24.-Don’t tell him about his mother’s illness until the competition . -No, I won’t. A.has finished B.was finished C.will finish D.will be finished 查看更多



----You failed again in the maths exam yesterday.
----Don’t tell Dad about it; if he knows that ,I’m      dead.

A.as well as B.as good as C.as possible as D.as far as


 Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column. She had been a school teacher before she retired(退休),but she needed to keep __1__.She was even willing to work without pay. She then offered her __2__ with a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people. Every day she __3__ other old folks like her. By talking with them,she __4__ two things. Old people had abilities that were not __5__.But old people also had some __6___.She found a new purpose for herself then.

Through the years,she __7__ to write stories about people for national magazines. There was now a new __8__:Old people like herself. She began to write a newspaper column called “Sixty Plus”,which is about __9__ old. She writes about the problems of old people,especially their problems with being __10__.

Anna Douglas uses her __11__ ability to see the truth behind a problem. She understands __12__ problems begin. For example,one of her __13__ said that his grandchildren__14__ the houses as soon as he came to visit. Mrs. Douglas __15__ some ways to him to understand his grandchildren.

“It's important to know__16__ about your grandchildren's world,” says Mrs. Douglas. “That means questioning and listening,and __17__ is not what old people do best. Say good things to them and about them,” she continues. “Never try to __18__ your grandchildren or other young people. Never __19__ your opinion. Don't tell them what they should do.__20__,they have been taught they should have respect for old people. The old should respect them as well.”

1.A. free         B.rich         C.powerful         D.busy

2.A. service        B.money         C.students         D.books

3.A. observed         B.met         C.comforted        D.answered

4.A. recognized         B.followed         C.enjoyed         D.demanded

5.A. studied         B.agreed         C.gave         D.used

6.A. mistakes         B.problems         C.questions        D.characters

7.A. had         B.ought         C.was         D.used

8.A. subject         B.life         C.way         D.plan

9.A. getting         B.respecting         C.employing  D.supporting

10.A. unknown       B.refused   C.misunderstood        D.discouraged

11.A. thinking         B.working         C.writing         D.leading

12.A. that         B.when         C.why         D.whether

13.A. visitors         B.readers         C.listeners         D.friends

14.A. got         B.entered         C.left         D.passed

15.A. invented         B.chose         C.suggested         D.imagined

16.A. everything      B.something    C.anything         D.nothing

17.A. listening         B.speaking         C.pleasing         D.advising

18.A. praise         B.scold         C.trouble         D.encourage

19.A. speak out        B.give up         C.get back         D.stick to

20.A. Commonly     B.Surprisingly      C.Happily        D.Naturally


Don’t tell him the news that his household has been broken ________ by his sons, which will break him ________.

  1. A.
    up; down
  2. B.
    down; up
  3. C.
    up; up
  4. D.
    down; down


New rules for middle school students came out in March. Middle school is going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The top students won’t only have high marks. They will also be kids who don’t dye(color)their hair, smoke or drink. The following are some of the new rules.
Tell the truth. Have you ever copied someone else’s work on an exam? Don’t do it again! That’s not something an honest student should do. If you have played computer games for two hours in your room, don’t tell your parents you have done homework.
Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Bird-Loving Month in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate? You should join! That way, you can learn more about animals and how to protect them. When more people work together, it makes it more fun for everyone. Have you ever quarreled with your teammates when your basketball team lost? Only working together can make your team stronger. Be friendly to the people you are with. Try to think of others not only yourself.
Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Maybe you’ll discover Earth II someday. Don’t look down on new ideas. Everyone’s ideas are important. You should welcome them, because new ideas make life better for everyone.
Protect yourself. Has someone ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don’t let it happen to you. If you have to go home late, you should let your parents know.
Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your studies. But some things on the Internet aren’t for kids, so try to look at Web pages that are good for you. You can use the Web for fun or homework.
66. How did the author construct the passage?

【小题1】Which of the following persons can be a top student?

A.Tom who dyes his hair has good marks.
B.John is good at study and easy to accept new ideas.
C.Mary is always helping others and never uses the Internet.
D.Jack, a caring boy, likes quarreled with his classmates
【小题2】According to the third paragraph, a top student should ______.
A.make the team stronger B.work together with others
C.be a good friend to others D.get on well with others
【小题3】The passage tells us how to ______.
A.be top studentsB.do more at school
C.care for othersD.use the Internet
【小题4】According to the new rules, a top student should do all the following except ______.
A.tell the truthB.be open to new ideas
C.use the Internet carefullyD.think only other people



Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column.She had been a school teacher before she retired(退休),but she needed to keep  1   .She was even willing to work without pay.She then offered her  2  with a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people.Every day she  3   other old folks like her.By talking with them,she  4   two things.Old people had abilities that were not  5   . But old people also had some   6   .She found a new purpose for herself then.

Through the years,she used to write stories about people for national magazines.There was now a new  7   : Old people like herself.She began to write a newspaper column called“ Sixty Plus”,which was about   8   old.She writes about the problems of old people,especially their problems with being  9   .

Anna Douglas uses her   10   ability to see the truth behind a problem.She understands why problems begin.For example,one of her readers said that his grandchildren  11   the houses as soon as he came to visit.Mrs Douglas  12   some ways for him to understand his grandchildren.

“It's important to know something about your grandchildren's world,”says Mrs Douglas.“That means questioning and listening,and   13   is not what old people do best.Say good things to them and about them,”she continues.“Never try to   14   your grandchildren or other young people.Never   15   your opinion.Don't tell them what they should do.Commonly ,they have been taught they should have respect for old people.The old should respect them as well.”

A.free         B.rich          C.powerful         D.busy

A.service      B.money        C.students          D.books

A.observed     B.met          C.comforted        D.answered

A.recognized   B.followed      C.enjoyed           D.demanded

A.studied      B.agreed        C.gave             D.used

A.mistakes     B.problems      C.questions         D.characters

A.subject      B.life           C.way             D.plan

A.getting      B.respecting     C.employing        D.supporting

A.unknown    B.refused        C.misunderstood     D.discouraged

A.thinking    B.working       C.writing           D.leading

A.got        B.entered        C.left              D.passed

A.invented    B.chose         C.suggested         D.imagined

A.listening    B.speaking      C.pleasing           D.advising

A.praise      B.scold         C.trouble            D.encourage

A.speak out   B.give up        C.get back          D.stick to

