4.According to the passage, What do you think the parents can do to direct children on the Internet? (Please list at least 2 ways and answer within 30 words.) 查看更多



       We want our kids to use the Internet, and yet we worry. But we can find ways to direct our children away from what’s wrong, towards what’s best.

       The most effective way to monitor a kid’s online activity is to monitor it. That is, to stand beside the computer from time to time when your child is at it.

       Carleton Kendrick suggests that accompanying your child to a website he often visits is no different from "checking out a playground where your kids go, to see that it’s safe."

       In any e-mail program, a look at the senders’ addresses can give you a good idea of your kids’ communicators .

       America Online allows parents to limit incoming e-mails to a finite list of communicators. Some parents also type their kids’ names into a search engine to discover what they’re saying on websites or message boards.

       Understand that as kids get older and demand more privacy, some basic know-how comes into play. America Online has been particularly effective in helping parents give their children an online experience: a "kids-only" AOL account prevents young users from all but full time-monitored chat rooms. Katherine Borsecnik , president at AOL, notes, however, that "if I have a child who’s doing a report on breast cancer, I might want to turn off the filters (过滤器)" since kids-only access would block websites with even straight medical information about breast.

       Many parents don’t know that a simple click on the "history" tab will produce a list of links to every website the computer         . Bonnie Fell opens all the files that have been downloaded by her two sons at least once a month―"whether the boys are there or not. Although they know it." As Jim Lynch, who manages message boards for the Boston-based Family Education. com, says, "Parents are the basic filter."


76.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


77.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following sentence?

However, it’s possible for us to help children head for the best not the wrong on the Internet.


78.Fill in the blank with proper words or phrases. (Please answer within 10 words.)


79.According to the passage, What do you think the parents can do to direct children on the Internet? (Please list at least 2 ways and answer within 30 words.)


80.Put the underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese.



We want our kids to use the Internet, and yet we worry. But we can find ways to direct our children away from what’s wrong, towards what’s best.

       The most effective way to monitor a kid’s online activity is to monitor it. That is, to stand beside the computer from time to time when your child is at it.

       Carleton Kendrick suggests that accompanying your child to a website he often visits is no different from "checking out a playground where your kids go, to see that it’s safe."

       In any e-mail program, a look at the senders’ addresses can give you a good idea of your kids’ communicators .

       America Online allows parents to limit incoming e-mails to a finite list of communicators. Some parents also type their kids’ names into a search engine to discover what they’re saying on websites or message boards.

       Understand that as kids get older and demand more privacy, some basic know-how comes into play. America Online has been particularly effective in helping parents give their children an online experience: a "kids-only" AOL account prevents young users from all but full time-monitored chat rooms. Katherine Borsecnik , president at AOL, notes, however, that "if I have a child who’s doing a report on breast cancer, I might want to turn off the filters (过滤器)" since kids-only access would block websites with even straight medical information about breast.

       Many parents don’t know that a simple click on the "history" tab will produce a list of links to every website the computer         . Bonnie Fell opens all the files that have been downloaded by her two sons at least once a month—"whether the boys are there or not. Although they know it." As Jim Lynch, who manages message boards for the Boston-based Family Education. com, says, "Parents are the basic filter."

1.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following sentence?

However, it’s possible for us to help children head for the best not the wrong on the Internet.


3.Fill in the blank with proper words or phrases. (Please answer within 10 words.)


4.According to the passage, What do you think the parents can do to direct children on the Internet? (Please list at least 2 ways and answer within 30 words.)



5.Put the underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese.




Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Software developed by an Israeli company could help concerned parents protect their children from possible dangers online.

The software from United Parents, which can be downloaded for free onto the child’s computer, sends parents a warning by email or text message when doubtful relationships or activities are discovered.

A computer analyzes(分析) children’s interactions on Facebook and within 10 days the service will also be able to follow interactions over MSN Messenger. “Parents probably know about one or two email accounts or nicknames the child uses but often there are other accounts they don’t know about,” co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Hanan Lavy said. “We give the parents the information and they choose what to do with it.” When doubtful interactions are discovered, a warning will direct parents to United Parents’ website where they can get more information and advice about what to do next. Lavy said the service protects children’s privacy more than other products that save chat content and screen captures and require parents to look through masses of information. United Parents does not share with parents private content and dialogues, only the analysis done by a computer.

