59.We may infer from the text that the subcontractor might A.bring charges against the lorry supplier’s son B.give up hope of settling the debt C.get his money back D.sell the big house in Bulgaria B Why is it that many people who have suffered a major shock.such as divorce or death of a family number, seem to be weaker against a variety of major and minor illness.One common idea among psychologists has been that people could deal with suffering more effectively if they were able to understand and accept it.:Indeed.many expels stress the value of expressing thoughts and feelings connected with upsetting events. Recently, a team of medical researchers studied the links between describing psychologically painful events and long-term health.In one experiment healthy college students were asked to write about either personally disturbing experiences or ordinary topics over a period of four days.In the months afterwards.students who had chosen to show their inner thoughts and feelings in their writing visited the health center for illness much less often than those who had written about everyday topics. In an experiment that followed.another group of healthy students were given the four-day writing exercises.Some chose.to write about highly personal and upsetting experiences(including loneliness, problems with family and friends.and health).When questioned immediately afterwards.they said that they did not feel any better.However.their blood samples taken before and after the experiment showed evidence of an improved resistance to illness.The white cells that fight off bacteria and viruses had increased their reaction and sensitivity to these “invaders'’.This trend continued over the following six weeks.when another blood sample was taken.Individuals who showed the best results were those who wrote about topics that they had actively kept from telling others about. The researchers suggested that failure to face up to painful experiences earl be a form of stress itself, and increase the possibility of illness.It follows, then.that actively dealing with a major shock makes possible its understanding and acceptance. The answer is not to suffer in silence.It may not always be possible to talk about personal problems.but writing them down wilt help the body to fight disease in the long run. 查看更多



Every person leaves a footprint. That’s what I learnt when I started to work as a private investigator 10 years ago.People pay restaurant bills with their bank card,check into hotels or travel around. In every case,they leave a trace.And because of this,I’m able to track them down even when they don’t want to be found.

The first thing I do when I want to find out where someone is staying is to go to the neighbourhood where he used to live.It’s human nature to tell stories―which is why neighbours will tell me all they know when I ring at their houses.Sometimes,someone even talks about his friend’s dishonesty.Then I produce a pattern of my subject’s life:if he likes to have a holiday in Spain or in Italy,if he prefers two- or three- star hotels and where he might hide his assets(资产).When I’ve got this life pattern,I start my rescarch.

Nine times out of l0,I find the people I’m looking for.I once investigated a lorry supplier who owed £500,000 to a subcontractor(分包商).The subcontractor wanted to find out if it was worth bringing charges against the supplier.I found out the supplier had moved assets to his son,who founded a new company offering the same product.It was a11 done within the law.There was no money to be got from that operation.

However, I asked the son if I could speak to his father and he told me that his parent was on a long holiday in Spain and wouldn’t be back for a while.It didn’t take me long to find out that the father wasn’t in Spain.

I went back to the son and this time he told me that his father might be in Bulgaria,and I found him doing winter sports in a beautiful mountain area.He was 1iving in a big house on a 1arge piece of land he had bought for є 400,000.This was exactly the kind of asset my customer was loooking for.

52.We learn from the text that a private investigator is one who_______.

    A.follows people reports on what they do

    B.helps people start businesses

    C.gives advice to people about the law

    D.settles arguments between companies

53.Why does the author visit the place where his subject used to stay?

    A.To find out hi hidden assets.

    B.To gather information about him.

    C.To discover why he is dishonest.

    D.To find out where he spends his holiday.

54.The lorry supplier moved his assets to his son in oder to______.

    A.pass on his debt to his son

    B.double the business of his company

    C.le this son take over his lorry business

    D.prevent paying back the money he owed

55.We may infer from the text that the subcontractor might______.

    A.bring charges against the lorry supplier’s son

    B.give up hope of settling the debt

    C.sell the big house in Bulgaria

    D.get his money back




Every person leaves a footprint. That’s what I learnt when I started to work as a private investigator 10 years ago.People pay restaurant bills with their bank card,check into hotels or travel around. In every case,they leave a trace.And because of this,I’m able to track them down even when they don’t want to be found.

