8.一Mary doesn’t mind lending you her bike. She .I ’ll take a taxi for a change today. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t 查看更多





1.What does the woman mean?

[  ]

A.She suggests going to the park.

B.She suggests that he should ask someone for help in finding the way.

C.She thinks he couldn't park the car according to the map.

2.When will the man Bill return the car to the woman?

[  ]

A.At 5:00 pm.   B.By 4:30.   C.Four hours later.

3.How is Mr. Brown going to London?

[  ]

A.By train.   B.By car.   C.By plane.

4.What time does the man usually have breakfast?

[  ]

A.At 8:00.   B.At 10:00.   C.At 7:00

5.What will the woman do?

[  ]

A.Return the tape to the man at once.

B.Borrow a tape from the man next week.

C.Return the tape to the man next week.




6.What is Mis. Lampi's full name?

[  ]

A.George Lampi.

B.Richard Lampi.

C.Morgan Lampi.

7.Who is the man answering Mrs. Lampi's phone call?

[  ]

A.A telephone operator.

B.A wrong person.

C.The very man Mrs. Lampi wants to talk to.

8.What does Mrs. Lampi want the man to do?

[  ]

A.To tell her his full name.

B.To find the right man for her.

C.To do something about the bad telephone connection.


9.Why did Mary stay at home yesterday evening?

[  ]

A.To do her homework.

B.To take care of her baby sister.

C.To watch TV.

10.What was on TV last night?

[  ]

A.Boxing.   B.TV film.   C.Singing.

11.What did John do last night?

[  ]

A.He watched a basketball match.

B.He watched television.

C.He enjoyed music.


12.What's the probable relationship between the man and the woman?

[  ]

A.Teacher and student.

B.Doctor and patient.


13.What's the weather like today?

[  ]

A.Fine.   B.Rainy.   C.Cloudy.

14.According to the dialogue, what has happened to John?

[  ]

A.John has caught a bad cold.

B.John is not wearing enough clothes.

C.John wears a lot of clothes.


15.What may the passengers do when the light of the“Fasten your seat-belt”sign is off?

[  ]

A.They may sit on their seats.

B.They may fasten their seat-belts.

C.They may move freely in the aircraft.

16.When are the seats kept upright?

[  ]

A.At mealtime.

B.During flight.

C.Before sleep.

17.What can we learn from the conversation?

[  ]

A.It's not necessary to fasten the seat belts on the plane.

B.Meals are not served on the plane.

C.The man will take the woman's advice.


18.Why did the man write this letter?

[  ]

A.To send his congratulations on Fred's marriage.

B.To borrow money from Fred in order to get married.

C.To introduce his future wife to Fred.

19.Why isn't the writer of this letter married yet?

[  ]

A.Because he hasn't saved enough money.

B.Because he is still not manager of the food company.

C.Because Mary doesn't want to get married so early.

20.What can we learn about Mary Smith?

[  ]

A.She was the writer's classmate at college.

B.She studied in the same college with Fred and the writer.

C.She was Fred's classmate at college.





1.How did the woman feel about coming back by bus?

A.It was boring.

B.It was very nice.

C.It saved time.

2.What can we infer from the dialogue?

A.The woman has finished reading“Gone with the Wind”.

B.The man wants to read the book, too.

C.The book is not worth reading.

3.On which day will the mail come?

A.On any day in the week.

B.On other days in the week except Monday and Thursday.

C.On Monday or Thursday.

4.What does the man mean?

A.It will take him a long time to help the woman.

B.He can help her for a while.

C.It won't take a long time for him to help her.

5.What does the man mean?

A.Nobody can be the best.

B.Do as well as you can.

C.It's difficult to do something important.




6.What can we know about the girl?

A.She worked deep into the night.

B.She improved in her study.

C.She was seriously ill.

7.What did the doctor ask the girl to do?

A.To take some deep breaths.

B.To go to another hospital.

C.To get enough sleep.


8.When are they going to meet?

A.Wednesday morning.


C.Wednesday evening.

9.What is the probable job of the woman?

A.She is a film star.

B.She is a musician.

C.She is a football player.

10.What are they going to do?

A.They are going to see a film.

B.They are going to have dinner together.

C.They are going to enjoy a concert.


11.How long will Jane stay in Florida?

A.One day.

B.A couple of days.

C.The Christmas time.

12.What can be concluded about the man?

A.He has been to Disneyland.

B.He has read a book about Disneyland.

C.He has seen a film introduction to Disneyland.

13.How many sections is Disneyland made up of?





14.What are they mainly talking about?

A.Holidays spent with their friends.

B.Summer holiday plan.

C.Travel experiences.

15.Where did the woman go last years?




16.What does the woman prefer to do on holidays?

A.Stay in a friend's cottage in the country.

B.Visit theatres and cinemas.

C.Enjoy beautiful scenery and fresh air.

17.What is the woman's decision?

A.To go with the man.

B.To stay at home.

C.To visit her friends in Paris.


18.What is the purpose of this letter?

A.To send his congratulations on Fred's marriage.

B.To borrow money from Fred in order to get married.

