A. positive B. friendly C. easy-going D. good-mannered 查看更多



It’s very easy to see why people have bad attitudes. A quick look at the news revealing _21___ with crime, war and corruption (腐败) can easily bring us down. Is it possible to _22__ a healthy, happy attitude when surrounded by these negative things?

   Sure it is! It is possible to wake up each morning with a good mood and _23__ the day. Having a positive _24__not only allows us to enjoy life more but also _25__ our health and relationships with others.

   To lead a happy life, we need to have a positive attitude. We are responsible for our own _26__; other people can’t make us happy. We need to decide to make ourselves happy. This is wonderful because we don’t have to wait around for someone else to do it for us.

   We should surround ourselves with __27_ people. We are influenced by those people with whom we spend the most time. When we have positive friends, we become positive. Otherwise, we become _28__.

   We should also use positive_29__. A. L. Kitselman once said, “‘I am…’ are powerful words; be careful when you use them.” We need to replace our negative self-talk with positive words. Don’t say “I hate getting up in the morning.” Instead, try to say “I am _30__to see a new day.” Changing our self-talk will lead us to the changes in our behavior.

21. A. affairs          B. questions       C. troubles         D. problems               

22. A. change          B. refuse          C. keep           D. invent

23. A. look forward to         B. look down on    C. look up to       D. look back on

24. A. opinion         B. attitude       C. influence         D. answer

25. A. damages         B. improves        C. affects        D. weakens

26. A. satisfaction       B. decision        C. happiness       D. development

27. A. positive         B. friendly        C. easy-going        D. good-mannered

28. A. anxious         B. nervous        C. satisfied        D. negative

29. A. writings         B. pictures        C. expressions      D. signs

30. A. painful          B. bored         C. thankful              D. surprised


It’s very easy to see why people have bad attitudes. A quick look at the news revealing _21___ with crime, war and corruption (腐败) can easily bring us down. Is it possible to _22__ a healthy, happy attitude when surrounded by these negative things?

   Sure it is! It is possible to wake up each morning with a good mood and _23__ the day. Having a positive _24__not only allows us to enjoy life more but also _25__ our health and relationships with others.

   To lead a happy life, we need to have a positive attitude. We are responsible for our own _26__; other people can’t make us happy. We need to decide to make ourselves happy. This is wonderful because we don’t have to wait around for someone else to do it for us.

   We should surround ourselves with __27_ people. We are influenced by those people with whom we spend the most time. When we have positive friends, we become positive. Otherwise, we become _28__.

   We should also use positive_29__. A. L. Kitselman once said, “‘I am…’ are powerful words; be careful when you use them.” We need to replace our negative self-talk with positive words. Don’t say “I hate getting up in the morning.” Instead, try to say “I am _30__to see a new day.” Changing our self-talk will lead us to the changes in our behavior.

21. A. affairs          B. questions       C. troubles         D. problems               

22. A. change          B. refuse          C. keep           D. invent

23. A. look forward to         B. look down on    C. look up to       D. look back on

24. A. opinion         B. attitude       C. influence         D. answer

25. A. damages         B. improves        C. affects        D. weakens

26. A. satisfaction       B. decision        C. happiness       D. development

27. A. positive         B. friendly        C. easy-going        D. good-mannered

28. A. anxious         B. nervous        C. satisfied        D. negative

29. A. writings         B. pictures        C. expressions      D. signs

30. A. painful          B. bored         C. thankful              D. surprised


阅读下列短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1—10各题所给的A, B, C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It’s very easy to see why people have bad attitudes. A quick look at the news revealing _1___ with crime, war and corruption (腐败) can easily bring us down. Is it possible to _2__ a healthy, happy attitude when surrounded by these negative things?

   Sure it is! It is possible to wake up each morning with a good mood and _3__ the day. Having a positive _4__not only allows us to enjoy life more but also _5__ our health and relationships with others.

   To lead a happy life, we need to have a positive attitude. We are responsible for our own _6__; other people can’t make us happy. We need to decide to make ourselves happy. This is wonderful because we don’t have to wait around for someone else to do it for us.

   We should surround ourselves with __7_ people. We are influenced by those people with whom we spend the most time. When we have positive friends, we become positive. Otherwise, we become _8__.

   We should also use positive_9__. A. L. Kitselman once said, “‘I am…’ are powerful words; be careful when you use them.” We need to replace our negative self-talk with positive words. Don’t say “I hate getting up in the morning.” Instead, try to say “I am _10__to see a new day.” Changing our self-talk will lead us to the changes in our behavior.

1. A. affairs          B. questions       C. troubles         D. problems               

2. A. change        B. refuse          C. keep           D. invent

3. A. look forward to        B. look down on    C. look up to       D. look back on

4. A. opinion         B. attitude       C. influence         D. answer

5. A. damages        B. improves        C. affects        D. weakens

6. A. satisfaction      B. decision        C. happiness       D. development

7. A. positive       B. friendly        C. easy-going        D. good-mannered

8. A. anxious         B. nervous        C. satisfied        D. negative

9. A. writings       B. pictures        C. expressions      D. signs

10. A. painful       B. bored         C. thankful              D. surprised