The first thing I do when I want to find out where someone is staying is to go to the neighborhood where he used to live.It’s human nature to tell stories—which is why neighbors will tell me all they know when I ring at their houses.Sometimes,someone even talks about his friend’s dishonesty.Then I produce a pattern of my subject’s life:if he likes to have a holiday in Spain or in Italy,if he prefers two- or three- star hotels and where he might hide his assets(资产).When I’ve got this life pattern,I start my research.

Nine times out of l0,I find the people I’m looking for.I once investigated a lorry supplier who owed £500,000 to a subcontractor(分包商).The subcontractor wanted to find out if it was worth bringing charges against the supplier.I found out the supplier had moved assets to his son,who founded a new company offering the same product.It was all done within the law.There was no money to be got from that operation.

However, I asked the son if I could speak to his father and he told me that his parent was on a long holiday in Spain and wouldn’t be back for a while.It didn’t take me long to find out that the father wasn’t in Spain.

I went back to the son and this time he told me that his father might be in Bulgaria, and I found him doing winter sports in a beautiful mountain area.He was 1iving in a big house on a 1arge piece of land he had bought for£400,000.This was exactly the kind of asset my customer was looking for.

1.We learn from the text that a private investigator is one who_______.

A. follows people reports on what they do     

B. helps people start businesses

C. gives advice to people about the law       

D. settles arguments between companies

2.Why does the author visit the place where his subject used to stay?

A. To find out his hidden assets.           

B. To gather information about him.

C. To discover why he is dishonest.         

D. To find out where he spends his holiday.

3.The lorry supplier moved his assets to his son in order to______.

A. pass on his debt to his son               

B. double the business of his company

C. let this son take over his lorry business     

D. prevent paying back the money he owed

4.We may infer from the text that the subcontractor might______.

A. bring charges against the lorry supplier’s son    B. give up hope of settling the debt

C. sell the big house in Bulgaria                  D. get his money back



Every person leaves a footprint. That’s what I learnt when I started to work as a private investigator 10 years ago. People pay restaurant bills with their bank card, check into hotels                or travel around. In every case, they leave a trace. And because of this, I’m able to track them down even when they don’t want to be found.

The first thing I do when I want to find out where someone is staying is to go to the neighbourhood where he used to live. It’s human nature to tell stories — which is why neighbours will tell me all they know when I ring at their houses. Sometimes, someone even talks about his friend’s dishonesty. Then I produce a pattern of my subject’s life: if he likes to have a holiday in Spain or in Italy, if he prefers two or three-star hotels and where he might hide his assets (资产). When I’ve got this life pattern, I start my research.

Nine times out of 10, I find the people I’m looking for. I once investigated a lorry supplier who owed £500,000 to a subcontractor (分包商). The subcontractor wanted to find out if it was worth bringing charges against the supplier. I found out the supplier had moved assets to his son, who founded a new company offering the same product. It was all done within the law. There was no money to be got from that operation.

However, I asked the son if I could speak to his father and he told me that his parent was on a long holiday in Spain and wouldn’t be back for a while. It didn’t take me long to find out that the father wasn’t in Spain.

I went back to the son and this time he told me that his father might in Bulgaria, and I found him doing winter sports in a beautiful mountain area. He was living in a big house on a large piece of land he had bought for ,000. This was exactly the kind of asset my customer was looking for.

1.We learn from the text that a private investigator is one who         .

  A.follows people and reports on what they do

  B.helps people start businesses

  C.gives advice to people about the law

  D.settles arguments between companies

2.Why does the author visit the place where his subject used to stay?

  A.To find out his hidden assets.          B.To gather information about him.

  C.To discover why he is dishonest.       D.To find out where he spends his holiday.

3.The lorry supplier moved his assets to his son in order to ________

  A.pass on his debt to his son

  B.double the business of his company

  C.let his son take over his lorry business   

  D.prevent paying back the money he owed

4.We may infer from the text that the subcontractor might _________

  A.bring charges against the lorry supplier’s son    

  B.give up hope of settling the debt

  C.sell the big house in Bulgaria

  D.get his money back



  Every person leaves a footprint.That's what I learnt when I started to work as a private investigator 10 years ago.People pay restaurant bills with their bank card, check into hotels or travel around.In every case, they leave a trace.And because of this, I'm able to track them down even when they don't want to be found.

