8.A.embarrassed B.interrupted C.discouraged D.surprised 查看更多




Once upon a time,a well-known painter was finishing his painting.It's an incredibly beautiful painting to be  36  during Princess Diana’s marriage·

The painter was consumed by and excited with his own painting that he 37 took a few step backward while 38  the 2×8 m2 painting.He didn’t look back when he walked backward.He kept on walking backward 39  it was simply a step away from the edge of the 40  building.Just one more step backward and he could get himself  41 .

A man saw what the painter was doing and was 42 to shout at him to warn him when he realized that his shout might have 43 the painter and thus made him incidentally took one step backward and  44  down.The man then took a brush and paint and began to paint on the beautiful painting until it was completely  45 .Upon realizing what’s happened to his painting the painter got very 46  and moved forward to hit the man.However.some other People who were also 47 at the vicinity (附近)held him and showed him his last  48 which almost made him fall.

Sometimes we have 49 our future with such beauty and dreamed of beautiful days we will 50 with our loved one.But then God seemed to   51 our beautiful painting when He sees what 52  lies ahead of us.

Sometimes we are angry and 53 by what God has done to us,or we get angry to our superior in our workplace.  54 one thing we have to keep in our mind: God  55  only the best for us, His children.

36.A.awarded  B.shown         C.rewarded        D.sold

37.A.eagerly    B.unfortunately     C.unconsciously     D.hopefully

38.A.designing  B.marking        C.admiring         D.describing

39.A.before    B.though         C.when           D.until

40.A.tall       B.large          C.farm            D.Old

41.A.stuck     B.killed          C.caught          D.disturbed

42.A.anxious    B.due           C.about           D.desperate

43.A.embarrassed B.interrupted       C.discouraged       D.surprised

44.A.broke     B.fell           C.looked          D.put

45.A.damaged  B.gone           C.lost             D.painted

46.A.confused  B.angry          C.depressed       D.puzzled

47.A.excited    B.frightened      C.regretful         D.present

48.A.chance    B.danger         C.position          D.step

49.A. painted  B.decided         C.appreciated       D.thought

50.A.stay      B.spend         C.play            D.live

51.A.possess  B.envy          C.enjoy           D.destroy

52.A.danger    B.success        C.pleasure         D.future

53.A.hateful    B.hopeless        C.annoyed         D.tired

54.A.And      B.But           C.So            D.For

55.A.owns     B.wishes         C.stores           D.provides

