7.A.and B.so C.as D.but 查看更多




A.qualities   B.overcome    C.eventually     D.potential      E.possess

F.faithfully   G.neglected    H.disappointed   I.negative        J.noticed


A MAN planted a rose and watered it   41   . One day as he examined it, he saw a bud that would soon blossom, but he also    42     thorns (刺) on the stem . He thought, "How can a beautiful flower come from a plant with so many sharp thorns?" Saddened by this thought, he     43     to water the rose, and just before it was ready to bloom, it died.

So it is with many people. Within every soul there is a rose. The good    44  planted in us at birth grow amid the thorns of our faults. Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorns, the defects. We become    45    , thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us. We neglect to water the good within us, and    46   it dies. We never realize our   47    .

Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must show it to them. One of the greatest gifts a person can     48     is to be able to reach past the thorns and find the rose within others.

This is the characteristic of love ― to look at a person, know his faults, recognize the goodness in his soul, and help him realize that he can    49     his faults. If we show him the "rose" within himself, he will conquer the thorns. Only then will they blossom many times over.



Read about the lives of real detectives. This monthly magazine brings you up-to-date true stories about real life of detectives as they chase criminals across continents. Find out how some of the most dangerous criminals in the world are caught by some of world’s finest detectives. Follow their routes on the free map which comes with every issue.
This weekly magazine can bring the world to your home. Have you ever wondered what the Chinese eat for breakfast? Did you know that the Sahara Desert is getting bigger every year? This fascinating magazine, full of color photographs, is your window on the world.
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Every week well-known writers bring you the latest teenage love stories. Each magazine carries three full-length stories as well as cartoons and color pictures of your favorite film stars.
The weekly magazine keeps you in touch with what’s happening. Filled with facts and figures about almost everything you can think of, plus articles by our regular writers on the week’s most interesting news stories. Special back page sums up the news for the busy readers.
The magazine is approximately 200 pages, full color, and packed with support and fun! Columns: Creation Answers with AiG’s Ken Ham, Resource Room for special needs home schooling with Christine Field, Diana Waring’s History column, our Finishing the Race (High School) department, and Show and Tell – where readers share their own detailed methods and curriculum choices.
These exciting short stories are written by well-known crime writers. Every magazine brings you the best in criminal thrillers, stories are so good that you won’t be able to put the magazine down. And every month we leave one crime unanswered so that you, that reader, can play detective.
【小题1】Emi is a university student studying Italian and Politics. She doesn’t have much time to read anything very detailed but she is looking for something with plenty of news and information.
【小题2】Carrie is sixteen years old and loves spending time listening to pop music and lying on her   bed reading. She is always interested in finding out more about some of the stars in the world of pop and fashion.
【小题3】Bill travels a lot when he was younger. Now that he has stopped his work, he enjoys reading about foreign people, places and customs even if he has already visited that part of the world.
【小题4】 Leroy used to be a detective. He still takes an active interest in the work of the police, but these days he enjoys reading fictions after years spent chasing real criminals.
【小题5】Brigitte has a five-year-old daughter and after several talks with her husband, she is considering to educate their daughter at home. She would like a magazine to learn about this new trend.


    As bananas ripen, the green skin turns ye11ow gradually. Chemical changes occur in the f1esh of the fruit as well:starch(淀粉)changes to sugar;pectin(果胶)breaks down,losing its stiffness; and the f1esh softens.
Is ripening fruit a self-contained system, or is the rate of these changes affected by the environment? We designed the experiment below to see if different atmospheres, produced by different packaging, affected the rate of ripening. You will vary the atmosphere surrounding unripe bananas and observe the effect on the ripening process。
Now set up the bananas in their environments as follows:
1. Put two green bananas in a paper bag and fo1d the top over to seal out the air.
2.Put one green banana and the very ripe banana in the other paper bag and fold over the top.
3. Put two green bananas in a plastic bag and seal it.
4. Wrap(包)one green banana tightly in a plastic bag.
5. Leave one green banana exposed to the air.
Leave the fruit a1one or five days to ripen. Ripening fruit“breathes”. This means that it takes up oxygen and gives off C02. Oxygen is extremely important and necessary for the chemical reactions involved in ripening. In addition, ripening fruit gives off another gas, called ethylene(乙烯). Not only is ethylene a product of ripening fruit, it also promotes the further ripening of the fruit.
Paper bags tend to keep the ethylene in, but they allow oxygen and ethylene to pass through slowly. Plastic bags do not allow the free flow of oxygen or ethylene. In this experiment, the green banana in paper bag with the ripe banana should ripen most quickly. The green bananas in the paper bag should ripen faster than the bananas in the plastic bag. The banana left exposed to air has an unlimited supply of oxygen, so it will turn brown most quickly. You will notice that the side of this banana that rests on the counter will ripen more quickly than the other sides, because it has the
closest contact(接触)with its own ethylene. The banana that is tightly wrapped in plastic has no oxygen supply and should ripen most slowly. Now can you see why bananas are sealed in plastic in many supermarkets?
72. What makes the green banana in Bag 2 ripen more quickly than the ones in Bag 1?
A. Ethylene from the very ripe banana.            B. The free flow of oxygen or ethylene
C. C02 from the very ripe banana.                     D. The limitation of oxygen supply.
73. How can we slow down the ripening of bananas exposed to the air?
A. To rest them on the counter.                                   B. To keep them in the basket.
C. To put them on the ground.                                     D. To hang them up from the ceiling
74. It can be concluded from the passage that          .
A. the ripening banana is a self-contained system
B. the rate of ripening bananas is affected by the environment
C. wrapped bananas experience no chemical changes to ripen
D. ripening bananas give off oxygen, C0, and ethylene
75. Why are bananas sealed in plastic in many supermarkets?
A. To make them ripen more quickly.                B. To make them ripen more slowly.
C. To make banana flesh soften.                        D. To turn green bananas yellow.