  The first thing I do when I want to find out where someone is staying is to go to the neighbourhood where he used to live.It's human nature to tell stories-which is why neighbours will tell me all they know when I ring at their houses.Sometimes, someone even talks about his friend's dishonesty.Then I produce a pattern of my subject's life:if he likes to have a holiday in Spain or in Italy, if he prefers two or three-star hotels and where he might hide his assets(资产).When I've got this life pattern, I start my research.

  Nine times out of 10, I find the people I'm looking for.I once investigated a lorry supplier who owed £500,000 to a subcontractor(分包商).The subcontractor wanted to find out if it was worth bringing charges against the supplier.I found out the supplier had moved assets to his son, who founded a new company offering the same product.It was all done within the law.There was no money to be got from that operation.

  However, I asked the son if I could speak to his father and he told me that his parent was on a long holiday in Spain and wouldn't be back for a while.It didn't take me long to find out that the father wasn't in Spain.

  I went back to the son and this time he told me that his father might in Bulgaria, and I found him doing winter sports in a beautiful mountain area.He was living in a big house on a large piece of land he had bought for ?400,000.This was exactly the kind of asset my customer was looking for.


We learn from the text that a private investigator is one who ________.

[  ]


follows people and reports on what they do


helps people start businesses


gives advice to people about the law


settles arguments between companies


Why does the author visit the place where his subject used to stay?

[  ]


To find out his hidden assets.


To gather information about him.


To discover why he is dishonest.


To find out where he spends his holiday.


The lorry supplier moved his assets to his son in order to ________.

[  ]


pass on his debt to his son


double the business of his company


let his son take over his lorry business


prevent paying back the money he owed


We may infer from the text that the subcontractor might ________.

[  ]


bring charges against the lorry supplier's son


give up hope of settling the debt


sell the big house in Bulgaria


get his money back


Every person leaves a footprint. That’s what I learnt when I started to work as a private investigator 10 years ago.People pay restaurant bills with their bank card,check into hotels or travel around. In every case,they leave a trace.And because of this,I’m able to track them down even when they don’t want to be found.

The first thing I do when I want to find out where someone is staying is to go to the neighbourhood where he used to live.It’s human nature to tell stories—which is why neighbours will tell me all they know when I ring at their houses.Sometimes,someone even talks about his friend’s dishonesty.Then I produce a pattern of my subject’s life:if he likes to have a holiday in Spain or in Italy,if he prefers two- or three- star hotels and where he might hide his assets(资产).When I’ve got this life pattern,I start my research.

Nine times out of l0,I find the people I’m looking for.I once investigated a lorry supplier who owed £500,000 to a subcontractor(分包商).The subcontractor wanted to find out if it was worth bringing charges against the supplier.I found out the supplier had moved assets to his son,who founded a new company offering the same product.It was a11 done within the law.There was no money to be got from that operation.

However, I asked the son if I could speak to his father and he told me that his parent was on a long holiday in Spain and wouldn’t be back for a while.It didn’t take me long to find out that the father wasn’t in Spain.

I went back to the son and this time he told me that his father might be in Bulgaria, and I found him doing winter sports in a beautiful mountain area.He was 1iving in a big house on a 1arge piece of land he had bought for є 400,000.This was exactly the kind of asset my customer was looking for.

1.We learn from the text that a private investigator is one who_______.

    A.follows people reports on what they do

    B.helps people start businesses

    C.gives advice to people about the law

    D.settles arguments between companies

2.Why does the author visit the place where his subject used to stay?

    A.To find out hi hidden assets.

    B.To gather information about him.

    C.To discover why he is dishonest.

    D.To find out where he spends his holiday.

3.The lorry supplier moved his assets to his son in order to______.

    A.pass on his debt to his son

    B.double the business of his company

    C.le this son take over his lorry business

    D.prevent paying back the money he owed

4.We may infer from the text that the subcontractor might______.

    A.bring charges against the lorry supplier’s son

    B.give up hope of settling the debt

    C.sell the big house in Bulgaria

    D.get his money back