C.To introduce his future wife to Fred.

19.Why is the writer of this letter unmarried yet?

A.Because he hasn't saved enough money.

B.Because he is still not the manager of the food company.

C.Because Mary doesn't want to get married so early.

20.What can we learn about Mary Smith?

A.She was the writer's classmate at college.

B.She studied in the same college with Fred and the writer.

C.She was Fred's classmate at college.


Mary doesn’t speak French, and         does Joan.

A.so               B.also              C.either            D.nor



Few of us haven't read Cinderella, the story of a young woman living in poverty who meets the prince of her dreams, Some might not want to admit it, but there is a hidden Cinderella in everyone's heart—we all wish we could achieve recognition or success after a period of obscurity(默默无闻) or neglect.
Mary Santiago has that secret dream, too.Her story is featured in Another Cinderella Story, a film set in a US high Mary is shy but loves to dance.Compared with other girls, she is invisible.However, her world changes completely when a famous teenage pop singer, Joey Parker, appears.
Joey is everything the rest of the boys in her class are not—kind, handsome and desirable.Mary and Joey's paths cross at a ball.They meet and falHn love with each other.But when Mary has to.rush back home, she leaves behind her MP3 player, which becomes the only clue Joey has to find the girl of his dreams.Of course, there is a wicked(邪恶的) stepmother, who turns out to be Dominique Blatt and she takes in Mary after her dancer mother dies.Dominique treats Mary like a maid and does everything she can to make sure Mary doesn't get into the top dance school.Her two daughters are equally determined to stop Joey falling for Mary, even if that means embarrassing her.
The story, though it mostly follows Cinderella, does add a few modem day twists to the classic fairy tale.Refreshingly, the film, unlike many high school films, does not focus on looks, although the actors are all beautiful.There is also a lot less materialism in Another Cinderella Story than in many similar movies.
"The movie takes the Cinderella fairytale as its jumping off point," writes movie critic Amber Wilkinson."The focus is firmly on following your dream."
【小题1】The first paragraph is mainly to _____.

A.build interest and lead us to Mary's secret dream
B.remind us why Cinderella is popular all the years
C.inform us of the main topic of the whole passage
D.tell us how interesting the fairy tale Cinderella is
【小题2】In the movie, Mary Santiago is the main character who     .
A.is brave in expressing her iove[来源:学&科&网]
B.is attended badly by the stepmother
C.has a dream of meeting a prince
D.is embarrassed by the pop singer
【小题3】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Joey is just like other boys in Mary's class.
B.Mary's mother influences her a lot m singing.
C.Not many people have a dream to be realized.
D.The MP3 player helps Joey in finding Mary.
【小题4】The passage is mainly _____.
A.an introduction to a film
B.a review about a film
C.an essay about dreams
D.an advertisement of Cinderella
【小题5】According to the passage.Another Cinderella Story _____.
A.follows Cinderella with nothing new[来源:学_科_网]
B.pays more attention to the looks of the actors
C.encourages young people to follow their dreams
D.focuses more on materialism than other films


Few of us haven’t read Cinderella(灰姑娘), the story of a young woman living in poverty who meets the prince of her dreams. Some might not want to admit it, but there is a hidden Cinderella in everyone’s heart—we all wish we could achieve recognition or success after a period of obscurity(默默无闻). Mary Santiago has that secret dream, too. Her story is featured(特点) in Another Cinderella Story, a film set in a US high school.

Mary is shy but loves to dance. Compared with other girls, she is invisible. However, her world changes completely when a famous teenager pop singer, Joey Parker, appears. Joey is everything the rest of the boys in her class are not—kind, handsome and desirable. Mary and Joey’s paths cross at a ball. They meet and fall in love with each other. But when Mary has to rush back home, she leaves behind her MP3 player, which becomes the only clue Joey has to find the girl of his dreams. Of course, there is a wicked(邪恶的) stepmother, who turns out to be Dominique Blatt and she takes in Mary after her dancer mother dies. Dominique treats Mary like a maid and does everything she can to make sure Mary doesn’t get into the top dance school. Her two daughters are equally determined to stop Joey falling for Mary, even if that means embarrassing her.

The story, though it mostly follows Cinderella, does add a few modern day twists to the classic fairy tale. Refreshingly, the film, unlike many high school films, does not focus on looks, although the actors are all beautiful. There is also a lot less materialism in Another Cinderella Story than in many similar movies.

“The movie takes the Cinderella fairytale as its jumping off point,” writes movie critic Amber Wilkinson, “The focus is firmly on following your dream.”

1.The first paragraph is mainly to ____________.

A.build interest and lead us to Mary’s secret dream

B.remind us why Cinderella is popular all the years

C.tell us what is the Cinderella Story

D.tell us how interesting the fairy tale Cinderella is

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Joey is just like other boys in Mary’s class.

B.Mary’s mother influences her a lot in singing.

C.Not many people have a dream to be realized.

D.The MP3 player helps Joey in finding Mary.

3.The passage is mainly about ____________.

A.an introduction to a novel                 B.a review about a film

C.a passage about dreams                  D.an advertisement of Cinderella


