leaves ; took 7.have been doing 8.has hosted 9. had laid 查看更多



A young man named Charles Lyell had different ideas .He wrote a book about them called Principles of Geology .The earth ,according to Lyell ,was not only thousands of years old ,it was millions of years old .As to(关于)the common belief that changes in the earth's surface happen suddenly because of a single earthquake or flood ,he said that this might happen once in a while ,but usually these changes took place very slowly .He believed that the surface of the earth had been changing from the beginning of time .The changes ,he said ,were caused by the long-term action of the winds and seas ,and by forces such as volcanoes breaking out under the earth's surface .Once in a great while he thought ,a mountain might appear for the first time after an earthquake .But usually mountains would rise slowly and steadily.? Professor Henslow was interested in Lyell's ideas ,but he did not actually believe them .Charles Darwin could not make up his mind about them .But they set him thinking along lines which would later change the beliefs of thoughtful people all over the world.?

At Cambridge ,Charles Darwin studied just enough to pass the examination ,and received his college degree in 1831.During this time ,he had become more and more interested in geology .At the end of the school year ,he went to North Wales with one of his teachers to examine the rock formations(构成) and to search for fossils(化石).Fossils are the remains of ancient living things .They are usually found fixed in rocks in the earth's crust(地壳).Fossils may be of animals ,such as fish ,insects ,birds ,or humans .They may be of plants from tiny leaves to huge trees.? When a living creature dies ,it usually decays(腐烂)or is eaten by animals .However ,if it sinks into a riverbed or is quickly covered by the blowing sands of a desert storm ,the bones are kept up in the earth. Over many years the soft inner parts of a bone disappear ,leaving the inside hollow. Water containing mineral enters into the hollow. Slowly the mineral hardens and makes the bone hard and heavy,like stone.

1.According to Charles Lyell, it is mainly _______ that the earth has been formed like today's shape.?

A.from the beginning of time

B.past some experiences of big flood?

C.over a very long period of years

D.because of several big earthquakes

2.Charles Lyell believed the fact that a mountain is formed_______.?

A.more by seas than by volcanoes

B.more slowly than suddenly?

C.more by an earthquake than by winds

D.more steadily than quickly?

3.Unlike Professor Henslow ,Charles Darwin_______.?

A.never thought Lyell's ideas were right?

B.did made up his mind not to accept Lyell's ideas?

C.thought about what the world were then thinking about?

D.thought over Lyell's ideas and developed them?

4.The main purpose of Darwin's going to North Wales was to_______.?

A.make a study of fossils

B.appreciate the rock information?

C.do research work into dead animals

D.look for plants from tiny leaves to huge trees



[A]. Science magazine published the study about orangutans. The scientists collected evidence from years of observations in six areas on Borneo and Sumatra. The scientists found that the animals demonstrated a total of twenty-four signs of cultural activity. Several actions were demonstrated in some orangutan groups, but not others.
[B]. The Environmental Investigation Agency and Telapak released the report. Telapak is an environmental group based in Indonesia. The Environmental Investigation Agency operates in several countries. The two groups say Indonesia controls ten percent of the world's tropical rainforests.
[C]. Richard Sandor is the chairman of the C-C-X. He praised the companies forming the group for demonstrating leadership. He said they believe that an active way to deal with global warning helps everyone. The group said its members want to reduce costs they may face from future rules on greenhouse gas emissions. Trading credits may help businesses find the most effective methods to reduce pollution. Members also hope to improve their public image on environmental issues.
[D]. Their most detailed effort involved ninety-nine kinds of birds, insects and plants in North America and Europe. They found that the territory where these plants and animals live has moved north by an average of six kilometers every ten years. In Europe, some butterflies now live as much as one hundred kilometers to the north because of changes linked to higher temperatures.
[E]. The new report says many areas experienced unusual weather in two thousand and two. Most of Asia, for example, was warmer than usual. India had unusually high temperatures in April and May. The extremely hot weather caused hundreds of deaths. There also were extremely dry conditions across India. Parts of Africa experienced unusual heavy rains. Yet other areas in Africa had unusual dry weather.
[F]. Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. Hydrogen is a colorless gas. On Earth, it is present in large amounts in natural gas, coal, plants and water. By weight, hydrogen produces the highest energy levels of any known fuel. When burned in an engine, hydrogen releases no harmful pollution into the environment. When powering a fuel cell, the only waste is water. However, hydrogen is difficult to store. It also burns easily.
46. A severe ocean storm hit South Korea in August. It set a new national record for rainfall. In central Europe, more than one hundred people died in flooding caused by heavy rainfall in September. The flooding also resulted in thousands of millions of dollars in property damage. Yet large parts of North and South America had extremely dry weather.
47. One member of the Chicago Climate Exchange is American Electric Power. It's the biggest owner of electric power producers in the United States. Company officials say they hope their company's membership will demonstrate the ability of the C-C-X to grow.
48. For example, members of some groups make a kissing noise by tightening their mouths and sucking in air. Some groups use leaves to clean themselves or protect their hands from sharp objects. The scientists found that some of the animals use sticks as tools to remove insects from holes in trees. Other orangutans use leaves to crush insects or gather water.
49. Professors Parmesan and Yohe used similar methods to examine one hundred and seventy-two kinds of wildlife. They examined the timing of events in the spring, such as the appearance of flowers and the reproduction of animals. They found that these events happened an average of two days earlier than normal every ten years.
50. They say illegal operations to remove trees are causing large areas of forest to disappear. Environmental Investigation Agency director Dave Currey says the illegal operations are completely out of control.



