I time to open my magazine to read in the waiting room when someone came up and put his hand on my shoulder. A. had hardly had B. hardly had C. would hardly have D. was hardly having 查看更多



It had been a tiring day and I was looking forward to a quiet evening. My husband wouldn’t come back until late and I had   16   to sit down in a comfortable armchair in the living room and read a book. I   17  the children to bed early and   18   a cold supper and some coffee. Soon I was sitting comfortably with a plate   19   with food before me and a book at my side.
I was just beginning to eat when the telephone rang. I put down my knife and fork and hurried to   20   it. By the time I got back to the living room, my coffee   21  cold. After I finished my   22   I began to drink my coffee with my book   23  at page one. Suddenly there was a   24   at the door. It gave me such a great surprise that I spilt the  25   and made an ugly stain(污迹)on my skirt. Some stranger had got   26   and wanted me to show him the way. It   27  ages to get rid of him. At last I   28  to sit down again and actually read a whole page without any more interruption until the baby woke up. He began crying loudly and I rushed upstairs. The baby was   29   awake at eleven o'clock when my husband came home. I should have cried myself when he asked me if I had a(n)  30  evening!

A.fullB.filledC.fillingD.to be filled
A.was gettingB.had gotC.would getD.got
A.openingB.openedC.openD.being opened


Computer programmer David Jones earns $35.000 a year designing new computer games. yet he cannot find a bank ready to let him have a credit card(信用卡)Instead he has been told to wait another two years until he is 18. The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a job David’s firm releases(推出)two new games for the fast growing computer market each month

But David’s biggest headache is what to do with his money. Even though he earns a lot he cannot drive a car take out a mortgage(抵押贷款),or get credit cards David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months ago ,a year after leaving school with six O-levels and working for a time in a computer shop. “I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs” he said David spends some of his money on records and clothes and gives his mother 50 pounds a week But most of his spare time is spent working.

“Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school “ he said “But I had been studying it in books and magazines for four years in my spare time I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school Most people in this business are fairly young, anyway” David added :”I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement(退休)is a possibility You never know when the market might disappear.”

1.In what way is David different from people of his age?

A.He often goes out with friends

B.He lives with his mother

C.He has a handsome income

D.He graduated with six O-levels

2.What is one of the problems that David is facing now?

A.He is too young to get a credit card

B.He has no time to learn driving

C.He has very little spare time

D.He will soon lose his job

3.Why was David able to get the job in the company?

A.He had done well in all his exams

B.He had written some computer programs

C.He was good at playing computer games

D.He had learnt to use computers at school

4.Why did David decide to leave school and start working?

A.He received lots of job offers

B.He was eager to help his mother

C.He lost interest in school studies

D.He wanted to earn his own living



Though I have traveled in hundreds of trains, few unusual things have ever happened to me. But one day in a train something did happen. I do not mean that I was hurt: no one was hurt.
I do my work in a hot country far away from England. Every September I go there to do my business, and every July I come back to England to have a rest. So every September I go to Paris and take a train from the great French city to Mendova, and at Mendova I catch my ship.
There is one very fast train from Paris to Mendova, and it suits me well. It goes as far as Endoran, but it stops at Mendova for a few minutes to let travelers get out or in. It is called The Flying Bluebird. It reaches Mendova at seven minutes past nine in the morning, and it is never late.
A ship leaves Mendova at half past eleven, and so you will understand that The Flying Bluebird suits me very well. I always travel by it, and I have nearly two and a half hours at Mendova to go from the station to the ship. That is more than enough time.
Well, one September night, I took my place in The Flying Bluebird as usual. The train leaves Paris at nine o’clock every night, and I was in my place soon after half past eight. There were three or four people there with me, but very soon a lot of others got into the train. When no more people could sit down, they began to stand up near us and also in the corridor(走廊). In a short time the corridor was full too, and it was impossible for any more travelers to get into the train.
I could see a lot of other people outside the corridor windows, but they could not get in, and the train left Paris without them. The man sitting next to me started to ask all kinds of questions: “Where do you work? How long does it take you to get there? Are you married? How many children do you have? How much money do they pay you every year? How much do you have in the bank? How much do you spend every month?”
He asked questions for about twenty minutes but I did not give him any clear answers, and at last he stopped and began to read the paper.
I usually sleep quite well in the train, but this time I slept only a little. There were too many people, and there were too many things: small bags, large bags, coats, hats, boxes, newspapers and food. As usual, we got angry about the window. Most people wanted it shut, and two of us wanted it open. But that always happens. It was shut all night, as usual.
When I awoke in the early morning I felt hot and dirty, and glad that the journey was reaching its end. At seven minutes past nine The Flying Bluebird stopped. We were at Mendova, and I stood up thankfully. I took my two suitcases, held one in each hand, and tried to move towards the door into the corridor. In order to get out of the train, I had to pass down the corridor to the door at the far end. There was no other way out.
I could not even into the corridor. There was a suitcase on the floor by my feet, and three men were standing in my way. I felt a touch of fear. I had to get out, you see; I had to catch my ship, which left at half past eleven. And the train did not stop again until it reached Endoran, two hundred miles away.
“I must get out!” I cried. Everyone there understood me, but no one could move.
At last I was able to put one foot over the suitcase on the floor, and I nearly reached the door into the corridor. But then, very slowly, the train began to move. It was taking me away!
“Stop!” I cried. “I want to get out!” But no one outside the train could hear me, and the people inside did not care much. The train moved a little faster. What could I do? I was not even in the corridor.
Fear made me think quickly. In front of my eyes, just, above the door, was a notice that told everyone how to stop the train. I had to pull an iron thing near the notice. I did not waste time. I pulled it.
Well, a noise started above our heads. That was to show everyone that there was something wrong. It was not a small sound. Possibly the men in my ship two miles away could hear it. Then the train stopped.
No one likes to stop a train if there is no need. But I had to catch my ship. That was the only thought in my mind: to get out and catch my ship.
【小题1】The purpose of the author writing the first paragraph is to __________.

