5.A.end B.result C.fact D.thing 查看更多




  Betty and Harold have been married for years.But one thing still puzzles(困扰)old Harold.How is it that he can leave Betty and her friend Joan sitting on the sofa, talking, go out to a ballgame, come back three and a half hours later, and they’re still sitting on the sofa? Talking?

  What in the world, Harold wonders, do they have to talk about?

  Betty shrugs.Talk? We’re friends.

  Researching this result called friendship, psychologist Lillian Rubin spent two years interviewing more than two hundred women and men.No matter what their age, their job, their sex, the results were completely clear:women have more friendships than men, and the difference in the content and the quality of those friendships is “marked and unmistakable”.

  More than two thirds of the single men Rubin interviewed would not name a best friend.Those who could were likely to name a woman.Yet three quarters of the single women had no problem naming a best friend, and almost always it was a woman.More married men than women named their wife/husband as a best friend, most trusted person, or the one they would turn to in time of emotional distress(感情危机)“Most women,” says Rubin, “identified(认定)at least one, usually more, trusted friends to whom they could turn in a trouble moment,and they spoke openly about the importance of these relationships in their lives.”

  “In general,” writes Rubin in her new book, “women’s friendships with each other rest on shared emotions and support, but men’s relationships are marked by shared activities.” For the most part, Rubin says, interactions(交往)between men are emotionally controlled-a good fit with the social requirements of “mainly behavior.”

  “Even when a man is said to be best friend,” Rubin writes, “the two share little about their innermost feelings.Whereas a woman’s closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage, it wasn’t unusual to hear a man say he didn’t know his friend’s marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on a sofa.”


What old Harold cannot understand or explain is the fact that ________.

[  ]


he is treated as an outsider than a husband


women have so much to share


women show little interest in ballgames


he finds his wife difficult to talk to


Rubin’s study shows that for emotional support a married woman is more likely to turn to ________.

[  ]


a male friend


a female friend


her parents


her husband


According to the text, which type of behavior is NOT expected of a man by society?

[  ]


Ending his marriage without good reason.


Spending too much time with his friends.


Complaining about his marriage trouble.


Going out to ballgames too often.


Which of the following statements is best supported by the last paragraph?

[  ]


Men keep their innermost feelings to themselves.


Women are more serious than men about marriage.


Men often take sudden action to end their marriage.


Women depend on others in making decisions.


The research done by psychologist Rubin centers around ________.

[  ]


happy and successful marriages


friendship of men and women


emotional problems in marriage


interactions between men and women


Dear Dio,

Thank you for your note. I like your  1  between death and failure. I had not thought of these two in the  2  way that you describe. I thank you for bringing this to my  3  .

Your insights are very deep.  4  you say, “death is only a(n)  5  but failure can change someone’s whole life.” Yes, death is final. Failure is temporary. Death leaves us with  6  .But failure can leave us with lessons which will  7  our lives.

I hope that your failure to pass that  8  English test will help you  9  it will hurt you. Please remember that it is not being  10  down that is important. It is the inability to get up that is  11  . You will have to learn to get up ,and to get going. Failure is the “staying down.” It is not the “falling down.”

From reading your letter, I  12  your English to be very good. You write better than  13  of my American friends. I do not know the reason for  14  your English test. Maybe you were distracted that day. It is  15  that persons are judged on the basis of a single test.

You write well, you  16  your feelings with excellence, and you think  17  . These characteristics should  18  you move toward a bright a bright career. Just don’t let yourself “stay down.” Get up and   19  them all know that you are talented and you are  20  to succeed. I think you will.

With best wishes for a fine career.

1.A.idea       B.comparison      C.thought     D.reason

2.A.same     B.wrong      C.correct     D.right

3.A.attention B.heart  C.head  D.home

4.A.Which   B.When       C.What D.As

5.A.end B.result C.fact   D.thing

6.A.something     B.nothing     C.anything   D.thinking

7.A.increase B.improve    C.honor       D.treasure

8.A.easy      B.simple       C.terrible      D.ordinary

9.A.as good as     B.as well as  C.more than D.much than

10.A.fallen   B.stayed       C.knocked   D.felt

11.A.impossible   B.possible    C.necessary D.important

12.A.judge   B.accept      C.prefer       D.expect

13.A.all B.any    C.one   D.some

14.A.succeeding  B.passing     C.finishing   D.failing

15.A.likely    B.reasonable C.a shame    D.fair

16.A.find     B.express     C.speak       D.tell

17.A.deeply  B.thoroughly       C.carefully   D.widely

18.A.leave    B.drive  C.help   D.start

19.A.get       B.ask    C.show D.let

20.A.devoted       B.determined       C.engaged    D.supposed


Dear Dio,

Thank you for your note. I like your  1  between death and failure. I had not thought of these two in the  2  way that you describe. I thank you for bringing this to my  3  .

Your insights are very deep.  4  you say, “death is only a(n)  5  but failure can change someone’s whole life.” Yes, death is final. Failure is temporary. Death leaves us with  6  .But failure can leave us with lessons which will  7  our lives.

I hope that your failure to pass that  8  English test will help you  9  it will hurt you. Please remember that it is not being  10  down that is important. It is the inability to get up that is  11  . You will have to learn to get up ,and to get going. Failure is the “staying down.” It is not the “falling down.”

From reading your letter, I  12  your English to be very good. You write better than  13  of my American friends. I do not know the reason for  14  your English test. Maybe you were distracted that day. It is  15  that persons are judged on the basis of a single test.

You write well, you  16  your feelings with excellence, and you think  17  . These characteristics should  18  you move toward a bright a bright career. Just don’t let yourself “stay down.” Get up and   19  them all know that you are talented and you are  20  to succeed. I think you will.

With best wishes for a fine career.