A Consumer Reports survey released in May found that millions of children use Facebook without supervision, exposing themselves to serious threats from potential dangers online. Lavy, who was head of research and development at Mercury, started United Parents after he saw the risky online behavior of a relative. “I thought the methods available were so unhelpful. I wanted the option of building a community where parents can help other parents,” he said.

Though many of the products available are from small players such as United Parents, large companies such as Intel Corp’s McAfee are entering the market.

1.How does the software make parents aware of their children’s doubtful relationships or activities? (No more than 9 words) (2 marks)


2.Why do you think some children don’t want their parents to know about all their accounts or nicknames? (No more than 10 words) (3 marks)


3.What is the purpose of Lavy’s starting United Parents? (No more than 10 words) (2 marks)


4.What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 12 words) (3 marks)




     Do you find your teen has a hard time finding new friends? More importantly, do you think your teen
has settled in with the first friends that came along despite the friends' questionable quality?
     Making new friends can be quite nerve-racking for a teen, especially if he/she has low self-esteem and confidence levels. Finding friends with similar values can be even more challenging.
     Parents play an important role in their children's lives. You need to teach your kids on how to pick the "right friends".
     1. Sign your teen up for 1 or 2 extracurricular activities. It can be a sports team, an art class, or a dance class. Pick something he/she would enjoy or ask your teen to pick the class he/she would like to
participate in. This way you give your teen power to choose what he/she wants to do. The point is your
teen cannot make friends if he/she has no place to meet new people.
     2. Guide him or her on how to _____. For example: Teach your teen to carefully choose his or her
friends. Direct your teen to ask himself or herself what he/she is looking for in new friends. Get your teen to write down 5 qualities or characteristics he/she would like the new friends to have.
     3. Encourage your teen to think about how he/she wants his or her friends to influence him or her. Ask him or her to think of 5 ways he/she would like to be influenced. Ask him or her how she would not like to be influenced.
     Teens are a very special part of our society. They are our tomorrow! Today, it is up to us to inspire
them to be all that they can be!
1. What is the main idea of the text? (within 8 words)
2. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?
    It's difficult for a child with low self-confidence to find friends.
3. Fill in the blank with proper words or phrases. (within 5 words)
4. List three extracurricular activities according to the passage. (within 10 words)
   ①_________  ②_________  ③_________                    
5. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.



  As children enter their teens, they usually begin to pay more attention to their peers(同龄人)or friends.Peer pressure can be direct or indirect, but is almost always present.Learning to deal with peer pressure(压力)makes a teen mature(成熟的), and be able to get along well with others.

  Bad peer pressure is when teens feel pressured to do something that they know is wrong, such as smoking, drinking, or using drugs(毒品), which can remain with them into adulthood.This is the main reason teens have to learn how to deal with it

  Some of the things you can do to deal with peer pressure include:

  ●Choose friends who share your values.Good friends use positive peer pressure to help you be your best self.

  ●Keep away from situations where people are doing things you don't want to do.

  ●Think about your reasons for doing things.Are they good reasons?Are you being true to yourself and your values?

  ●Practice ways of saying no, giving excuses if necessary.

  ●Talk to your parents, or other trusted adults, about the kinds of peer pressure you face, and listen to their advice.

  ●Let the adults know when you need help to get out of a bad situation, and don't know what to do about it.Remember that if just one teen stands up to peer pressure, usually others will join him or her.Learning to deal with peer pressure will make you confident and mature.


According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]


Peer pressure includes direct and indirect pressure.


Peer pressure comes from smoking, drinking and using drugs.


Teens facing pressure can't tell right from wrong.


Teens who face pressure become maturer than those who do not.


The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 2 refers to " ________ ".

[  ]


bad peer pressure






using drugs


The purpose of the passage is to tell us ________.

[  ]


what peer pressure is


how to deal with peer pressure


the effects of peer pressure


how to get along with our peers