Bugs Bunny's Hoping Carrot Hunt

In this game you are Bugs Bunny.and your goal is to reach the finish line.A carrot truck has spilled its cargo! Gather as many carrots as you can, and when you get the big carrot, you'll be able to jump even higher!

Instructions: Use the mouse to move Bugs left and right, and click to jump a gap while   gathering carrots.

Category: Action 


Mushroom Madness

You are in charge of protecting several farms.It's up to you to make sure the mushrooms there reach maturity before the animals in the forest get their hands on them.Use your swatter(苍蝇拍)to fight off anything that comes near them; use heavier weapons if necessary.

Instructions:Slap any creature that conies near your mushrooms.Use the mouse to control the swatter.If you see a "power up", click to use it.Collect coins to buy upgrades after each level.

Category: Action


Rudolph's Kick and Fly

Santa's little helpers have worked all year preparing for Christmas.When Santa finally leaves to deliver his presents, the elves(精灵)head down to the snowfields with Rudolph, the reindeer, to play their favorite game: Kick and Fly!

Instructions:  1.Use the mouse to aim, and click to launch an elf.

2.While in the air, click again to catch, and to gain extra height.

3.The goal is to collect as many Christmas ornaments(装饰物)possible, and get 10    points for each one.

Tips: If you're heading towards an obstacle(障碍), be sure to avoid it!

Category: Action 


Click Flick

Your mission is to save chicks falling from the sky.Use your trampoline (蹦床) to bounce them up and direct them into a nest.But hurry—if you don't, many chicks will fall and lose their lives.There will be falling bombs, worms, nuts and eggs and you can get extra points by collecting the worms and nuts.Save the amount of chicks shown to unlock the next level!

Instructions: Move the chicks left and right using keys or the mouse.

Category: Adventure


1.The main purpose of the passage is to ___________.

A.tell us different categories of games

B.ask us to decide which game is the best

C.introduce several interesting computer games

D.let us evaluate whether we are interested in the games

2.If a player has collected some worms and nuts, he ____________.

A.is playing Mushroom Madness             B.will lose the game quite soon

C.will get 10 points for each one             D.will get extra points and get ahead

3.Which of the following statements about the games is TRUE according to the


A.Bugs Bunny needs to be fast to win.

B.All four games are in the same category.

C.Players can only use the mouse to control the targets.

D.The number of elves decides whether a player wins in Rudolph's' Kick and Fly.

4.If a player wants to become stronger to drive animals away, he should try to _____.

A.find a "power up" or use heavier weapons

B.collect falling bombs as quickly as possible

C.click the elf while it's in the air

D.get the big carrot while running

5.In which game are there obstacles you must avoid?

A.Bugs Bunny's Hopping Carrot Hunt.        B.Mushroom Madness.

C.Rudolph's Kick and Fly.                  D.Click Flick.




There are many kinds of friends. Some are always        you, but don't understand you. Some say only a few words to you, but understand you. Many people will step in your life, but only        friends leave footprints.

I shall always recall the autumn and the girl with the        . I know she will always be my best friend. I could see the yellow leaves         in the cool wind. In such a        , I liked walking alone in the leaves,         to the sound of them. Autumn is a harvest season. However,         is uninteresting. The free days always get me      . But one day, the sound of a violin       into my ears like a stream flowing in the mountains. A young girl, standing in the wind, was        in playing her violin.  I had        seen her before. The music was so nice that I listened quietly. Lost in the music, I didn't know that I had been     _  there for so long but my existence(存在) did not seem to disturb(打扰)her.

Every day she played the violin in the corner of the building        I went downstairs to watch her performance. The autumn seemed no longer lonely and life became       . Though we didn't know each other, I thought we were already good       .