Part B: Vocabulary 9%




D.count E. best

F. negative       G. failures         H. defined          I. mark          J. reliable  

We might be surprised at the progress made in every field of study, but the methods of testing a person’s knowledge and ability remain as primitive as ever they were. It is really extraordinary that after all years, educationists have still failed to devise something more 41 than examinations. For all the 42 that examinations test what you know, it is common knowledge that they more often do the exact 43. They may be a good means of testing memory, or the knack of working rapidly under extreme pressure, but they can tell you nothing about a person’s true ability.

As anxiety-makers, examinations are 44 to none. That is because so much depends on them. They are the 45 of success or failure in our society. Your whole future may be decided in one fateful day. It doesn’t matter that you weren’t feeling very well, or that your mother died. Little things like that don’t 46: the exam goes on. No one can bring out the 47 in him when he is in terror, or after a sleepless night, yet this is precisely what the examination system expects him to do. The moment a child begins school, he enters a world of fierce competition where success and failure are clearly 48 and measured. Can we wonder at the increasing number of “dropouts”: young people who are written off as 49 before they have started a career? Can we be surprised at the suicide rate among students?



    As bananas ripen, the green skin turns ye11ow gradually. Chemical changes occur in the f1esh of the fruit as well:starch(淀粉)changes to sugar;pectin(果胶)breaks down,losing its stiffness; and the f1esh softens.

Is ripening fruit a self-contained system, or is the rate of these changes affected by the environment? We designed the experiment below to see if different atmospheres, produced by different packaging, affected the rate of ripening. You will vary the atmosphere surrounding unripe bananas and observe the effect on the ripening process。

Now set up the bananas in their environments as follows:

1. Put two green bananas in a paper bag and fo1d the top over to seal out the air.

2.Put one green banana and the very ripe banana in the other paper bag and fold over the top.

3. Put two green bananas in a plastic bag and seal it.

4. Wrap(包)one green banana tightly in a plastic bag.

5. Leave one green banana exposed to the air.

Leave the fruit a1one or five days to ripen. Ripening fruit“breathes”. This means that it takes up oxygen and gives off C02. Oxygen is extremely important and necessary for the chemical reactions involved in ripening. In addition, ripening fruit gives off another gas, called ethylene(乙烯). Not only is ethylene a product of ripening fruit, it also promotes the further ripening of the fruit.

Paper bags tend to keep the ethylene in, but they allow oxygen and ethylene to pass through slowly. Plastic bags do not allow the free flow of oxygen or ethylene. In this experiment, the green banana in paper bag with the ripe banana should ripen most quickly. The green bananas in the paper bag should ripen faster than the bananas in the plastic bag. The banana left exposed to air has an unlimited supply of oxygen, so it will turn brown most quickly. You will notice that the side of this banana that rests on the counter will ripen more quickly than the other sides, because it has the

closest contact(接触)with its own ethylene. The banana that is tightly wrapped in plastic has no oxygen supply and should ripen most slowly. Now can you see why bananas are sealed in plastic in many supermarkets?

72. What makes the green banana in Bag 2 ripen more quickly than the ones in Bag 1?

A. Ethylene from the very ripe banana.            B. The free flow of oxygen or ethylene

C. C02 from the very ripe banana.                     D. The limitation of oxygen supply.

73. How can we slow down the ripening of bananas exposed to the air?

A. To rest them on the counter.                                   B. To keep them in the basket.

C. To put them on the ground.                                     D. To hang them up from the ceiling

74. It can be concluded from the passage that          .

A. the ripening banana is a self-contained system

B. the rate of ripening bananas is affected by the environment

C. wrapped bananas experience no chemical changes to ripen

D. ripening bananas give off oxygen, C0, and ethylene

75. Why are bananas sealed in plastic in many supermarkets?

A. To make them ripen more quickly.                B. To make them ripen more slowly.

C. To make banana flesh soften.                        D. To turn green bananas yellow.


