out next month needs _______ among the members of the labor union before _________ .

A.to discuss, carrying out

B.to be carried out, carried out

C.discussing, being carried out

D.discussed, to be carried out