A.answer some questions B.express some unusual feelings
C.arouse the readers’ curiosityD.give some advice in advance
【小题2】What do we know about the author and the man sitting next to him?
A.They talked with each other all night
B.They got angry about the window
C.The author didn’t understand the man’s words
D.The author didn’t like the man’s foolish questions
【小题3】On this journey on The Flying Bluebird, the author felt uncomfortable because ___________.
A.he couldn’t find a seat by the window
B.he was angry with the man sitting next to him
C.there were too many people on the train
D.the window was kept shut all night
【小题4】It can be learned from Para. 10 that the author was afraid that ____________.
A.he would have to spend another sleepless night on the train
B.he would miss the ship that went where he worked
C.more people might crowd into the train
D.he would have to buy another ticket
【小题5】The noise in the underlined sentence “a noise started above our heads”(Para.15)was made by __________.
A.the angry passengers shouting at the top of their voices
B.the ship that was lying two miles away
C.the falling of boxes and suitcases to the floor
D.the train itself telling people that something was wrong
【小题6】What would be the best title for the text?
A.A Bad Experience on the TrainB.A Train that Is Never Late
C.A Quick and Wise DecisionD.A Journey to Mendova


The other day, I happened to meet someone I hadn’t seen for many years. I couldn’t believe the change in him. In fact, he didn’t even seem like the    36   person.
When I first knew Bill , back in   37 , he was one of the most carefree(无忧无虑)people I had ever    38  . He was always ready to have a party. He thought    39  of going out for beer at three o’clock in the morning or driving 15 miles to see an old   40   he really liked. Bill and I were in the same class in college, and    41   was never dull when he was    42  . With him there was one wild    43   after another. Sometimes I wonder how we    44   to study for our exams.
Last week I was in Houston on business and I ran into Bill in the bar at the hotel.   45  , I wasn’t even sure it was    46  . Was this short-haired businessman really the same person? I wasn’t really sure until I came near him but it indeed was Bill. Now he works for a bank. He   47    most of the evening about his job, his new car and his house. How he had changed! Back when we were in college, the    48   thing Bill cared about were possessions(财富). Now they seemed to be his main    49  . Although I have changed quite a bit myself, somehow I never    50   Bill changing so much. My image of him   51    the one I had formed     52  the time when we were college students together.
I suppose it’s   53    to expect people to remain the same, especially    54   I have changed so much myself. But I must say that I enjoyed the old Bill much more than the new Bill. Maybe he    55   the same way about me.

A.proper B.usual C.same D.right
A.childhoodB.the army C.his thirties D.college
A.consideredB.met C.supposed D.expected
A.most B.much C.nothing D.none
A.movie B.hospital C.man D.country
A.learningB.life C.work D.fun
A.in B.out C.around D.away
A.joke B.mistake C.chance D.adventure
A.managed B.continued C.decided D.hoped
A.First of allB.At first C.Now and then D.All the time
A.that B.he C.there D.us
A.thoughtB.spent C.argued D.talked
A.first B.next C.last D.only
A.interestB.event C.subject D.problem
A.forgot B.minded C.imagined D.liked
A.remainedB.reminded C.suggested D.became
A.since B.from C.at D.till
A.unnecessaryB.foolish C.common D.unusually
A.becauseB.that C.how D.when
A.discoveredB.acted C.looked D.felt


Do you wake up in the morning dreading the moment that your feet have to hit the floor for you to get ready for work? If that’s the case, join most of Americans. Very few people wake up to that annoying alarm clock and spring out of bed excited about having to go to work.
As if that were not enough, most of us have to fight traffic getting there, usually an hour’s drive. Then, when we get to work, we have to fight with unruly co-workers or a nagging boss. And to make matters worse, you have to fight the same traffic going in the opposite direction just to get back home.
Making dinner, fixing plates, eating and then straightening up afterwards is a job within itself. If that sounds like your life, you probably have a J-O-B. you know what J-O-B stands for? Just Over Broke, that’s what! With a job, most Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck and hating every minute of it. I know because I was doing the same thing: trading time for money. And, I came to a conclusion that it stinks (糟糕透了)! Big time!
Looking around at my co-workers, friends and relatives, I saw that they were all doing the same thing I was doing. They were complaining about the same things I was complaining about : not having enough time or money. And, I decided that I wanted to do something different.[来源:学*科*
So, I started a home-based business. There are several to choose from. The extra income has done so much for our family. We can vacation more. We have been able to give more. And, we’ve even been able to do something calling save! It’s been amazing.
Therefore, if you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, it’s time you make a change, too. The definition of insanity (疯狂) is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I know you aren’t stupid. If you continue to do what everyone else is doing: trading time for money, you’re going to keep getting what everyone else is getting: being broke and not having the time to do what is really important to you.
Do your due diligence. Find a home-based business that works well for you. Go to work, and live the life you’ve always imagined!
【小题1】According to Paragraph 1, which of the following statements is TRUE about most Americans?

A.Most Americans are excited to go to work every day.
B.Most Americans are used to sleeping in the morning.
C.Most Americans are tired of having to go to work every morning.
D.Most Americans have alarm clocks to wake them up in the morning.
【小题2】By writing the first three paragraphs, what feeling does the writer express?
【小题3】What does “something different” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.To set up a business at home.B.To complain about life and work.
C.To spend more time on holidays.D.To resign from the former job and get a new one.