One day, when I was listening carefully, the sound suddenly       . To my surprise, the girl came over to me. “You must like violin,” she said. “Yes. And you play very well. Why did you stop?” I asked. Suddenly, a        expression appeared on her face and I could feel something unusual. “I came here to see my grandmother, but now I must leave, I once played very badly. It was your listening every day that       me,” she said. “In fact, it was your playing        gave me a meaningful autumn,” I answered, “Let's be friends.” The girl smiled, and so did I.

I never heard her play again in my life. But I will always remember the fine figure(身影) of the girl. She is like a       -so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving off much light that makes the autumn beautiful.

1.A. with                      B.for               C.against                        D.to

2.A. good                      B.true              C.reliable                      D.stubborn

3.A. sound                    B.song             C.partner                      D.violin

4.A. shaking              B.hanging      C.rising                           D.floating

5.A. season               B.situation     C.day                                  D.weather

6.A. watching                     B.listening     C.seeing                        D.hearing

7.A. journey             B.work                     C.life                                        D.view

8.A. bored                   B.determined   C.excited                  D.concerned

9.A. flowed               B.grew                     C.entered                     D.ran

10.A .lost                            B.active                   C.busy                                D.interested

11.A. once                   B.never             C.frequently                 D.usually

12.A. waiting            B.stopping     C.standing                         D.hearing

13.A. because                   B.but              C.when                          D.before

14.A. interesting                B.moving       C.boring                        D.tiring

15.A. partner                     B.listeners     C.players                       D.friends

16.A. stopped                    B.began                   C.gone                               D.changed

17.A. happy                  B.sad                C.strange                       D.calm

18.A. surprised                 B.excited       C.encouraged              D.interested

19.A. that                           B.which                   C.it                                  D.who

20.A. song                     B.dream          C.wind                               D.sister



The kindly“Chinese Fortune Grandpa”wearing? Han Chineseclothing and holding a fortune bag debuted (亮相) at the Imperial Ancestral Shrine in Beijing on the day after ChristmasThe final imageof the Chinese gift-giver was selected through a global design competitionagainst“Santa Claus”according to a report by Guangming Daily

Many Chinese cities have been filled with Christmas neon lightsChristmas songsChristmas treesand the images of“Santa Claus”in recent daysAs a matter of factforeign festivals are becoming more popular than certain traditional Chinese festivals among the Chinese peopleparticularly the youth.“Certain traditional festivals have died out because people have forgotten their spiritual meanings”said noted writer Feng JicaiMore and more Chinese people are beginning to exchange gifts on Valentine's Day and ChristmasHowevermany of them know nothing about Chinese New Year pictures or sugarcoated figurines(小糖人)and have never heard suona musicCertain folk customs on the Dragon Boat FestivalTomb Sweeping Dayand other traditional festivals have gradually disappearedUnder such circum-stanceseven the“Chinese Fortune Grandpa”is unlikely to defeat“Santa Claus”

Howeverit is not a bad thing to some extentIt constantly reminds people to restore the“true

face”of traditional festivalsChina has listed traditional Tomb Sweeping DayDragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival as legal holidayswhich brings more paid leaves to the publicand helps to awake the public awareness of traditional festivals

In modern societyfestival is a carrier of culture and its meaning largelydepends on their understandings and usages by peopleCompared with foreign festivalstraditional Chinese festivals are not inferior (次于) in cultural meaningsbut lack of fashion sought by modern peopleIf people do not appreciate the historical culture contained by traditional festivalsand only take pleasure-seeking as the most importantthe significance of traditional festivals will fade away and the inheritance (继承) of fine traditional culture will be cut off

1.The second paragraph implies that______________________.

Atraditional festivals should co-exist with foreign festivals

Ball the Chinese festivals are disappearing in the near future

Cwestern festivals are constantly impacting on our festivals

Dthe Chinese people have the public awareness of traditional festivals

2.We can learn from the passage that______________.

Aan image designed by the Chinese people will be displayed

Bmany foreigners know nothing about Chinese festivals

Cthe Chinese gift-giver was intended to symbolize traditional culture

Dthe Chinese are beginning to exchange gifts on the Mid-Autumn Festival

3.Many Chinese youth dislike traditional festivals because they think______________.

Atraditional festivals are out of fashion now

Bthe historical culture is more difficult to understand

Cwestern festivals contain more cultural meanings

Dthe inheritance will cut off their contact with western festivals

4.What would be the best title of the passage?

AGone are Chinese Traditional Festivals

BTrue Face of Chinese Traditional Culture

CForeign Festivals Popular with Chinese

DChinese Fortune Grandpa VSSanta Claus