1.A.idea       B.comparison      C.thought     D.reason

2.A.same     B.wrong      C.correct     D.right

3.A.attention B.heart  C.head  D.home

4.A.Which   B.When       C.What D.As

5.A.end B.result C.fact   D.thing

6.A.something     B.nothing     C.anything   D.thinking

7.A.increase B.improve    C.honor       D.treasure

8.A.easy      B.simple       C.terrible      D.ordinary

9.A.as good as     B.as well as  C.more than D.much than

10.A.fallen   B.stayed       C.knocked   D.felt

11.A.impossible   B.possible    C.necessary D.important

12.A.judge   B.accept      C.prefer       D.expect

13.A.all B.any    C.one   D.some

14.A.succeeding  B.passing     C.finishing   D.failing

15.A.likely    B.reasonable C.a shame    D.fair

16.A.find     B.express     C.speak       D.tell

17.A.deeply  B.thoroughly       C.carefully   D.widely

18.A.leave    B.drive  C.help   D.start

19.A.get       B.ask    C.show D.let

20.A.devoted       B.determined       C.engaged    D.supposed


Dear Dio,

Thank you for your note. I like your  1  between death and failure. I had not thought of these two in the  2  way that you describe. I thank you for bringing this to my  3  .

Your insights are very deep.  4  you say, “death is only a(n)  5  but failure can change someone’s whole life.” Yes, death is final. Failure is temporary. Death leaves us with  6  .But failure can leave us with lessons which will  7  our lives.

I hope that your failure to pass that  8  English test will help you  9  it will hurt you. Please remember that it is not being  10  down that is important. It is the inability to get up that is  11  . You will have to learn to get up ,and to get going. Failure is the “staying down.” It is not the “falling down.”

From reading your letter, I  12  your English to be very good. You write better than  13  of my American friends. I do not know the reason for  14  your English test. Maybe you were distracted that day. It is  15  that persons are judged on the basis of a single test.

You write well, you  16  your feelings with excellence, and you think  17  . These characteristics should  18  you move toward a bright a bright career. Just don’t let yourself “stay down.” Get up and   19  them all know that you are talented and you are  20  to succeed. I think you will.

With best wishes for a fine career.

1.A.idea       B.comparison      C.thought     D.reason

2.A.same     B.wrong      C.correct     D.right

3.A.attention B.heart  C.head  D.home

4.A.Which   B.When       C.What D.As

5.A.end B.result C.fact   D.thing

6.A.something     B.nothing     C.anything   D.thinking

7.A.increase B.improve    C.honor       D.treasure

8.A.easy      B.simple       C.terrible      D.ordinary

9.A.as good as     B.as well as  C.more than D.much than

10.A.fallen   B.stayed       C.knocked   D.felt

11.A.impossible   B.possible    C.necessary D.important

12.A.judge   B.accept      C.prefer       D.expect

13.A.all B.any    C.one   D.some

14.A.succeeding  B.passing     C.finishing   D.failing

15.A.likely    B.reasonable C.a shame    D.fair

16.A.find     B.express     C.speak       D.tell

17.A.deeply  B.thoroughly       C.carefully   D.widely

18.A.leave    B.drive  C.help   D.start

19.A.get       B.ask    C.show D.let

20.A.devoted       B.determined       C.engaged    D.supposed



  After winning a big game, athletes are often asked how they attained that success.Most say their achievement is the result of gruelling hard work and intense practice.Usually athletes say how hard it is to win the big games.At the opposite end of the spectrum, however, is the fact that losing the big game, or, in my case, all the games, can be even tougher.

  From the spectators’ point of view, last year’s basketball season for my high school team was nothing short of an embarrassment.And while 0 and 20 is certainly nothing to be proud of, that season had a bigger impact on me than any other, and probably more than any season since.

  As a team captain, I knew it probably wouldn’t be the easiest year, but did I ever think we would lose every game? Of course not.Since six of our top players had graduated, it was clear that we were a young team who would struggle.The struggle began earlier than expected, though, as our team’s starting center was suspended for the season, and two key members decided to quit after two weeks.At some point, quitting probably passed through every player’s mind, but, in the end, we all stuck it out, vowing to work even harder.

  Then there came a time when even our own coach had given up on us.Personally, I felt like it was no longer worth giving my all.I thought, if even the coach doesn’t believe in us, why should I? But just as my hope began to fade, a teammate called a meeting.He said,“Nobody thinks we’re going to win, and heck, we may not, but, as teammates and friends, we owe it to each other to give it our all every game.

  Sure, it was a little cliche(陈旧的), but it was that moment that taught me how to be a leader.It hit me then that I may have been a captain, but I, like others in my position, certainly didn’t deserve the role.As a leader you can never quit on the team who looks up to you.It is one thing to be named captain and feel great and go through the motions, but it is quite another to be a real captain and make sure everyone works to their potential all the time.

  I am sure it is great to go through high school without losing and bringing home awards.But in all honesty, I relish the fact that my team lost every game last year.It may not help me to become a better basketball player, but it already has made me a better leader, and person.


What was the biggest problem with the author’s team last season?

[  ]


Several key members were unable to play the games.


Their coach no longer wanted to instruct them.


There were no actual leaders on the team.


Most of players lost hope and wanted to quit.


In the text, the author seems to suggest that a good leader should _________.

[  ]


be confident about himself


make sure everyone goes all out


work hard to win the games


feel great about his team


By saying “we owe it to each other to give it our all every game.”(Paragraph 4)the teammate means that all of them should _________.

[  ]


be responsible for the losses


try their best on the court


feel thankful for what they’ve done


get together to win every game


What is the main idea the author aims to express in the text?

[  ]


Success is the result of hard work.


A friend in need is a friend indeed.


One can learn something from the failure.


A real leader should never give up.

