The Red Cross a generous sum to the relief of the victims of the earthquake in Wenchuan. A. administered B. provided C. attached D. contributed 查看更多



Since the end of World War I (WWI) in 1918,Canadians, and millions of others around the world have paused at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month to honour the sacrifices our soldiers have made in different wars, fighting for the freedoms that we all enjoy today.

Known as Remembrance Day, the day originated as a tribute to the soldiers of WWI, a dark period for our young country, which claimed the lives of over 60,000 military personnel and civilians and over 16 million dead worldwide.

As there are no more surviving soldiers of WWI,today we rely on the wisdom and words of those soldiers who fought in the wars that followed,and this day now also recognizes their heroic contribution.

They tell us to always remember what those brave souls fought for, and all they ask in return is that we never forget.

That’s why we wear the red poppy (罂粟花);that’s why when we see a soldier in uniform we should stop him or her and say “Thank you” ; that’s why we take a pause from our busy lives for two short minutes today to honor that request.

Yet this message is fading away, year after year.

Take for example the terrible decision to allow parents to excuse students from Remembrance Day ceremonies at school.

Not only is this disrespectful, it distances the student from his or her classmates.

It is difficult to understand why any Canadian parent would want to remove their child from the time-honored tradition of reading the poem In Flanders Fields, while a wreath of poppies is laid.

It is more important than ever to teach school-aged children about our history,no matter how violent it was. Sheltering them from the realities of war is a great disservice.

Understanding why conflicts happened, or happen today, can help shape choices and decisions they make as adults.

Of course, because we live in a free society, we cannot force an individual to do something. It is unfortunate, but some parents now have their child “opt-out” of the services. These people should be reminded they are free to make such choices only because of the men and women the rest of us are remembering.

1.Which of the following is true about Remembrance Day?

A. It’s only held in Canada.

B.Its ceremony lasts 11 hours.

C.It falls on November 11th each year.

D.It’s to celebrate the country’s independence.

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a Remembrance Day activity today?

A.Stopping at 11a.m. to remember the war dead.

B.Listening to stories told by WWI soldiers.

C.Wearing a red poppy to show respect.

D.Showing gratitude to soldiers in uniform.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.War history is too violent for school children.

B.The writer was once a soldier in the Canadian army.

C.Few students are willing to take part in Remembrance Day ceremonies.

D.More parents are keeping their children away from frightening war stories.

4.The underlined word “It” in the last paragraph probably refers to _____

A.the death of so many soldiers in wars

B.the fact that there were so many wars after WWI

C.people’s ungratefulness for the freedom they have

D.removing children from Remembrance Day events

5.The writer believes that_____

A.the sacrifice of the soldiers should always be remembered

B.Remembrance Day is becoming less important for soldiers

C.schools - no longer think Remembrance Day is necessary

D.people should be forced to learn about the realities of war



If you don’t wait _______ the red light, you will be punished by the policeman.

  A. at     B. under     C. for      D. on


Dream of the Red Chamber is _____ worth _____ because we can learn a lot about the noble families in the feudal society.

A.very; reading

B.well; to be read

C.well; reading

D.very; to be read



 “Well, what did I say?Buck’s a real fighter, all right,” said Francois the next morning when he discovered that Spitz had disappeared and that Buck was covered in blood.

“Spitz fought like a wolf,” said Perrault, as he looked at the bites all over Buck.

“And Buck fought like ten wolves,” answered Francois. “And we'll travel faster now. No more Spitz,no more trouble.”

Francois started to harness the dogs. He needed a new lead-dog, and decided that Solleks was the best dog that he had. But Buck jumped at Solleks and took his place.

“Look at Buck!” said Francois,laughing. “He's killed Spitz,and now he wants to be lead-dog.Go away, Buck!”

He pulled Buck away and tried to harness Solleks again.Solleks was unhappy too. He was frightened of Buck, and when Francois turned his back,Buck took Solleks’ place again. Now Francois was angry.

“I'll show you! ” he cried,and went to get a heavy club from the sledge.

Buck remembered the man in the red coat,and moved away. This time,when Solleks was harnessed as lead-dog,Buck did not try to move in.He kept a few meters away and circled around Francois carefully. But when Francois called him to his old place in front of Dave, Buck refused.He had won his fight with Spitz and he wanted to be lead-dog.

For an hour the two men tried to harness him.Buck did not run away,but he did not let them catch him.Finally,Francois sat down,and Perrault looked at his watch.It was getting late. The two men looked at one another and smiled. Francois walked up to Solleks,took off his harness, led him back and harnessed him in his old place.Then he called Buck. All the other dogs were harnessed and the only empty place was now the one at the front. But Buck did not move.

“Put down the club,” said Perrault.

Francois dropped the club, and immediately Buck came up to the front of the team.Francois harnessed him, and in a minute the sledge was moving.

Buck was an excellent leader. He moved and thought quickly and led the other dogs well. A new leader made no difference to Dave and Solleks; they continued to pull hard.But the other dogs had had an easy life when Spitz was leading.They were surprised when Buck made them work hard and punished them for their mistakes. Pike,the second dog,was usually lazy;but by the end of the first day he was pulling harder than he had ever pulled in his life. The first night in camp Buck fought Joe,another difficult dog,and after that there were no more problems with him.The team started to pull together,and to move faster and faster.

“I've never seen a dog like Buck!” cried Francois, “Never! He's worth a thousand dollars. What do you think, Perrault? ”

Perrault agreed.They were moving quickly,and covering more ground every day. The snow was good and hard,and no new snow fell.The temperature dropped to 45°C below zero, and didn't change.

This time there was more ice on the Thirty Mile River, and they crossed in a day.Some days they ran a hundred kilometers,or even more. They reached Skagway in fourteen days; the fastest time ever.

1.The writer mentioned “the man in the red coat” in the passage to show that____.

A.the man in the red coat once beat Buck severely with a club.

B.Buck remembered Francois was the man in the red coat.

C.the man in the red was quite friendly to Buck in his memory.

D.Buck remembered Francois was a friend of the man in the red coat.

2. Why did Buck fight Joe the first night in camp?

A.He wanted to get rid of Joe.

B.He wanted to make some trouble.

C.He was interested in fighting with others.

D.He wanted to teach Joe a lesson.

3. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the other dogs?

A.Dave stood in the second position in the team.

B.Joe was always quite lazy in the team.

C.Pike was a trouble-maker in the team.

D.Solleks was hard-working in the team.

4. What did Francois think of Buck at the end of the passage?

A.annoying          B.admirable         C.aggressive         D.average

5. Which of the following best shows that Buck was an excellent leader?

A.He killed Spitz at the beginning of the story.

B.He punished them for their mistakes.

C.He fought Joe the first night in camp.

D.They reached Skagway in the fastest time ever.

6.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.The Fight with Dogs B.The New Lead-dog   C.A Dog Called Buck   D.A Real Fighter



66.They ordered Chinese food, and when it arrived they ate ________ (饥饿地).
67. The smell is very __________(熟悉的)to everyone who lives near a bakery.
68. In the _________ (二十) century, country music became more and more popular in America.
69. A small child has to learn to keep his ____________(平衡) before he can walk far.
70.The tablets should be taken ____________(两次) a day.
71.He looked at us in____________(惊讶地) .
72. ____________(基本上), I agree with your plans, but there are a few small points I’d like to discuss.
73. I’ve never  __________ (品尝) the figs(无花果), but I’ve heard they’re nice.
74.His style of writing is rather ______________(独特的).
75. Finally the Red Army finished the world-famous Long March by ___________(克服)countless difficulties.

